I have been having sleep issues for awhile.It got worse after we got news that Liberia was letting Jaxson come home.I battle going to sleep.I sleep 2 to 3 hrs and that's it.It is starting to effect me in many ways.For instance this evening i went in kitchen to get a cup of coffee I walked out without it.I poured it but the cup and all was missing.I put it in the fridge haha.
I feel like i am losing it!My mind wonders all the time wondering things like are we ever going to get him home?What is taking so long for this document the Embassy is waiting on?How much longer do we need to put ourselves through this before we hold our angel forever?
I was putting laundry away in Landen and Jaxson's room.I looked over at the crib all ready and waiting for him.Tears just started flowing.How i ache to hold him.This is getting harder with each passing day that we wait and wait for the call.
I am on edge every time i open my email or my phone rings thinking this is it.This is the call or email we have been waiting on.I feel like we are getting the run around .I am definitely getting worn out with people asking me.You have not got that baby home yet?What is the hold up?
Even worse is my parents who say are you sure he is coming home?I am afraid you will never get him home.Things like that does not help.I don't want to leave my house because i don't want to hear it from friends and family anymore.The adoption is complete I don't know what is taking so long.It is time for Jaxson to come home.
Michael and I have decided if Jax is not home before January we are making the trip to Liberia to be with him.I NEED to hold my son.
oh my yes! Looking at that sweet little boy... he NEEDS his mamas arms around him!
How exciting that you are so close to having him here! I will be praying for you and Jax!!!
thanks for inviting me to share your journey!
You are so close, you are you are you are!! Is there any way you can just go there and get it done?? Sometimes going there and being pushy works!
Iam thinking about it.But am afraid to and be stuck in country longer then i can afford to be.I dont know i feel caught in Limbo.
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