Michael and I head for Kansas city USCIS this morning to get our fingerprints updated.On the way there my car(new car) Only made One payment have not had it 2 months yet.It broke down i knew from the sound and what it was doing it was NOT good.Sure enough what i suspected the Transmission went out.
I wanted to cry.. those so important fingerprints on hold again.I call the car dealer and the tow truck.The tow picks us up and my car and we head to the dealers.They gave us a rental..Just showed up with it said here is your rental..A BIG F 150 PICKUP. Michael and I looked at each other and was like oh great he has a bad leg(Iraq injury) I have Arthritis and we have this HUGE pickup truck.The mechanics tried to say it was a censor out in my car.Uh no its not I'm telling them its the transmission(was married to a mechanic for 5 yrs).They check the car out yup sure enough i was correct the transmission is out in my car.
I was so upset and depressed about how our day unfolded.Michael and I get in the rental truck(Its big but boy it handles good)I was not sure i could drive it.I was Impressed at how well i handled that big Ole truck.Michael said look we have had enough delays why don't we just go ahead and drive to USCIS and get our fingerprints done.He had to do some talking i wanted to but this day was stressing me out.I am glad i listened to him we now have our fingerprints updated .Now all we need is that call saying we can travel to our son.
So what started out a good day turned Bad and then turned Good again.What a day this has been.
P.S. The good news of all is our car has a bumper to bumper 2 year warranty on it.
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