Today was a really amazing great wonderful day.Would of topped my day to have the Sunshine but that's OK was still G R E A T.It started this morning...I checked the mail and there it was a fingerprint appointment.Whats funny is its not really an appointment i can go in Monday through Friday and get them done.Michael and i will make the drive to Kansas city next week to get our fingerprints updated.
I took my sister to town today for her appointment.I ran errands while she was at her appointment.We have been looking for dining room chairs.Ours were cheap and bought from a yard sale and were NOT good at all.These are nice and have padded seats on them and fold up for storage.Of all places we found them at walmart.I looked in furniture stores and everywhere and these were the only chairs Michael and i liked.
I also continued shopping looking for a perfect Home coming outfit for Jaxson.I found the cutest pair of Jeans and hooded shirt to go with.I will also have a onesie underneath for warmth he will be so cold in this Kansas weather.I am not packing shoes.I have a cute pair of slippers packed and socks too.
That outfit is perfect! I can already see him in it :-)
I love it!Those colors are going to look so good on him.I cant wait to Hold him.
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