Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I can tell you this is going to be the longest 3 weeks of our Lives.I am ready to board the plane now.I cannot wait to get there and see him for the first time.To hold him in my arms and cuddle him close.To whisper I'm your momma and i love you so much in his sweet little ear.I think about our adjustment and how he will handle being out of the home and with us.I know he will be scared and sad leaving the only home he has ever known.It will be hard on him and sad for me to see him go through this.
The love i have for him is so overpowering Love for so long through a picture.I cannot even describe the feeling i have.I cannot wait to get him home and watch him blossom before my eyes.I cannot wait for the day he smiles at me or looks into my eyes.I am so ready to have him home and in our family.
When we began this adoption my parents and siblings were not supportive.They were concerned about Jaxsons special needs.They were worried because we have a special needs child and why would we want another?My parents and i set down and talked and my mom understands.She has watched Landen blossom in the past 5 yrs and she is ready to watch Jaxson blossom too.It took her awhile to come around and my dad too.My mom and dad both said that i was a good mother and my husband a good father and they feel Jaxson will be a perfect fit now.I knew this from the beginning I fell in love with Jax for who he is not his special need.My siblings think i am crazy .
My mom and dad are so excited and cannot wait to meet their newest Grandson.He will be their 27Th grandchild and the youngest of them all.My mom has been telling everyone about Jaxson.She says my grandson is coming home and her friends look at her like coming home?
Jaxson is so loved already! His siblings are so excited! they have told everyone that their baby brother is coming home soon and that they cant wait to Introduce him.Guess that means a trip to the school in the near future .I cannot wait to get there and take him and begin the process to come home and start our new journey of a family of nine.
The love i have for him is so overpowering Love for so long through a picture.I cannot even describe the feeling i have.I cannot wait to get him home and watch him blossom before my eyes.I cannot wait for the day he smiles at me or looks into my eyes.I am so ready to have him home and in our family.
When we began this adoption my parents and siblings were not supportive.They were concerned about Jaxsons special needs.They were worried because we have a special needs child and why would we want another?My parents and i set down and talked and my mom understands.She has watched Landen blossom in the past 5 yrs and she is ready to watch Jaxson blossom too.It took her awhile to come around and my dad too.My mom and dad both said that i was a good mother and my husband a good father and they feel Jaxson will be a perfect fit now.I knew this from the beginning I fell in love with Jax for who he is not his special need.My siblings think i am crazy .
My mom and dad are so excited and cannot wait to meet their newest Grandson.He will be their 27Th grandchild and the youngest of them all.My mom has been telling everyone about Jaxson.She says my grandson is coming home and her friends look at her like coming home?
Jaxson is so loved already! His siblings are so excited! they have told everyone that their baby brother is coming home soon and that they cant wait to Introduce him.Guess that means a trip to the school in the near future .I cannot wait to get there and take him and begin the process to come home and start our new journey of a family of nine.
Mr.Landen has learned how to unlock the front door.Early this morning while we were sleeping he got up without us knowing unlocked the door and went out.The neighbor came knocking with our son standing next to him.Landen was in his pajama's no shoes or socks on or coat.I was beside myslef.So off to walmart we went and we bought a chain lock to put at the top of the door.
As i am typing this my sweet husband is putting the chain lock on.This could have been a bad thing.we live close to railroad tracks and i worry Landen will run for them.I never let him outside unless myself or his OLDER siblings are out watching him.
NOW try to sneak out Mr.Houdini! Iam thanking God he was not hurt.I dont want this to ever happen again.
As i am typing this my sweet husband is putting the chain lock on.This could have been a bad thing.we live close to railroad tracks and i worry Landen will run for them.I never let him outside unless myself or his OLDER siblings are out watching him.
NOW try to sneak out Mr.Houdini! Iam thanking God he was not hurt.I dont want this to ever happen again.
Our updated fingerprints have been recorded.I got the letter in the mail today!Another thing down.Last thing in the paperwork part we need to do i our visa's i have held off on these.I will be mailing them off second week of February.
Ok i am logging off so i can clean house ! Have a great weekend everyone.
Ok i am logging off so i can clean house ! Have a great weekend everyone.
Friday, January 29, 2010
What a busy day this has been!Got up early took Michael to his doc appointment to get new wrist braces.He is waiting to hear when he can have surgery for his wrist.Came home and emailed travel agent to see if she could find flights a bit cheaper then what we got.We found some online that were a great price but we cant seem to get it to purchase the one way back for Jaxson.I am hoping she can get them down a bit.If not we have it figured out thank goodness.We will just have to work double hard when we return to replace the money we will borrow to have enough for tickets and travel.
I am still on cloud nine.I did not sleep a wink last night was so excited thinking wow 3 weeks and i am holding a perfect angel that we are being blessed with.God chose us to raise this angel and for that i am blessed and Grateful.I am so happy right now our family will be complete in 3 weeks.I am also a bit scared too i have never been in a foreign country and only been on a plane once and it was a puddle jumper.I really don't like flying but will do ANYTHING to get to our son.
The next 3 weeks we will be busy but wow its so so worth it.I cannot wait to snuggle him and kiss those most sweet adorable chubby cheeks.
I am still on cloud nine.I did not sleep a wink last night was so excited thinking wow 3 weeks and i am holding a perfect angel that we are being blessed with.God chose us to raise this angel and for that i am blessed and Grateful.I am so happy right now our family will be complete in 3 weeks.I am also a bit scared too i have never been in a foreign country and only been on a plane once and it was a puddle jumper.I really don't like flying but will do ANYTHING to get to our son.
The next 3 weeks we will be busy but wow its so so worth it.I cannot wait to snuggle him and kiss those most sweet adorable chubby cheeks.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I got the email this morning..embassy has everything they need and has said its all in order.They did ask for an updated medical and blood work which will be done tomorrow and Saturday.I have been on the phone with the travel agent and we are trying to get a flight February 19Th or 20Th.3 weeks 3 SHORT WEEKS i will be holding my precious baby in my arms FOREVER.I am beyond excited at this point.Our beautiful angel is coming home.So much to do in the next 3 weeks.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Linda is 16 and going through the Normal teen things.She is a good student who makes good grades all A'S AND B'S.She loves her classmates and helps allot with a special needs boy in her school.She has a big heart and wants to work with children with special needs in her future.She is wonderful with her brother Landen and we call her Little MAMA number 2 as she babies her brother and cares for him.She loves to read and twilight books are her favorite.She loves music and all girl girl with hair clothes and makeup.Linda is very sensitive and things bother her easily.She loves to go camping as a family in the summer.She likes to be with her friends and cousins.My beautiful daughter is growing up to fast.I am blessed she is my daughter.

She loves babies and animals.. she loves on our cat all the time.She loves to read poems and loves to write.
I am so blessed to be Rebecca Sunita's Mother.She is my little princess and all girl.She loves clothes and makeup and likes her hair to look good.Its hard to look at her and think wow she is that shy 7 yr old we brought home 7 yrs ago.I am a lucky Mom to have her in my life.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Michael and I head for Kansas city USCIS this morning to get our fingerprints updated.On the way there my car(new car) Only made One payment have not had it 2 months yet.It broke down i knew from the sound and what it was doing it was NOT good.Sure enough what i suspected the Transmission went out.
I wanted to cry.. those so important fingerprints on hold again.I call the car dealer and the tow truck.The tow picks us up and my car and we head to the dealers.They gave us a rental..Just showed up with it said here is your rental..A BIG F 150 PICKUP. Michael and I looked at each other and was like oh great he has a bad leg(Iraq injury) I have Arthritis and we have this HUGE pickup truck.The mechanics tried to say it was a censor out in my car.Uh no its not I'm telling them its the transmission(was married to a mechanic for 5 yrs).They check the car out yup sure enough i was correct the transmission is out in my car.
I was so upset and depressed about how our day unfolded.Michael and I get in the rental truck(Its big but boy it handles good)I was not sure i could drive it.I was Impressed at how well i handled that big Ole truck.Michael said look we have had enough delays why don't we just go ahead and drive to USCIS and get our fingerprints done.He had to do some talking i wanted to but this day was stressing me out.I am glad i listened to him we now have our fingerprints updated .Now all we need is that call saying we can travel to our son.
So what started out a good day turned Bad and then turned Good again.What a day this has been.
P.S. The good news of all is our car has a bumper to bumper 2 year warranty on it.
I wanted to cry.. those so important fingerprints on hold again.I call the car dealer and the tow truck.The tow picks us up and my car and we head to the dealers.They gave us a rental..Just showed up with it said here is your rental..A BIG F 150 PICKUP. Michael and I looked at each other and was like oh great he has a bad leg(Iraq injury) I have Arthritis and we have this HUGE pickup truck.The mechanics tried to say it was a censor out in my car.Uh no its not I'm telling them its the transmission(was married to a mechanic for 5 yrs).They check the car out yup sure enough i was correct the transmission is out in my car.
I was so upset and depressed about how our day unfolded.Michael and I get in the rental truck(Its big but boy it handles good)I was not sure i could drive it.I was Impressed at how well i handled that big Ole truck.Michael said look we have had enough delays why don't we just go ahead and drive to USCIS and get our fingerprints done.He had to do some talking i wanted to but this day was stressing me out.I am glad i listened to him we now have our fingerprints updated .Now all we need is that call saying we can travel to our son.
So what started out a good day turned Bad and then turned Good again.What a day this has been.
P.S. The good news of all is our car has a bumper to bumper 2 year warranty on it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
We did not make it to get our fingerprints done today.My husband and i are both not feeling well.Tomorrow is the day we are going.I want this done.We are waiting to hear anything that comes our way from the Embassy.We know we are close but geez the days seem to be ticking by.Sick or not we will get fingerprints done tomorrow.
Friday, January 22, 2010

Today was a really amazing great wonderful day.Would of topped my day to have the Sunshine but that's OK was still G R E A T.It started this morning...I checked the mail and there it was a fingerprint appointment.Whats funny is its not really an appointment i can go in Monday through Friday and get them done.Michael and i will make the drive to Kansas city next week to get our fingerprints updated.
I took my sister to town today for her appointment.I ran errands while she was at her appointment.We have been looking for dining room chairs.Ours were cheap and bought from a yard sale and were NOT good at all.These are nice and have padded seats on them and fold up for storage.Of all places we found them at walmart.I looked in furniture stores and everywhere and these were the only chairs Michael and i liked.
I also continued shopping looking for a perfect Home coming outfit for Jaxson.I found the cutest pair of Jeans and hooded shirt to go with.I will also have a onesie underneath for warmth he will be so cold in this Kansas weather.I am not packing shoes.I have a cute pair of slippers packed and socks too.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I received an envelope in the mail from USCIS.I was excited and opened it thinking Yes fingerprint appointment.Nope was not it.Its the receipt for the money paid for fingerprints No appointment.I am praying it comes in the next day or two.I am ready to get this done now.If not what do i do?Email them?Show up at uscis?I will do both if i need too.
Today was a busy one with lots of errands ran.I am doing some last minute shopping for Jax to make sure we have everything we need for his arrival home.A friend of mine brought over a box of the most adorable clothes they were her nephews that he outgrew and i washed them up this evening and put them away.
Jaxsons blanket is almost totally done.So what did i do?I ordered another blanket a fleece blanket that has felt applique to be embroidered on it.My aunt has an embroidery machine and said she would be happy to Embroider his name on it for me.I can not wait to hold him in my arms.I have not been sleeping well thinking is this happening?Am i getting myself set up for another shoe to drop?Is he really coming home.
Then the list of to dos grow by the second..I have been reading the last few chapters of Parenting a child with cp.Wow so informative this book has been awesome and will help me obtain all the therapies he needs.Now all we need is to get our little peanut home.
Today was a busy one with lots of errands ran.I am doing some last minute shopping for Jax to make sure we have everything we need for his arrival home.A friend of mine brought over a box of the most adorable clothes they were her nephews that he outgrew and i washed them up this evening and put them away.
Jaxsons blanket is almost totally done.So what did i do?I ordered another blanket a fleece blanket that has felt applique to be embroidered on it.My aunt has an embroidery machine and said she would be happy to Embroider his name on it for me.I can not wait to hold him in my arms.I have not been sleeping well thinking is this happening?Am i getting myself set up for another shoe to drop?Is he really coming home.
Then the list of to dos grow by the second..I have been reading the last few chapters of Parenting a child with cp.Wow so informative this book has been awesome and will help me obtain all the therapies he needs.Now all we need is to get our little peanut home.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I mailed a copy of our 171H with a small note attached for getting our fingerprints done.They are expired.This is important to me.OK all paperwork in adoption is important.But this is needed before we could even consider Boarding a plane.We have not received a fingerprint appointment.I hope we receive something by the end of the week or i will have to start emailing them.I don't like waiting i am a person who wants things done and done NOW.I know it don't work this way but it sure would be nice if it did.
On another Note...I thought depression was going to set in when i went to FINALLY get our new car tagged.WOW was it hard to separate from that 1,243.63 that is ridiculous what they charge in order to have a legal car to drive.Oh well its done its legal and its ready to get another car seat installed in it very soon.
Now for some much needed good news on getting these fingerprints done.
On another Note...I thought depression was going to set in when i went to FINALLY get our new car tagged.WOW was it hard to separate from that 1,243.63 that is ridiculous what they charge in order to have a legal car to drive.Oh well its done its legal and its ready to get another car seat installed in it very soon.
Now for some much needed good news on getting these fingerprints done.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The embassy has not began Our sons Orphan Investigation yet.I am a bit bummed but know its coming as they told me and our agency they will be working on it soon.There is a sibling set also from Our agency and they ARE working on their Investigations for them to come home.Things are moving just Slowly.
We went and got our Passport pictures done for our visa's today.We got a pretty good discount on them as we have had them done so many times.That was nice to save some money.We are still waiting for USCIS to send us a fingerprint appointment.I am praying we get the letter sometime this week.
This week is full of appointments i have allot to do at home as well.I want the house sparkling when we leave to get Jaxson.Pray they start working on Jaxsons investigation so we can get our little peanut home soon.
We went and got our Passport pictures done for our visa's today.We got a pretty good discount on them as we have had them done so many times.That was nice to save some money.We are still waiting for USCIS to send us a fingerprint appointment.I am praying we get the letter sometime this week.
This week is full of appointments i have allot to do at home as well.I want the house sparkling when we leave to get Jaxson.Pray they start working on Jaxsons investigation so we can get our little peanut home soon.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Landen has always have beautiful teeth which was great because Rebecca came home with a mouthful of problems.A few years back landen was playing with a cooking pot and spoons.I heard him scream and the Pot has a lip on it he got his teeth caught on it.He wouldn't wait until i got to him and YANKED the pot off.I took him to the ER i was for sure he broke his mandible and his teeth on the bottom looked like they were falling out.
No broken Mandible and they said his teeth would be fine don't worry they will heal just fine.I noticed his gums where those teeth were pulled had recently started to change color to brown.His teeth are chipping off.The poor baby has a high tolerance for pain but i have been giving him Tylenol.I am pushing to get him an appointment with a pediatric dentist at children's mercy.I pray they can get him quickly.
The adoption end...We are definitely very close another agency is escorting a child to their family in Mid February this means they were able to be issued a visa or in process of.Also another family was Informed that they will also be bringing their little girls home very soon.
I am still waiting to hear from vice consular Nothing yet but praying soon.In the mean time we are waiting for a fingerprint appointment and gathering documents for our visa's.I am working on a cross stitch quilt and will have it done this week.I will take pics and post its so cute.I am doing the little things too Like washing his crib bedding and straightening and washing all his diapers.Michael will be putting the Jumparoo together this week too!I am getting so excited cant wait to snuggle with our little peanut.
No broken Mandible and they said his teeth would be fine don't worry they will heal just fine.I noticed his gums where those teeth were pulled had recently started to change color to brown.His teeth are chipping off.The poor baby has a high tolerance for pain but i have been giving him Tylenol.I am pushing to get him an appointment with a pediatric dentist at children's mercy.I pray they can get him quickly.
The adoption end...We are definitely very close another agency is escorting a child to their family in Mid February this means they were able to be issued a visa or in process of.Also another family was Informed that they will also be bringing their little girls home very soon.
I am still waiting to hear from vice consular Nothing yet but praying soon.In the mean time we are waiting for a fingerprint appointment and gathering documents for our visa's.I am working on a cross stitch quilt and will have it done this week.I will take pics and post its so cute.I am doing the little things too Like washing his crib bedding and straightening and washing all his diapers.Michael will be putting the Jumparoo together this week too!I am getting so excited cant wait to snuggle with our little peanut.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I am waiting patiently as i can for a fingerprint appointment with USCIS.Ours expired on the 8Th we really need this quickly.I sent the form they needed in a 2 day delivery.It should have arrived at USCIS on Thursday.
I also hope to hear news coming from the Embassy soon as well.I knew we were going to have to wait as they were waiting on new help.This has been the LONGEST 2 weeks waiting for mid January to get here.I hope to hear something ANYTHING about when we can travel.
We have put off mailing our visa's because we don't want to get in the expiring mess again.They cant have more then a month of expiring before we enter the country either.I will gather everything we need for them just hold off on sending them.They are pretty quick about getting them back once they are sent.
I am so excited and so badly want to hold my little guy.He is all we think about.I have been working on a blanket i am making him and Happy to say it will be completed this week.I will post a pic of it when i am done.Its a stamped crosstitch Eeyore crib Quilt.We were going to do Winnie the pooh things but decided to switch to sponge bob for his bedding so he would Mach big brother Landens.He will still use this one as well.I made Landen a Winnie the pooh one while we were waiting for him to come home from India.So both of my little guys have blankets made with Love form Mama.
Please pray we get these last minute things done and pray we get a travel date soon!I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have him home before his 5Th birthday which is February 11Th.
I also hope to hear news coming from the Embassy soon as well.I knew we were going to have to wait as they were waiting on new help.This has been the LONGEST 2 weeks waiting for mid January to get here.I hope to hear something ANYTHING about when we can travel.
We have put off mailing our visa's because we don't want to get in the expiring mess again.They cant have more then a month of expiring before we enter the country either.I will gather everything we need for them just hold off on sending them.They are pretty quick about getting them back once they are sent.
I am so excited and so badly want to hold my little guy.He is all we think about.I have been working on a blanket i am making him and Happy to say it will be completed this week.I will post a pic of it when i am done.Its a stamped crosstitch Eeyore crib Quilt.We were going to do Winnie the pooh things but decided to switch to sponge bob for his bedding so he would Mach big brother Landens.He will still use this one as well.I made Landen a Winnie the pooh one while we were waiting for him to come home from India.So both of my little guys have blankets made with Love form Mama.
Please pray we get these last minute things done and pray we get a travel date soon!I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have him home before his 5Th birthday which is February 11Th.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I am so happy!After almost 3 weeks of being without and taking showers and washing a few laundry items at my cousins.I am so grateful for water i feel for those who have to Pack wash and go to laundry mats and such what a chore.
I have been cleaning like a mad woman...Microwave,stove fridge,sanitizing and cleaning everything including eewww toilets and tubs and shower and so on.I have my second load of laundry going.I am backed up as i just took what we had to have to my cousins.I can get things done that needs done and this house will sparkle and be ready for when out new son comes home.
I have not heard anything yet no replies back from Embassy but i got Plenty to keep me busy here with gathering documents for our visa's and waiting for our fingerprint appointment which i hope comes QUICKLY.then there is all this house cleaning i am doing and washing Jaxsons diapers and crib bedding.I am so ready to go get my little.
I have been cleaning like a mad woman...Microwave,stove fridge,sanitizing and cleaning everything including eewww toilets and tubs and shower and so on.I have my second load of laundry going.I am backed up as i just took what we had to have to my cousins.I can get things done that needs done and this house will sparkle and be ready for when out new son comes home.
I have not heard anything yet no replies back from Embassy but i got Plenty to keep me busy here with gathering documents for our visa's and waiting for our fingerprint appointment which i hope comes QUICKLY.then there is all this house cleaning i am doing and washing Jaxsons diapers and crib bedding.I am so ready to go get my little.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Woke up this morning to a flooded Kitchen.Our water pipe came unthawed..Yeah great mop up water and yesssssssss i can do laundry and mop floors and... and.. and..It was not to be!Michael heard this gushing sound yup a gushing sound.BROKEN pipe ughh.We did everything to keep any pipes from freezing but when it is in the ground there is not much that could be done.It broke at the end of where it comes out of the ground under the house.Thankfully we do not have to try and dig the yard up with the ground being so hard that would be Impossible.
Plumber comes tomorrow to repair busted pie.I am not happy as its a big expense.My husband is just not able to get under the house right now...He has something wrong with his shoulder and is seeing a surgeon soon.
This spring we will have the pipe dug up and put deeper in the ground under the frost line.I don't want to go through this next winter.We did not get our car tagged like i wanted to today.Michael is sick and didn't feel like going so we wait until Friday that's the next time we can have care Inspected then we can walk over and have the car tagged.
I have emailed the embassy twice now and no replies back.I am sure he is not going to answer me till next week.Its a question that is important and i really need an answer too.I also was not able to get passport pics done because Michael was NOT with me this morning.So this will wait too.I just want everything done in case we get the call to go get our babe.This has not been a very productive day.There is always tomorrow!
Plumber comes tomorrow to repair busted pie.I am not happy as its a big expense.My husband is just not able to get under the house right now...He has something wrong with his shoulder and is seeing a surgeon soon.
This spring we will have the pipe dug up and put deeper in the ground under the frost line.I don't want to go through this next winter.We did not get our car tagged like i wanted to today.Michael is sick and didn't feel like going so we wait until Friday that's the next time we can have care Inspected then we can walk over and have the car tagged.
I have emailed the embassy twice now and no replies back.I am sure he is not going to answer me till next week.Its a question that is important and i really need an answer too.I also was not able to get passport pics done because Michael was NOT with me this morning.So this will wait too.I just want everything done in case we get the call to go get our babe.This has not been a very productive day.There is always tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
another Rough day
The good news is we got the stuff needed sent to USCIS for new fingerprint appointment.The bad news is i cant get Visas applications to download and Print.Something is wrong with My adobe and it requires it.I tried to repair it and it wont let me i even tried to download it again.So I am calling my aunt to see if i can print them their until i can get mine fixed.I did call the docs office and ask for new Medical letters.Tomorrow we go for new passport pictures and hopefully pick up doc letters too while in town.Also will be able to tag our new car tomorrow YESSS.Another thing knocked off my list.
I am getting so excited I am ready to meet my angel.Pray we hear something from the Embassy soon.Would be wonderful to get news this week.My husbands birthday is this coming Sunday and it would make his day and of course MINE too.
I am getting so excited I am ready to meet my angel.Pray we hear something from the Embassy soon.Would be wonderful to get news this week.My husbands birthday is this coming Sunday and it would make his day and of course MINE too.
Monday, January 11, 2010
We had to run errands today and make important phone calls.Our 30 day tag expired on our new car.I have been waiting patiently for the title so we can get it Inspected and tagged.We had to call the dealership to get the title.They are overnight it and we will have it tomorrow.I still cant tag my car till Wednesday because that the next time they did Inspections.
We were told they took the tag off of our Saturn and put it in the trunk of the new car.Umm not there and not under the seats.We had to report lost or stolen tag today so that when we tag the new car we can transfer it.This took walking back and forth to sheriffs office and the court house.I got an email from USCIS and am waiting to hear what the reply is on that.
I emailed the embassy as well to see if we could be updated on what is going on towards the process of getting a visa for Jaxson.I hope to hear something back tomorrow on this.Our visa's are good until the 26Th Hoping to leave way before then to get our little peanut.
The kids have been out of school here for several days due to bad weather.Today was teachers unservice.Tomorrow they return to school.Rebecca and Landen are ready to go back.Brian and Linda are not they have finals and are not looking forward to it.I need tomorrow to do some major cleaning Including Mr.Landens room that looks like something exploded in there.
I am trying hard to knock things off our list in case we leave soon.I am ready to get our sweet angel home and get him the medical care he so deserves.I can not wait to kiss those sweet adorable cheeks.Our precious son who deserves so much and more.I am so excited to meet him.
My cousin Ruby will be staying with My kids here at our home while Michael and I are in Liberia.I worry about Landen as he is very attached to his daddy and I.It will be a rough week on him.Please pray he does well i am going to miss him so much while we are gone.I hope to hear from embassy and USCIS tomorrow.
We were told they took the tag off of our Saturn and put it in the trunk of the new car.Umm not there and not under the seats.We had to report lost or stolen tag today so that when we tag the new car we can transfer it.This took walking back and forth to sheriffs office and the court house.I got an email from USCIS and am waiting to hear what the reply is on that.
I emailed the embassy as well to see if we could be updated on what is going on towards the process of getting a visa for Jaxson.I hope to hear something back tomorrow on this.Our visa's are good until the 26Th Hoping to leave way before then to get our little peanut.
The kids have been out of school here for several days due to bad weather.Today was teachers unservice.Tomorrow they return to school.Rebecca and Landen are ready to go back.Brian and Linda are not they have finals and are not looking forward to it.I need tomorrow to do some major cleaning Including Mr.Landens room that looks like something exploded in there.
I am trying hard to knock things off our list in case we leave soon.I am ready to get our sweet angel home and get him the medical care he so deserves.I can not wait to kiss those sweet adorable cheeks.Our precious son who deserves so much and more.I am so excited to meet him.
My cousin Ruby will be staying with My kids here at our home while Michael and I are in Liberia.I worry about Landen as he is very attached to his daddy and I.It will be a rough week on him.Please pray he does well i am going to miss him so much while we are gone.I hope to hear from embassy and USCIS tomorrow.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It is 3:22 am and i am wide awake.My mind is on Jaxson...I wonder what he is doing right now at this second.Is he being held or cuddled?Is he asleep or awake?Is he happy?Or sad?All these things are going through my mind right now.I so wish i could be with him at this moment.
Then my mind starts racing about Will we get fingerprint appointment in time before Travel?Will we get our visa,s done quick enough?I don't like things expiring right before its time to travel then i worry and stress over it all. My mind needs to shut down so i can sleep but it does not seem to be cooperating with me.I know when Jax gets home i will sleep good as he will be with us in his home and we will all be happy and content.
Then my mind starts racing about Will we get fingerprint appointment in time before Travel?Will we get our visa,s done quick enough?I don't like things expiring right before its time to travel then i worry and stress over it all. My mind needs to shut down so i can sleep but it does not seem to be cooperating with me.I know when Jax gets home i will sleep good as he will be with us in his home and we will all be happy and content.
Friday, January 8, 2010
On top of gathering paperwork i have been on the phone with the Neurologist at the children's hospital.Landen has been having breakthrough seizures.He takes carbatrol 200mg twice a day.Doc put him on a third dose a day.The third dose he took at noon..Big problems occurred it snowed him so bad he would sleep and sleep.
We need to find that happy medium.He used to take liquid tegratol but he was having allot of seizures with it.The carbotrol did great the first year..Then he started having a breakthrough seizure a week.Now he is having 3 to 4 a week.But what do we do?The third dose does control them just makes him so sleepy...He needs to be awake at school not sleeping until its time to come home.I am waiting to hear back on what the neurologist says.
Please pray our sweet Landen does not have to many more break through seizures.
P.S. He feels them coming on now and will lay down on the floor before he has one.THIS IS BIG BIG news for the Neurologist.
We need to find that happy medium.He used to take liquid tegratol but he was having allot of seizures with it.The carbotrol did great the first year..Then he started having a breakthrough seizure a week.Now he is having 3 to 4 a week.But what do we do?The third dose does control them just makes him so sleepy...He needs to be awake at school not sleeping until its time to come home.I am waiting to hear back on what the neurologist says.
Please pray our sweet Landen does not have to many more break through seizures.
P.S. He feels them coming on now and will lay down on the floor before he has one.THIS IS BIG BIG news for the Neurologist.
Being our third and LAST adoption we have never had our fingerprints expire with our other 2 adoptions.I had no clue what to do.Our fingerprints expired as of today.But i know what i need to do to get our fingerprints redone with USCIS.I hope they move quickly on this with us leaving soon for Jaxson.
I just found out what we need and guess what?It's a whole 4 degrees here to cold to walk to post office.Cars are snowed in i have no choice but to wait until Monday to get document mailed to USCIS.
Please pray this goes quickly... I don't want nothing keeping us delayed from Our son... I think we have had plenty of those the past year.I cannot wait to get that much waited on Email...I am ready to go get our Little boy.
I just found out what we need and guess what?It's a whole 4 degrees here to cold to walk to post office.Cars are snowed in i have no choice but to wait until Monday to get document mailed to USCIS.
Please pray this goes quickly... I don't want nothing keeping us delayed from Our son... I think we have had plenty of those the past year.I cannot wait to get that much waited on Email...I am ready to go get our Little boy.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
All of you in the adoption throws know what i am speaking of.A very dear friend of mine is adopting a very Special needs baby boy.He is so precious i just want to scoop him up and give him kisses.She is doing back to back adoptions.I know the strains Financially this can bring.This family is working so hard to raise what they need to get this little guy home.She has some awesome fundraisers going on...I have ordered 2 of the coolest t shirts from one of her fundraisers.If you would like to see what she has going here is the Link to her blog. check it out...
She has another blog too which i have the button on my blog for but will put it here too...
There is also a sponsorship page at Jeremiah sisemore.Just 5 dollars can help them so much.This is the true love for a child.We all know how this goes..This little guy needs to come home to the arms of his family and receive the medical care he so deserves.
She has another blog too which i have the button on my blog for but will put it here too...
There is also a sponsorship page at Jeremiah sisemore.Just 5 dollars can help them so much.This is the true love for a child.We all know how this goes..This little guy needs to come home to the arms of his family and receive the medical care he so deserves.
I am so excited!Michael and I have been pinching pennies as we are short travel money .Today we received a check from a debt we had paid and it is the overpayment.It is a BIG check.GOD IS SO AWESOME.I prayed to him and put all my weight onto his shoulders and he came through.
I am so happy Our life is good we are healthy and happy and have made a resolution to ourselves this year to give more of ourselves to God.We have lacked in this area and we are going to Improve this.
Jaxson Baby Hang in there Mama is coming very soon little man!
I am so happy Our life is good we are healthy and happy and have made a resolution to ourselves this year to give more of ourselves to God.We have lacked in this area and we are going to Improve this.
Jaxson Baby Hang in there Mama is coming very soon little man!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I have emailed the agency asking a important question with no reply yet.I know Jax is coming home but wow these days seem to tick by before we hear anything.I am not patient at all and it is getting more extreme as the time draws near that we will go.I am so excited about meeting Him holding him and Loving him.
I know it will be mid to end of January before we hear something but sheesh can it hurry up already.I am so excited but also scared because ya never know what could happen next.I have loved this little boy from the first time i seen him and it grows stronger with each passing day.
I pray for news everyday.I know its close and i am so ready to go.Please pray in the next few weeks we can gather the rest of our travel money together and pray we get good news soon.
I know it will be mid to end of January before we hear something but sheesh can it hurry up already.I am so excited but also scared because ya never know what could happen next.I have loved this little boy from the first time i seen him and it grows stronger with each passing day.
I pray for news everyday.I know its close and i am so ready to go.Please pray in the next few weeks we can gather the rest of our travel money together and pray we get good news soon.
Monday, January 4, 2010
I have no water at all now.The bathroom and laundry room pipes are now froze.We have bottled water to drink and i have jugs my cousin said i could fill up at her house for cooking and dishes.I am so upset..I really dont think all the winterising we did to the pipes in the new addition at this point will not make a difference because it is just so bitter cold outside.I mean sheesh was like -16 last night.One night this week is suppose to be even coldre then that.
Please pray our pipes do not break...This would NOT be good considering most pipes in both baths and Laundry room are in the walls.I have to call after 6 pm to see if i have Jury duty tomorrow or not.I am praying we dont as i need to focus on gettting our pipes Unthawed.
Please pray our pipes do not break...This would NOT be good considering most pipes in both baths and Laundry room are in the walls.I have to call after 6 pm to see if i have Jury duty tomorrow or not.I am praying we dont as i need to focus on gettting our pipes Unthawed.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I am happy to say I finally got the tree down and the decorations put away today.The decorations outside are still there.It is way way to cold to get to them until we get some better days that aren't in the singles digits.Some of them are cove rd in snow and we will have to dig them out.
Landen and Rebecca are both ready to go back to school.They are suppose to start back tomorrow but we are not sure they will get to because we got 2 inches more of snow and the country roads are not so great.We are waiting to hear if they have school or not.
My water is Froze up in my kitchen.I was upset about it because i left my faucets streaming a bit so they would not freeze.One of my children go to get a drink and forget and turn it off.Come morning i have no water at all in my kitchen.I cannot wait for the remodel and we can fix this problem with the pipes in their once and for all.
So i am hauling water from the bathtub faucet to do dishes and cook with.It is a Royal pain in the butt.I am hoping we do not end up with Broken pipes...That is my worst fear.I don't mind snow at all but i do not like these freezing cold temperatures at all.Hoping for a warm up soon.
Landen and Rebecca are both ready to go back to school.They are suppose to start back tomorrow but we are not sure they will get to because we got 2 inches more of snow and the country roads are not so great.We are waiting to hear if they have school or not.
My water is Froze up in my kitchen.I was upset about it because i left my faucets streaming a bit so they would not freeze.One of my children go to get a drink and forget and turn it off.Come morning i have no water at all in my kitchen.I cannot wait for the remodel and we can fix this problem with the pipes in their once and for all.
So i am hauling water from the bathtub faucet to do dishes and cook with.It is a Royal pain in the butt.I am hoping we do not end up with Broken pipes...That is my worst fear.I don't mind snow at all but i do not like these freezing cold temperatures at all.Hoping for a warm up soon.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Today the girls and I and husband and little Landen went to St.Joe mo .Michael needed to go to sign papers at the ford dealers to finish up on our car we bought.The girls got 100.00 gift cards for Christmas to clothing stores and so we took them shopping.Rebeccas store was in the mall so we went their first.She had a blast buying new things.Michael went to sears and spent his gift card he got a brand new watch.
After Rebecca paid for her things we headed out and of course i had to stop at bath and body and buy my favorite perfume.Hubby was being ornery and said ok who was holding mama's hand and let go that she slipped into that store lol.I left very happy with my Japenese cherry blossom perfume.
Michael and little Landen were hungry so we went to Ihop for lunch.It was good.We were cold and tired from all the walking around and walking in the cold to get to the car.We had a late lunch and loaded up to head to Linda's store the fashion bug (also mama's favorite store).Linda did good and got some really cute clothes.I hit a clearance rack my favorite thing to do and got 2 nice winter tops and one to wear in spring/summer.I am limited on winter clothes so i was happy for the two tops i got.
Both my girls did very well and neither one went over budget.I was Proud of them.Rebecca had 2.00 left on her card and Linda had 18.00 left on hers.We had a nice time but decided next time Dad and little brother will stay home .Not a guy thing to go shopping .
After Rebecca paid for her things we headed out and of course i had to stop at bath and body and buy my favorite perfume.Hubby was being ornery and said ok who was holding mama's hand and let go that she slipped into that store lol.I left very happy with my Japenese cherry blossom perfume.
Michael and little Landen were hungry so we went to Ihop for lunch.It was good.We were cold and tired from all the walking around and walking in the cold to get to the car.We had a late lunch and loaded up to head to Linda's store the fashion bug (also mama's favorite store).Linda did good and got some really cute clothes.I hit a clearance rack my favorite thing to do and got 2 nice winter tops and one to wear in spring/summer.I am limited on winter clothes so i was happy for the two tops i got.
Both my girls did very well and neither one went over budget.I was Proud of them.Rebecca had 2.00 left on her card and Linda had 18.00 left on hers.We had a nice time but decided next time Dad and little brother will stay home .Not a guy thing to go shopping .
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