I am nervous Landen is having surgery tomorrow and i am worried about him being put to sleep.The topper is...He can have nothing to eat ALL DAY.Surgery isnt until 3 pm it is scheduled as outpatient.Then there was a problem with his medication.He usuaually gets his morning med around 8 am.The med has to be taken with food.We usually put it in Pudding.Now we have to give it to him at 5 am in order for him to go ahead with surgery he has to have this med to prevent a seizure. How do i withhold food from a little boy who dont understand?This is going to be a rough day for him please pray everything goes ok with my sweet little boy.
i pray peace for you and your family... and understanding for your son... strength and wisdom for the doctors.. and a speedy recovery! :) xxoo jamela from RR
Praying for peace for you and comfort for Landen.
I am praying all goes well for Landen and he recovers quick! Take care :)
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