HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Hope you have a nice one.Michael and I dont drink and we dont go to parties.We are spending it with our kids.We are going to play some games and eat junkfood and drink Pop (pop is a treat i dont buy it ohter then on occasion). So now we decide if we will play Monopoly,Life, or Uno.
I want to write about some things that happened for us in 2008...We have had out ups and downs through the year but have always came out stronger and closer through it all.In this year i worked the worst job ever because Michael and i were saving to adopt.I worked in fast food and ALL my paychecks went in the bank.I gave up this job for a more eased job and one that i loved.In 2008 we found our Boy our beautiful little boy we had been waiting to adopt and have spent Most of 2008 doing paper work and homestudy to adopt our boy.I have watched my kids grow and watched Rebecca go from Being a little girl to a yoing lady.I have seen massive changes in Linda our 15 yr old through this year.I have witnessed and seen my husband making much progress in many areas since he was hurt in Iraq in 2007.I have been blessed with health of my family and my children. we had some down sides too.I was recently diagnosed with Rhumatoid arthritis.I also faced one of my biggest fears that fear was of flying on a plane.I actually kinda liked it all but take off.
I am ready for what the New Year brings.Starting with Bringing our Jax home.I am looking forward to watching my kids grow in many ways and watching my Husband get better everyday.I am so blessed for my 6 children and how they are turning into adults and making it in this big bad world,Happy NEW YEAR TO ALL.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I just had to share another picture!I had to make a walmart run for some things and while there i decided to get Jaxson"s toddler rocker activity seat.I got a gift card for christmas and well i really dont need anything i decided to spend it on Jax.I also picked up some things we will need while in Liberia.I am slowly marking stuff off my list. Oh i cant wait to travel to get him.
This and That
Today i have felt settled and relaxed.Why i dont know just a feeling of ease when i woke up this morning.I had my coffee and Landen and I and Rebecca ate a bowl of hot cereal.I did the dishes and took a shower.I did some house work and checked the mail.paid all the bills that needed to be paid.
Now i am making dinner the house is quiet this evening.Rebecca and Landen Michael and I.Linda is staying at her big brothers apartment lol i think he cons her into cleaning for him.Brian has been staying at his dads.His dad and i have a 6 month 6 month custody thing.I dont like it but Brian does not change schools as we both live in same district.It just hard when my 6 months with him is up.I miss him even though we are only 10 minutes drive apart its still not the same as him being home.
Tonight after dinner we are going to play a game of yahtzee with Becca boo and settle down to a movie and i on my embroidery.I have NOT touched it since before christmas and still have Jaxsons blanket to finish.I also have some things to get done and put up for xmas gifts next year.It takes me forever to embroider (dont always have the time). This has just been a great relaxing day Landen has played hard allday and will be ready for a shower and bed early tonight.Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year.I know our New Year will be great as 2009 is the year we bring our newest addition into our family .
Now i am making dinner the house is quiet this evening.Rebecca and Landen Michael and I.Linda is staying at her big brothers apartment lol i think he cons her into cleaning for him.Brian has been staying at his dads.His dad and i have a 6 month 6 month custody thing.I dont like it but Brian does not change schools as we both live in same district.It just hard when my 6 months with him is up.I miss him even though we are only 10 minutes drive apart its still not the same as him being home.
Tonight after dinner we are going to play a game of yahtzee with Becca boo and settle down to a movie and i on my embroidery.I have NOT touched it since before christmas and still have Jaxsons blanket to finish.I also have some things to get done and put up for xmas gifts next year.It takes me forever to embroider (dont always have the time). This has just been a great relaxing day Landen has played hard allday and will be ready for a shower and bed early tonight.Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year.I know our New Year will be great as 2009 is the year we bring our newest addition into our family .
Monday, December 29, 2008
I got new pics of Jax.I would love to share them but they are sooo tiny and i cant get them to enlarge,I orderd extras of them though and cannot wait to get them and really see them upclose.All i got to say is HES AN ABSOLUTE BABY DOLL.I just wanted to reach in the computer and scoop him up in my arms.He is the most beatiful angel. I know i am being Partial but i am so so inlove with this blessed angel.I am so lucky to get to be his momma.You can tell he is an amazing little boy who will go far.
On a good note the original homestudy we needed for USCIS is on its way.I am praying to get I171 H in the next couple weeks now. That is another step closer to our Liberian angel.I can Hardly wait.
On a good note the original homestudy we needed for USCIS is on its way.I am praying to get I171 H in the next couple weeks now. That is another step closer to our Liberian angel.I can Hardly wait.
Today was Landens birthday my little one is now 9 yrs old. Its so hard to believe! He is my baby and will always be my baby. He was singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME all day today too cute.He had A mickey mouse party and mickey mouse cake.He got a diego ball pit and he LOVES IT. He also got an Einstien Piano that teaches music and following patterns and numbers he likes alot too.He wore himself out tonight and went to bed fairly early.My living room is now overurn with Landens toys.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
My oldest son William has been out of town for the Holidays!He spent it with his fiances family.I MISSED him this Christmas.He must of missed us too because he came to our house once he got back.I needed to go to walmart and get somehoushold items and he and his fiance went with.I also had to pick up Birthdaystuff Landens birthday is tomorrow.
Once we got done at walmart i took Wiilaim and Heather to lunch at dairy queen.Then on for home we came.I am still trying to get the house organized from christmas.My girls still dont have their things put away in their room and it looks like something exploded up there.Landens toys are in the living room as he plays with them EVERYDAY.so i keep them in a basket for him.He only got 3 toys so its not like alot and they are pretty small he loves his blocks and choo choo train and has been playing with it alot.So taking it upstairs to his room is not a great idea he will bring it back down anyway.
I am happy christmas is now over and am looking forward to a wonderful new year.That New year will bring joy to our family as Jax should be home.Tomorrow we are having a Birthday party for Landen.I bought him a mickey mouse cake and mickey mouse napkins and plates.We keep telling him tomorrow is his birthday but he has not really caught on to it yet. One more week before they all head back to school.Rebecca done informed me she is NOT ready to go back.She told me its all drama there mom and i dont like drama.Thats my girl lol Momma dont like drama either.
I hope we can get to sears tomorrow i really need to buy a new dryer.The clothes are hanging everywhere in my house and it takes longer for them to dry so i am backing up.If i dont buy one soon my cousinf said i could dry some at her house.I may take her up on it as Mondays is bedding days here.No way i can hang sheets and comforters.
Once we got done at walmart i took Wiilaim and Heather to lunch at dairy queen.Then on for home we came.I am still trying to get the house organized from christmas.My girls still dont have their things put away in their room and it looks like something exploded up there.Landens toys are in the living room as he plays with them EVERYDAY.so i keep them in a basket for him.He only got 3 toys so its not like alot and they are pretty small he loves his blocks and choo choo train and has been playing with it alot.So taking it upstairs to his room is not a great idea he will bring it back down anyway.
I am happy christmas is now over and am looking forward to a wonderful new year.That New year will bring joy to our family as Jax should be home.Tomorrow we are having a Birthday party for Landen.I bought him a mickey mouse cake and mickey mouse napkins and plates.We keep telling him tomorrow is his birthday but he has not really caught on to it yet. One more week before they all head back to school.Rebecca done informed me she is NOT ready to go back.She told me its all drama there mom and i dont like drama.Thats my girl lol Momma dont like drama either.
I hope we can get to sears tomorrow i really need to buy a new dryer.The clothes are hanging everywhere in my house and it takes longer for them to dry so i am backing up.If i dont buy one soon my cousinf said i could dry some at her house.I may take her up on it as Mondays is bedding days here.No way i can hang sheets and comforters.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The original homestudy needed for Uscis.It came in mail today and i will mail it the fastest way possible on Monday.Yesterday it was 66 degrees out and all the snow melted.Then we got a thunderstorm and by early morning we had ICE and a little snow.I got up and looks out there is a tree limb down which also pulled our phone line and tore some siding off our house.
It is now snowing like crazy outside.I wasnt happy about all this crazy ice and snow.We were suppose to go shopping for a new washer and dryer today.My dryer broke so my house looks like a laundry matt with clothes hanging to dry.Hey it works and is keeping us in clean clothes.
My sweet husband got me a a new luggage set for our trip when the time comes to get Jaxson.I was tickled he knew i wanted one and its so nice.Ours are old and bulky and very heavy.He also got me the passport wallet that goes under your clothes.I was so tickled with these items.Now i am ready to go get JAX.I can hardly wait i dream about it.My parents will be keeping the children while we are gone so i have no worries there.They are is great hands with my paernts.
The hardest part for me is everyone asking...when is he comming home...I tell them i cant tell them that because i dont even know and when i know i will tell them.They just dont understand the process and i am not about to explain it.
The weather has kept us grounded in the house.Tonight i am going to make popcorn and put in a movie and the kids and i and Michael will just hang out here at home.Monday is Landens birthday and we will be making plans for his party Monday evenining.It will be small but fun for him.
It is now snowing like crazy outside.I wasnt happy about all this crazy ice and snow.We were suppose to go shopping for a new washer and dryer today.My dryer broke so my house looks like a laundry matt with clothes hanging to dry.Hey it works and is keeping us in clean clothes.
My sweet husband got me a a new luggage set for our trip when the time comes to get Jaxson.I was tickled he knew i wanted one and its so nice.Ours are old and bulky and very heavy.He also got me the passport wallet that goes under your clothes.I was so tickled with these items.Now i am ready to go get JAX.I can hardly wait i dream about it.My parents will be keeping the children while we are gone so i have no worries there.They are is great hands with my paernts.
The hardest part for me is everyone asking...when is he comming home...I tell them i cant tell them that because i dont even know and when i know i will tell them.They just dont understand the process and i am not about to explain it.
The weather has kept us grounded in the house.Tonight i am going to make popcorn and put in a movie and the kids and i and Michael will just hang out here at home.Monday is Landens birthday and we will be making plans for his party Monday evenining.It will be small but fun for him.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
What a wonderful and exciting day full of Joy and love.It started at 7:05 am when i heard a little boy giggle and then heard a beating of a drum.I got up and he was in the living room on the floor with the drum that santa left him.The noise also woke up the big sisters so our christmas morning began.
Landen LOVED each and everyone of his toys.Everygift he opened whether it was clothes, books ,puzzles ,toys ,he KISSED them lol.He has played all day with his new toys.So far his alltime favorite is his little people airplane .The girls were also so excited and so much fun we had a great time with flying wrapping paper giggles and laughs and lots of joy.I got pictures and will post them when i get them developed.I made michael is alltime favorite christmas breakfast of cinnamon muffins he LOVES them.We had christmas with my family today and i seen my brothers and sisters.I dont always see some of them so it was great to have all of us together.
This evening Michael is resting in his chair and Landen just got a pair of Jammies on he got for christmas along with his new cars slippers.He is playing with his toys in the living room and having a great time.My girls are upstairs enjoying all their brand new makeup and clothes and ipods.My son is staying the night at his dads tonight so its quiet here at the moment.
I hope everyone had a Joyful christmas day! Ours was a great one and the best part is seeing all My family healthy and happy and just spending time with everyone who is no dear to me.MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Landen LOVED each and everyone of his toys.Everygift he opened whether it was clothes, books ,puzzles ,toys ,he KISSED them lol.He has played all day with his new toys.So far his alltime favorite is his little people airplane .The girls were also so excited and so much fun we had a great time with flying wrapping paper giggles and laughs and lots of joy.I got pictures and will post them when i get them developed.I made michael is alltime favorite christmas breakfast of cinnamon muffins he LOVES them.We had christmas with my family today and i seen my brothers and sisters.I dont always see some of them so it was great to have all of us together.
This evening Michael is resting in his chair and Landen just got a pair of Jammies on he got for christmas along with his new cars slippers.He is playing with his toys in the living room and having a great time.My girls are upstairs enjoying all their brand new makeup and clothes and ipods.My son is staying the night at his dads tonight so its quiet here at the moment.
I hope everyone had a Joyful christmas day! Ours was a great one and the best part is seeing all My family healthy and happy and just spending time with everyone who is no dear to me.MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What a day! Our oldest daughter came for christmas today and i am sick with some sort of Viral flu or something.I have been having moments where i am sweating and lighthead and my stomach is a mess.I have slept off and on today.I felt bad because my daughter was here and i didnt get to spend the time i wanted with her im so bummed.
This evening i managed to get some broth to stay down and am feeling a little better.I probably wont sleep tonight as i slept all day today.Landen is so cute...He is so excited and keeps saying HO HO comming to see me he is so adorable.He has been saying MEWWY KISSMAS(MERRY CHRISTMAS).He is happily playing with his sesame street remote toy his big brother William got him for Christmas he LOVES IT.He had a cup of hotchocolate and we sang his favorite christmas song...JINGLE BELL ROCK.
Rebecca my 13 yr teen is also excited and says...I cant wait mom and i want to see the family christmas day.Linda keeps trying to Hype Landen up on sugar and i told her he had enough with the cookie and hotchocolate and M & M's he had earlier.I missed christmas eve service at church because i felt to awful.I never miss it as our youth group does a manger play every year and i love attending and getting the awsome sermon too.Michael and Landen and Linda and Rebecca all went why i stayed in bed.
The only thing Missing this christmas is Jaxson.He may not be Physically with us but he is in our Minds and hearts this season.And i know thet he is safe and happy and loved.We will have MANY MANY Christmases with him.
This evening i managed to get some broth to stay down and am feeling a little better.I probably wont sleep tonight as i slept all day today.Landen is so cute...He is so excited and keeps saying HO HO comming to see me he is so adorable.He has been saying MEWWY KISSMAS(MERRY CHRISTMAS).He is happily playing with his sesame street remote toy his big brother William got him for Christmas he LOVES IT.He had a cup of hotchocolate and we sang his favorite christmas song...JINGLE BELL ROCK.
Rebecca my 13 yr teen is also excited and says...I cant wait mom and i want to see the family christmas day.Linda keeps trying to Hype Landen up on sugar and i told her he had enough with the cookie and hotchocolate and M & M's he had earlier.I missed christmas eve service at church because i felt to awful.I never miss it as our youth group does a manger play every year and i love attending and getting the awsome sermon too.Michael and Landen and Linda and Rebecca all went why i stayed in bed.
The only thing Missing this christmas is Jaxson.He may not be Physically with us but he is in our Minds and hearts this season.And i know thet he is safe and happy and loved.We will have MANY MANY Christmases with him.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
My peanut is doing so well! a mom was there picking up her Beautiful little daughter and took a present to Jax for us.She spent some time with him and said he sees well and that he grabs at things and held her hand he loves to be talked to.She said his arms and legs were cramping and her and caregiver massaged him and he got instant relief. Our peanut weighs 20 lbs and is 2 ft 6 inches he is GROWING and i am missing it.She said he is very sweet (I KNOW HE IS).She got pics of him in the outfit i sent him i cannot wait to see them.This was a wonderful present to get.I am very happy she was so observant. I am so in love with this little guy.I am happy he gets massaged that is important for his cp.
I cannot wait until the day comes to go,I dream about it i dream the day he is in our arms forever.I have already set everything up for his therapies and such when he comes home.Next fall he will attend a special needs preschool they are AWSOME and did wonders for Landen.I will have a meeting with them once Jax is home and has been evaluated by the docs here so we can meet all my little ones needs.I am going to push to keep him in the preschool for 2 years as i think it will be better for him and he will learn more.I cannot wait i am so so ready.We have now told all of Michaels family that we will be adding a new little peanut to our family.Some were asking questions and some thought we were plain ole crazy.My parents thaought that way at first but now they are sooooo excited.Jaxson will be there 25th grandchild and the youngest of them all.My mom says she cant wait to spoil him and kiss him just like she does Landen.
I cannot wait until the day comes to go,I dream about it i dream the day he is in our arms forever.I have already set everything up for his therapies and such when he comes home.Next fall he will attend a special needs preschool they are AWSOME and did wonders for Landen.I will have a meeting with them once Jax is home and has been evaluated by the docs here so we can meet all my little ones needs.I am going to push to keep him in the preschool for 2 years as i think it will be better for him and he will learn more.I cannot wait i am so so ready.We have now told all of Michaels family that we will be adding a new little peanut to our family.Some were asking questions and some thought we were plain ole crazy.My parents thaought that way at first but now they are sooooo excited.Jaxson will be there 25th grandchild and the youngest of them all.My mom says she cant wait to spoil him and kiss him just like she does Landen.
Monday, December 22, 2008
We made it home today around 1 pm.We had a very nice christmas with the Miller family.The food was good the visiting was even better.It was nice to see everyone again.We left from Aunt sydneys house around 6 pm and went to the hotel for the night.We were full and exhausted.
The hotel had a swimming pool so my kids got their suits on Landen i got ready while daddy got his trunks on and they headed to the pool.Mom stayed in the hotel room and took a nap i didnt sleep well the night before.We had breakfast at the hotel resturaunt checked out and drove the 3 hrs for home.I am happy to be back in my warm cozy house and prepping for the holiday.
I told Michael i would be thrilled if i didnt have to see another hotel for EVER!Nothing is better then home sweet home.Landen is so excited about christmas he is too funny.He giggles when we plug the tree in and doise this ohhh ohh ohhh thing and then says PETTY.He is too cute.Even my 2 teen girls are excited about christmas.The rest of week until xmas we will just be hanging out here at home.
The hotel had a swimming pool so my kids got their suits on Landen i got ready while daddy got his trunks on and they headed to the pool.Mom stayed in the hotel room and took a nap i didnt sleep well the night before.We had breakfast at the hotel resturaunt checked out and drove the 3 hrs for home.I am happy to be back in my warm cozy house and prepping for the holiday.
I told Michael i would be thrilled if i didnt have to see another hotel for EVER!Nothing is better then home sweet home.Landen is so excited about christmas he is too funny.He giggles when we plug the tree in and doise this ohhh ohh ohhh thing and then says PETTY.He is too cute.Even my 2 teen girls are excited about christmas.The rest of week until xmas we will just be hanging out here at home.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Our social worker emailed me back and will have the origianl homestudy sent on Monday!What a relief this is to all of us.I swear i am getting an ulcer lol.SO now we hope not to much longer and we will have our I171h.
I am spenidng today baking its cold outside and lightly snowing.Landen has a skate christmas party togo to and Michael will be taking him so mommy can stay home and bake so santa will have cookies left for him.Landen is so into the season.He is so cute he sings jingle bell rock all day everyday.This morning i plugged the tree and and he said OOOOOOH PETTY.He loves his christams tree.The teens are not into it as much anymore but Landen is so much fun to watch and listen too.
I cannot wait to share these monents with Jax as well.To have to smallboys that get enjoyment out of life and small things.Landen is such a happy little man It takes very little to get a giggle out of him.He has been such a joy to us.Hard to believe 4 yrs has passed that he came from from India.Its seems like just yesterday.He has learned so much and Life would nevere be the same without this beautiful little man in my life.Words cannot express the love i have for him.
My oldest son Willliam and his Fiance came out yesterday evening to open their gifts.They are going to be at Hetahers families for christmas this year and will leave on Monday.They really liked their gifts and are so struggling financially .William wanted to make sure his brothers and sisters al got something from him and he bought them each something bless his heart.The kids all like what he got them.It will be differnt not having him home christmas day and he is all grown up and its hard for momma to let go of her baby.
Our oldest daughter Hannah is comming christmas eve with her Fiance to open presents.Its also hard not having her home on Christmas.But my 2 adult children have lives of their own.Its hard for me i still want to protect them and take care of my little ones.Yes i said little ones lol they will always be my babies even though they are 21 and 20 now.
I am spenidng today baking its cold outside and lightly snowing.Landen has a skate christmas party togo to and Michael will be taking him so mommy can stay home and bake so santa will have cookies left for him.Landen is so into the season.He is so cute he sings jingle bell rock all day everyday.This morning i plugged the tree and and he said OOOOOOH PETTY.He loves his christams tree.The teens are not into it as much anymore but Landen is so much fun to watch and listen too.
I cannot wait to share these monents with Jax as well.To have to smallboys that get enjoyment out of life and small things.Landen is such a happy little man It takes very little to get a giggle out of him.He has been such a joy to us.Hard to believe 4 yrs has passed that he came from from India.Its seems like just yesterday.He has learned so much and Life would nevere be the same without this beautiful little man in my life.Words cannot express the love i have for him.
My oldest son Willliam and his Fiance came out yesterday evening to open their gifts.They are going to be at Hetahers families for christmas this year and will leave on Monday.They really liked their gifts and are so struggling financially .William wanted to make sure his brothers and sisters al got something from him and he bought them each something bless his heart.The kids all like what he got them.It will be differnt not having him home christmas day and he is all grown up and its hard for momma to let go of her baby.
Our oldest daughter Hannah is comming christmas eve with her Fiance to open presents.Its also hard not having her home on Christmas.But my 2 adult children have lives of their own.Its hard for me i still want to protect them and take care of my little ones.Yes i said little ones lol they will always be my babies even though they are 21 and 20 now.
Friday, December 19, 2008
I got a call from INS today!I know what the hold up is and i have to stay i am not HAPPY.Our social worker boo booed and sent a copy of our homestudy istead of the original notorized homestudy.I dont know why she did that because we had discussed this several months ago.
So i left her a message and like 2 emails telling her i have to have an ORIGINAL notorized copy to be sent to USCIS.
I was angry at first 2 months we waited 2 MONTHS.I was worried sick something bad was holding it up,Now i know and i am glad it is something that can be fixed.So i am hoping to hear something from social worker on Monday and get this done as soon as possible.We know now we wont get our I171H until January but now that we know what was holding it up and can get it done i will be more at ease .
It will be like a big present when we finally receive our I171H.
So i left her a message and like 2 emails telling her i have to have an ORIGINAL notorized copy to be sent to USCIS.
I was angry at first 2 months we waited 2 MONTHS.I was worried sick something bad was holding it up,Now i know and i am glad it is something that can be fixed.So i am hoping to hear something from social worker on Monday and get this done as soon as possible.We know now we wont get our I171H until January but now that we know what was holding it up and can get it done i will be more at ease .
It will be like a big present when we finally receive our I171H.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I spent an HOUR on the phone with uscis to no avail.I left a voice message for the woman in charge of 1 600 apps.I hope to hear something tomorrow.If i dont hear soon im going to drive there and camp on their doorstep.I just wanna know why we are delayed its been way over 2 months .If there was a problem wouldnt they send you a letter?We have recieved NOTHING.
I hope to hear back from someone sheesh! Not only was i n the phone but i spent quite a bit of time finishing up wrapping presnts.Tomorrow i am going to spend the day baking gingerbread men and making candies.My husband put in for a raffle and he was chosen and won a Nintendo DS he was so so excited as he has been wanting one .Lol he was like a big kid with a huge smile on his face it was so funny.
My oldest son William is comming tomorrow eening to open presents with us if weather permits.We are doing it early because he is going to his fiances house for xmas and are leaving Monday.This weekend is a busy one for us and we are going to Salina Sundayfor the Miller christmas and are staying the night at the Hotel so we wont be back until Monday.
I am happy i dont have to Travel to far for christmas with My family.Our family has grown so Large we have rented the city building which is 3 blocks from my home so not to far to travel this year its kind of nice.
I hope to hear back from someone sheesh! Not only was i n the phone but i spent quite a bit of time finishing up wrapping presnts.Tomorrow i am going to spend the day baking gingerbread men and making candies.My husband put in for a raffle and he was chosen and won a Nintendo DS he was so so excited as he has been wanting one .Lol he was like a big kid with a huge smile on his face it was so funny.
My oldest son William is comming tomorrow eening to open presents with us if weather permits.We are doing it early because he is going to his fiances house for xmas and are leaving Monday.This weekend is a busy one for us and we are going to Salina Sundayfor the Miller christmas and are staying the night at the Hotel so we wont be back until Monday.
I am happy i dont have to Travel to far for christmas with My family.Our family has grown so Large we have rented the city building which is 3 blocks from my home so not to far to travel this year its kind of nice.
For I171H i am calling them tomorrow or should i say try to call them.I need to know what the hold up is or if there is a problem preventing us from getting it.I just dont understand we have never had to wait this long before.
I will call and am praying there is no problems that is causing the delay.I hope to get some answers tomorrow.
I will call and am praying there is no problems that is causing the delay.I hope to get some answers tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
School was canceled today due to the snow we got.We got 4 inches and the wind is keeping the highways and roads horrible and not driveable.So no shopping today!Instead I am trying to keep my 2 teen girls and Landen Entertained and suffering a sinus headcahe that wont go away.I did take some sudafed but it did not help at all.It is so bittercold here.Wind chill makes it Minus 12.Its cold in this old drafty house of ours brrrr.
Landen had decided he dont want to get dressed today and is still in his blanket sleeper.If thats what he is comfy in why not lounge in his jammies today.To cold to go outide and play in the snow anyway.Tomorrow i am driving my husband to an appiontment in Mo and plane on doing some shopping there.Then it will be huddle in the house another few days as we are due to get an icestorm on Thursday i am not looking forwarsd to that.last year we got an icestorm so bad we were without power for 2 weeks and had to seek shelter at the armory.We were blessed to get power back on 3 days before christmas.Although it was devastation and tree limbs down everywhere and we got damage to the house.Tree limb came down and ripped siding off our home.We we lucky thats all we got.Others in town got big limbs through their roofs and cars smashed.So i dread any icestorms we get.
Landen had decided he dont want to get dressed today and is still in his blanket sleeper.If thats what he is comfy in why not lounge in his jammies today.To cold to go outide and play in the snow anyway.Tomorrow i am driving my husband to an appiontment in Mo and plane on doing some shopping there.Then it will be huddle in the house another few days as we are due to get an icestorm on Thursday i am not looking forwarsd to that.last year we got an icestorm so bad we were without power for 2 weeks and had to seek shelter at the armory.We were blessed to get power back on 3 days before christmas.Although it was devastation and tree limbs down everywhere and we got damage to the house.Tree limb came down and ripped siding off our home.We we lucky thats all we got.Others in town got big limbs through their roofs and cars smashed.So i dread any icestorms we get.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Its to cold to get out so i stayed inside allday.I finished up some more shopping online and i made cookies and just hung around the house today.I did manage to go through Landens dresser he had alot of clothes he has outgrown.So i am boxing them up to send to a friend of mine whos Nephew is in need of them.
The school called this morning Landen had a seizure at school and was sent home.He enjoyed being home today.He played all day and sang jingle bell rock like 10 times he so cute.I am still suffering with my sinuses and can see i will probably end up in the docs office before it is over.When my sinuses flare they get so bad it messes with my equillibrium.The weather is suppose to be bitter cold all week so will be rough on all of us.Tomorrow i am going to go do a little shopping and get a few more baking goods so i can do some more Holiday candies and baking.
The school called this morning Landen had a seizure at school and was sent home.He enjoyed being home today.He played all day and sang jingle bell rock like 10 times he so cute.I am still suffering with my sinuses and can see i will probably end up in the docs office before it is over.When my sinuses flare they get so bad it messes with my equillibrium.The weather is suppose to be bitter cold all week so will be rough on all of us.Tomorrow i am going to go do a little shopping and get a few more baking goods so i can do some more Holiday candies and baking.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It is 9 pm and the temp outside is 3 degrees.Its too cold... the stinky part is my dryer broke tonight and i went to throw a load of wash in and my wash machine pipes are froze.So i cant wash my laundry.I ventured out today to get groceries and was so cold the wind was up and when it blew it took your breath away.I am glad i got them before it dipped down worse.Now it is lightly snowing yuck! I am not a cold weather person it kills my arthritis.
A friend of mine showed up tonight with a box of clothes for Jaxson.They are so so cute.She sent different sizes so he has clothes to last for awhile.I thought this was sweet of her she was thrilled to find that his name will be Jaxson she loved this name as well. these clothes were her nephews that has outgrown and she wanted them to come to Jax she is too sweet.
I was going to go in to work in the morning and my aunt called me and told me to stay home it was going to be to bitter cold to get out.So i have some presents to wrap and will make our sugar cookie dough to get ready to make our christmas cookies.The dough has to chill in the fridge so i will make it in the morning and the girls can help roll cut bake and frost when they get home from school.They LOVE to help bake christmas cookies.
I wish Jax was home with us to join the festivities.I cannot wait until he is home and to have our first family christmas with him.I feel as something is missing with him not here.I have been learning so much about cp and the resources to help him once he is home.Its sooo important to start treatment on him as soon as possible.The younger he is the better it is for his improvement to get him more mobile.I have to wait until he is home to get the adaptive equipment he may need,I am so so ready for him.
I am praying his I171H comes this week! I have heard from others who has been waiting many many months for them.I pray it comes soon and i pray things keep moving along in Liberia and that he wont have to wait to much Longer.I am ready to get on the plane and go meet my boy.
A friend of mine showed up tonight with a box of clothes for Jaxson.They are so so cute.She sent different sizes so he has clothes to last for awhile.I thought this was sweet of her she was thrilled to find that his name will be Jaxson she loved this name as well. these clothes were her nephews that has outgrown and she wanted them to come to Jax she is too sweet.
I was going to go in to work in the morning and my aunt called me and told me to stay home it was going to be to bitter cold to get out.So i have some presents to wrap and will make our sugar cookie dough to get ready to make our christmas cookies.The dough has to chill in the fridge so i will make it in the morning and the girls can help roll cut bake and frost when they get home from school.They LOVE to help bake christmas cookies.
I wish Jax was home with us to join the festivities.I cannot wait until he is home and to have our first family christmas with him.I feel as something is missing with him not here.I have been learning so much about cp and the resources to help him once he is home.Its sooo important to start treatment on him as soon as possible.The younger he is the better it is for his improvement to get him more mobile.I have to wait until he is home to get the adaptive equipment he may need,I am so so ready for him.
I am praying his I171H comes this week! I have heard from others who has been waiting many many months for them.I pray it comes soon and i pray things keep moving along in Liberia and that he wont have to wait to much Longer.I am ready to get on the plane and go meet my boy.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ok so my hubby messed up and thought we were comming home Friday.I looked at the Itenerary on our way to the airport on Sunday and noticed our flights were scheduled to head back home Saturday.We got home around 8 pm tonight and im tired but sooo happy to be home and keyed up.
That was the LONGEST week of my life.I dont like texas at all.It was warm and there were no signs of christmas the people drive like maniacs there and most were NOT very friendly.I am a friendly person and will talk to anyone.I just kept saying click my heels and i will be home in Kansas.
Landen was a trooper and had mom and dads full attention .when we got done running around for the day we were back in the motel at 3 pm and he got mom and dads attention the whole time.He loved evertybit of it. We did shop at the PX and i got Landen an adorable sweater its sooo cute and a pair of pants.I want to get a family pic taken and will put this outfit on him for the pics. I surpised myself i have stressed myself about flying and am happy to say it was NOT bad at all.I dont like take off but the rest wasnt bad.Michael said on the last flight home so ya think ya could fly to Liberia.My reply.......WILD HORSES cant keep me away a second longer from our little man and yes i will fly to Liberia.
Tomorrow i am going grocery shopping and come Monday i am headed back to work.I still have some christmas shopping to get done and will push to get it completed this week.I am ready to start baking christmas cookies and candies.I am also hoping to recieve our I171H before xmas thats a present in itself.It feels good to be home and sleep in my own bed and not waking up with a back ache.HOME SWEET HOME.
That was the LONGEST week of my life.I dont like texas at all.It was warm and there were no signs of christmas the people drive like maniacs there and most were NOT very friendly.I am a friendly person and will talk to anyone.I just kept saying click my heels and i will be home in Kansas.
Landen was a trooper and had mom and dads full attention .when we got done running around for the day we were back in the motel at 3 pm and he got mom and dads attention the whole time.He loved evertybit of it. We did shop at the PX and i got Landen an adorable sweater its sooo cute and a pair of pants.I want to get a family pic taken and will put this outfit on him for the pics. I surpised myself i have stressed myself about flying and am happy to say it was NOT bad at all.I dont like take off but the rest wasnt bad.Michael said on the last flight home so ya think ya could fly to Liberia.My reply.......WILD HORSES cant keep me away a second longer from our little man and yes i will fly to Liberia.
Tomorrow i am going grocery shopping and come Monday i am headed back to work.I still have some christmas shopping to get done and will push to get it completed this week.I am ready to start baking christmas cookies and candies.I am also hoping to recieve our I171H before xmas thats a present in itself.It feels good to be home and sleep in my own bed and not waking up with a back ache.HOME SWEET HOME.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Michael,Landen and I will leave tomorrow for Texas.Our flight is scheduled to leave at 3 15.We are headed for Ft hood and we will return on Friday.Today has been extremely busy making sure we are packed with Plenty of diapers and things for Landen.Making sure my house is in tip top order for a whole week and my older kids are packed and ready to go to Grandma and Grandpas.They will also be keeping by sweet Bella girl (my PUG) for the week.
I also did some more christmas shopping online last night I am pushing to get it done.My cousin will be comming by my house several times to see if packages arrived and will keep them until we get back.I am ready to get this week over its going to be a LONGGGGGGG one. We took all the kids to supper tonight so we could spend some time with them beore we leave tomorrow.I wish i could take all my kids with me but with school and sports its just not possible.Landen goes because he has seperation anxiety he is very much a mommas boy and is very attached at the hip lol.He also has seizures although my mom dont care she would keep him in heart beat she knows how to give his meds and what to do if he has a seizure.But we felt it best to take him with.
Next saturday we will be taking the kids to Krug park here it is all done in lights and absolutley beautiful hope the night we go Santa is there and we can get Landen on video with Santa clause.Speaking of i was doing some shopping and could NOT resist.I got landen a inch worm i had one when i was little and i loved it.Landen cannot peddle yet so this was ideal for him.He is still small enough for it too.As a trike he is to tall for and again wont peddle it.He will LOVE LOVE LOVE this toy. We will keep it simple for his Birthday as its 4 days after christmas.He will have cake and icecream of course and i bought one extra gift i put back for his birthday.
I would be able to post from Texas but my husbands laptop died.We put it in to get repaired and got the call that its done it would be cheaper to buy a new one.I was bummed about this.We used the laptop when we went out of town to keep contact. We have internet in our room just no computer so im a bit bummed about that.Ok better wrap this up i still have some things o get done and checked off my list.Hope everyone has a great week!I wil be happy when i am back home with all my babies on Friday.
I also did some more christmas shopping online last night I am pushing to get it done.My cousin will be comming by my house several times to see if packages arrived and will keep them until we get back.I am ready to get this week over its going to be a LONGGGGGGG one. We took all the kids to supper tonight so we could spend some time with them beore we leave tomorrow.I wish i could take all my kids with me but with school and sports its just not possible.Landen goes because he has seperation anxiety he is very much a mommas boy and is very attached at the hip lol.He also has seizures although my mom dont care she would keep him in heart beat she knows how to give his meds and what to do if he has a seizure.But we felt it best to take him with.
Next saturday we will be taking the kids to Krug park here it is all done in lights and absolutley beautiful hope the night we go Santa is there and we can get Landen on video with Santa clause.Speaking of i was doing some shopping and could NOT resist.I got landen a inch worm i had one when i was little and i loved it.Landen cannot peddle yet so this was ideal for him.He is still small enough for it too.As a trike he is to tall for and again wont peddle it.He will LOVE LOVE LOVE this toy. We will keep it simple for his Birthday as its 4 days after christmas.He will have cake and icecream of course and i bought one extra gift i put back for his birthday.
I would be able to post from Texas but my husbands laptop died.We put it in to get repaired and got the call that its done it would be cheaper to buy a new one.I was bummed about this.We used the laptop when we went out of town to keep contact. We have internet in our room just no computer so im a bit bummed about that.Ok better wrap this up i still have some things o get done and checked off my list.Hope everyone has a great week!I wil be happy when i am back home with all my babies on Friday.
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Army National Gaurds had their Christmas party tonight. We ate a turkey dinner it was very good.Then Santa came Landen has always been scared of SANTA he usually fusses and cries.Not tonight he heard Santa and he got all excited and Grabbed his daddies hand and they headed to where Santa was. Landen got right up on santas lap and patted his belly snuggled next to him and plopped his thumb in his mouth.And stupid me did not have a camera with me.He was so darn cute.He got a sack full of goodies from Santa.
Landen is so darn funny he got in the car when we were leaving to come home and kept saying HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS! He loves christmas so so much. Not really the presents.He loves the Music and the lights and the cookies and all the good stuff of christmas.He would rather have the wrapping paper over the presents anyday.He loves to touch the tree and say PETTY. I need to get a new Digital camera so bad.Maybe when i come back from Texas i will get one.Unless i find a good deal on one while in Texas.
Landen is so darn funny he got in the car when we were leaving to come home and kept saying HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS! He loves christmas so so much. Not really the presents.He loves the Music and the lights and the cookies and all the good stuff of christmas.He would rather have the wrapping paper over the presents anyday.He loves to touch the tree and say PETTY. I need to get a new Digital camera so bad.Maybe when i come back from Texas i will get one.Unless i find a good deal on one while in Texas.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
There is a Mom traveling to Liberia to bring her daughter home.She was so nice when i asked her if she could take a gift to our son.She said YES. I am so happy that our sweet angel will have something from his Family in time for christmas.SO i hurried around and have it ready to drop in the mail in the morning.I am sending him a short outfit its sooo cute a pair of socks a blanket to snuggle with and a small Musical toy.A christmas card that has whinnie the pooh on it that we said merry christmas emmanuel WE LOVE YOU!I tried to make sure it was not too big as i understand her luggage is pretty tight with taking her things and her childs things.
I am so excited this made me feel great to be able to send something to our sweet BABY!Next christmas will be super special when our lil one is home forever with us.I can hardly wait until he is here with us those kissy cheeks he has he is soooo precious.I am so in love with this beautiful little boy.I pray our I 171H comes soon and our turn to go to get our babe in Liberia.
I am so excited this made me feel great to be able to send something to our sweet BABY!Next christmas will be super special when our lil one is home forever with us.I can hardly wait until he is here with us those kissy cheeks he has he is soooo precious.I am so in love with this beautiful little boy.I pray our I 171H comes soon and our turn to go to get our babe in Liberia.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My aunt is working me hard this week.She is my boss..I am a patient care attendent i clean her house help her with things she cant do ,take her to run her errands and grocerie shop and take her to all doc appointments.I took her to the docator Monday in Kansas city Kansas usually i dont work on Mondays.Ok so she tells me to take Tuesday off because she had something planned.Today on my way to her house this morning she calls me and says,,,I had dental work done and they capped my tooth the cap came off and i have nerves exposed im in PAIN.
So off we went to the dentist a 30 minute drive Late in the day.So i got home late and had to find something QUICK to make for dinner and then i had Piles of laundry and trying to pack so its ready to go on Sunday.Tomorrow i pick her up at 10 am and take her to an appointment in Kansas city MO. that one is at noone then she has another one in kansas city at 3:15 ughh.This means i wont be Home until late driving kc is about an hour from my house.She is packing in her appointments because she is leaving for Illinoise for a week.
So my dear Husband will leave work again early to be here when the kids get off the school bus.He usually works until 5 pm but has been comming home at 3 pm for the kids.So he goes to work earlier in the mornings poor guy.I really need to grocery shop so when we get back as late as it will be i have to get some groceries in this house.So much for getting my shopping all daone haha!I guess i will have to wait until we are back from Texas ho hum.
So off we went to the dentist a 30 minute drive Late in the day.So i got home late and had to find something QUICK to make for dinner and then i had Piles of laundry and trying to pack so its ready to go on Sunday.Tomorrow i pick her up at 10 am and take her to an appointment in Kansas city MO. that one is at noone then she has another one in kansas city at 3:15 ughh.This means i wont be Home until late driving kc is about an hour from my house.She is packing in her appointments because she is leaving for Illinoise for a week.
So my dear Husband will leave work again early to be here when the kids get off the school bus.He usually works until 5 pm but has been comming home at 3 pm for the kids.So he goes to work earlier in the mornings poor guy.I really need to grocery shop so when we get back as late as it will be i have to get some groceries in this house.So much for getting my shopping all daone haha!I guess i will have to wait until we are back from Texas ho hum.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Today i went shopping...Its the best time for me to go when the kids are at school and Michael is at work.He is hard to shop with as he gripes when i buy things.I am happy to say that 2 of my 6 kids are now finished.I am also happy that i didnt spend alot either.
I also bought Jaxson a jumparoo...I had bought him a johnny jumper but was thinking it best if i get one on the stand because im afraid Landen would push him and smack his head or something.This jumparoo is to cute.It looks like a horse and it was a super buy at walmart.
I got home from shopping at 2 pm and had to hurry and wrap them as the kids get home at 3:30pm from school.If i hide them they would of found them so best if i get them wrapped right away.My 2 girls were thrilled when they came home and seen presents with their names on them.We leave for Texas on Sunday so this is another reason i am pushing to get Most of the shopping done.I dont like LAST MINUTE shopping ughh.
My goal is to be done shopping by the end of the week!I dont have much more to do and will be happy when its COMPLETED!Then i can focus on my Holiday baking after we get back from Texas.
I also bought Jaxson a jumparoo...I had bought him a johnny jumper but was thinking it best if i get one on the stand because im afraid Landen would push him and smack his head or something.This jumparoo is to cute.It looks like a horse and it was a super buy at walmart.
I got home from shopping at 2 pm and had to hurry and wrap them as the kids get home at 3:30pm from school.If i hide them they would of found them so best if i get them wrapped right away.My 2 girls were thrilled when they came home and seen presents with their names on them.We leave for Texas on Sunday so this is another reason i am pushing to get Most of the shopping done.I dont like LAST MINUTE shopping ughh.
My goal is to be done shopping by the end of the week!I dont have much more to do and will be happy when its COMPLETED!Then i can focus on my Holiday baking after we get back from Texas.
Monday, December 1, 2008
I am so bummed it has been 2 months and we are still waiting for our I171H approval. I get up early to check the mail everymorining in hopes it will in the mail.I have just been so down about it.I know it will come im just not a very patient person.
Patience is so hard when you are so inlove with a child and want them in your arms so badly.I am ready for him his crib is up all his clothes are washed and in his dresser i even have diapers in the diaper stacker bottles are on a shelf in the kitchen.All the signs of our little man but no little man yet.I am hoping i keep busy with the holiday comming and shopping and baking that it takes some of these things off my mind.Maybe tomorrow is the day our i171H comes.
Patience is so hard when you are so inlove with a child and want them in your arms so badly.I am ready for him his crib is up all his clothes are washed and in his dresser i even have diapers in the diaper stacker bottles are on a shelf in the kitchen.All the signs of our little man but no little man yet.I am hoping i keep busy with the holiday comming and shopping and baking that it takes some of these things off my mind.Maybe tomorrow is the day our i171H comes.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
We got the tree up and decorated it looks so nice.Landen pats the tree and says PETTY he loves the lights.We still have the outside to decorate but thats it it will be done.Michael was going to do it today but it has been snowing allday and then turned to rain.The snow dd not stick as it is not cold enough.So mayber tomorrow we can get the outside decorated.
I am taking my nephew to town here in a while he is going skating then to his house.I am going to go get new xmas lights for outside so Michael can hang them.We have some but want more ICYCLE ones.Tomorrow we will just hang out here at home as we did today!We are such homebodies lol.I am hoping tonight Landen goes to bed early so i can wrap some of the presents i have bought.Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
I am taking my nephew to town here in a while he is going skating then to his house.I am going to go get new xmas lights for outside so Michael can hang them.We have some but want more ICYCLE ones.Tomorrow we will just hang out here at home as we did today!We are such homebodies lol.I am hoping tonight Landen goes to bed early so i can wrap some of the presents i have bought.Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I have so much to be Thankful for !We had a wonderful dinner although i had a hard time sleeping last night because the turkey smelled so good.I cooked in my electric roaster it was a 21 lb turkey so i put it on a slow setting.I got up at about 5 am to baste it and check on it.My darling Linda helped me prep all the side dishes and cook them she was an awesome helper.
I was so thankful that Hannah and Anthony and William and Heather and Jayne all made it here safely.I am thankful my family is healthy and am thankful that we could all be together to share our day together.My family means the world to me and it was great to have all my kids home and just being together.The only thing missing was our beutiful Jaxson who i thought about allday and cant wait to get him home so he can enjoy his family being together and enjoying a big meal together.
I was so thankful that Hannah and Anthony and William and Heather and Jayne all made it here safely.I am thankful my family is healthy and am thankful that we could all be together to share our day together.My family means the world to me and it was great to have all my kids home and just being together.The only thing missing was our beutiful Jaxson who i thought about allday and cant wait to get him home so he can enjoy his family being together and enjoying a big meal together.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I hope everyone has lots to be thankful for i sure know we do.We are spending our lovely day here at home and i am making dinner for our family.Hannah and her fiance are comming and William and his girlfriend are also comming .My mother inlaw is making a 4 hr drive to join us as well.She will be staying the night and will return home on Friday.I have been cleaning and cooking and dishes and dishes oh and more dishes lol.I really ned toinvest in a dishwasher.Also will be..Rebecca,Linda and Landen...I am missing Briand he decided to have dinner with his dad im bummed about that.Oh and of course my sweet darling Husband and myself.
Today i went to work for a few hours then headed to walmart to get some last minute grocery items needed for dinner tomorrow.I also bought a new Microwave ours decided to break it was old anyway and i was in need of a new one. When i got home i Unloaded the car and put things away while my Husband went to y parents house to get the kids.Grandma took them home to decorate her christmas tree. We will be putting ours up this weekend as next weekend Michael and Landen and I will be leaving for Texas for a week.The kids will be staying at my parents house.Ok i am off to get the bird in the roaster.HAPPY TURKEY DAY!
Today i went to work for a few hours then headed to walmart to get some last minute grocery items needed for dinner tomorrow.I also bought a new Microwave ours decided to break it was old anyway and i was in need of a new one. When i got home i Unloaded the car and put things away while my Husband went to y parents house to get the kids.Grandma took them home to decorate her christmas tree. We will be putting ours up this weekend as next weekend Michael and Landen and I will be leaving for Texas for a week.The kids will be staying at my parents house.Ok i am off to get the bird in the roaster.HAPPY TURKEY DAY!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Michael and I been talking for awhile about putting a new floor in the dining room.I am thrilled we bought all the supplies on Saturday and started tearing out the yucky ole carpet out of dining room staurday night.I now have a laminate wood floor I LOVE IT! I cant believe the difference it made to our home.We had painted the room a few months ago and finally decided Now is the time to get the new floor in.
It worked out Just in time for Thanksgiving at our home.Its been so busy which is good to keep my mind from the adoption .Jaxson is so much apart of us but its not the same without him here. I have put his pictures in each room of our home so i can see his sweet little face everyday.
Landen is over his sicklies Thank goodness.He loves sesame street and Loves the songs.He runs around the house singing them.He is talking so much now my mom and dad was over and dad was helping Michael with the floor they got tired and was getting ready to leave and Landen said GAMMA i want Kiss he went and got kisses then he said GOODBYE GAMMA AND PAPPA.It was so cute.I love hearing his words expand and him being more verbal with all of us.He is my boy through and through he is quite a kid.Love him dearly.
Rebecca has been having some issues with a girl at school she was called in the office over it and was so upset she was crying.She did get this issue straightend out.Rebecca is a good girl and girls can be so MEAN.We had a nice talk and i am sure things will be better for her now.
Linda has made big strides in her bad behavior.I am glad to see this she is so much easier to talk with without the drama and getting mad.I am proud of her and told her so tonight when she was helping me Dust the furniture and put things back in the dining room.I am proud of all my kids they are really good kids and i am blessed they are ours.
It worked out Just in time for Thanksgiving at our home.Its been so busy which is good to keep my mind from the adoption .Jaxson is so much apart of us but its not the same without him here. I have put his pictures in each room of our home so i can see his sweet little face everyday.
Landen is over his sicklies Thank goodness.He loves sesame street and Loves the songs.He runs around the house singing them.He is talking so much now my mom and dad was over and dad was helping Michael with the floor they got tired and was getting ready to leave and Landen said GAMMA i want Kiss he went and got kisses then he said GOODBYE GAMMA AND PAPPA.It was so cute.I love hearing his words expand and him being more verbal with all of us.He is my boy through and through he is quite a kid.Love him dearly.
Rebecca has been having some issues with a girl at school she was called in the office over it and was so upset she was crying.She did get this issue straightend out.Rebecca is a good girl and girls can be so MEAN.We had a nice talk and i am sure things will be better for her now.
Linda has made big strides in her bad behavior.I am glad to see this she is so much easier to talk with without the drama and getting mad.I am proud of her and told her so tonight when she was helping me Dust the furniture and put things back in the dining room.I am proud of all my kids they are really good kids and i am blessed they are ours.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Michael and Idrove to another town to get our travel shots today.That wasnt so bad the bad part was...200.00 for 3 shots.He needed yellow fever... i needed yellow fever and Typhoid and it was 200.00 for 3 shots.We went to the doctor to get these but we are in a small area and the docs office dont have them and recommended us to get them dont at health department in Leavenworth.We ahould asked our doctor to order them so Insurance would pay for some of them.
We sent Landen to school this morning and we were headed out the door to go get the shots when the school called and said we needed to come get Landen he pooed 3 diapers in 30 minutes.So we picked him up and took him with us..He is not running a fever or throwing uop he dont even act like he is not feeling well.He would NOT eat today but did drink quite a bit of 7 up and water.He did eat alot at supper this evening.We are just going to hang around the house since Landen is having problems.
Oh after we got back from Leavenworth i took Michael to work and Landen and I went to walmart to pick up the medicine the doctor perscribed to me yesterday.Also picking up a few things we were out of when Landen EXPLODED another diaper....this one eneded up all over his sweat outfit which is lightgrey.So Landen got a new outfit today..I picked one up and a small bag of diapers we need them anyway and a carry case of wipes we paid for the purchases and went to the bathroom and cleaned and changed him before leaving walmart.I then bought him a drink at mcdonalds and me a coffee we came home where he has went through ALOT more diapers.Oh i did find some Immodium to stop the diahrea i hope it helps.
We sent Landen to school this morning and we were headed out the door to go get the shots when the school called and said we needed to come get Landen he pooed 3 diapers in 30 minutes.So we picked him up and took him with us..He is not running a fever or throwing uop he dont even act like he is not feeling well.He would NOT eat today but did drink quite a bit of 7 up and water.He did eat alot at supper this evening.We are just going to hang around the house since Landen is having problems.
Oh after we got back from Leavenworth i took Michael to work and Landen and I went to walmart to pick up the medicine the doctor perscribed to me yesterday.Also picking up a few things we were out of when Landen EXPLODED another diaper....this one eneded up all over his sweat outfit which is lightgrey.So Landen got a new outfit today..I picked one up and a small bag of diapers we need them anyway and a carry case of wipes we paid for the purchases and went to the bathroom and cleaned and changed him before leaving walmart.I then bought him a drink at mcdonalds and me a coffee we came home where he has went through ALOT more diapers.Oh i did find some Immodium to stop the diahrea i hope it helps.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
To start with...Landen came downstairs this morning and was COVERED in puke and POO!I mean it was everywhere he had it all over the floor down the legs up the back !So he got a shower first off this morning and got to stay home from school.We just completed another shower he had another explosion out the diaper as it happened again.at least he will start the night off clean and a clean bed.We have been putting pullups on him at night and pullups for school.When he comes home from school we switched to training pants.But now we are full time diapers until the diarhea subsides.
I have also been under the weather and seen the doctor today.He thinks i have Rhumatoid arthritis i go for blood work and xrays in the morning.I am praying its NOT rhumatoid that is a vry mean arthritis,He perscribed me pain meds as needed and a antiinflamatory med.I hope it helps.I have not been able to walk the stairs for a week so My husband has been seeing to Landen being tucked in and read too.
I hope noone else in the house gets sick.... we need to stay healthy sheesh.
I have also been under the weather and seen the doctor today.He thinks i have Rhumatoid arthritis i go for blood work and xrays in the morning.I am praying its NOT rhumatoid that is a vry mean arthritis,He perscribed me pain meds as needed and a antiinflamatory med.I hope it helps.I have not been able to walk the stairs for a week so My husband has been seeing to Landen being tucked in and read too.
I hope noone else in the house gets sick.... we need to stay healthy sheesh.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I have not been feeling well....Like all my joints and muscles hurt so bad.I have not went to work all week because i have felt so bad.I see the doctor tomorrow i hope its good new and not anything bad.I stress when i am not feeling well as my family look up to me to be the healthy one.I hope to have some answers tomorrow.
I have been getting so excited about the holidays.I have been making my shopping list for Thanksgiving dinner and have almost all of what we need bought.I am so thrilled to have all 6 kids home for dinner.I have so much to be thankful for.I will still be missing 1 member of our family who is in another country and who has no idea he has Big family waiting to love him up.He will have a wonderful prayer said just for him on thanksgiving day.
Christmas ....My favorite part of this Holiday is the music and baking cookies and making fudge and candies and of course the christmas tree.I am not big on presents and am happy not recieving at all.I LOVE TO GIVE...Last year we were financially strapped so i made homemade goodies and bought the reusable containers and filled them up and gave them to the church,friends,family,coworkers and they were thrilled with this.I have been doing dome christmas shopping and am Happy to say Landens christmas is DONE.Of course he is my easy one i shop n the toddler toys for him.I pruchased a HUGEE drum the biggest i have ever seen and he will LOVE it.His is now done i have been buying for him since summer on clearnce.I am happy to say his total for christmas was 50.00 wow that is a savings for me.
I havethe other 5 kids to buy for and will get it done.They are harder and more expensive.I cant wait for Jax to be here and buy for him and see his face when he sees the lights and hear the music Landen Loves christmas he is like momma and cares less about the gifts and more into enjoying the giving and the spirit of it all.This christmas will also be hard as he wont be here with us to enjoy it.But watch out next year when he is home...It will be the best christmas EVER.
Christmas ....My favorite part of this Holiday is the music and baking cookies and making fudge and candies and of course the christmas tree.I am not big on presents and am happy not recieving at all.I LOVE TO GIVE...Last year we were financially strapped so i made homemade goodies and bought the reusable containers and filled them up and gave them to the church,friends,family,coworkers and they were thrilled with this.I have been doing dome christmas shopping and am Happy to say Landens christmas is DONE.Of course he is my easy one i shop n the toddler toys for him.I pruchased a HUGEE drum the biggest i have ever seen and he will LOVE it.His is now done i have been buying for him since summer on clearnce.I am happy to say his total for christmas was 50.00 wow that is a savings for me.
I havethe other 5 kids to buy for and will get it done.They are harder and more expensive.I cant wait for Jax to be here and buy for him and see his face when he sees the lights and hear the music Landen Loves christmas he is like momma and cares less about the gifts and more into enjoying the giving and the spirit of it all.This christmas will also be hard as he wont be here with us to enjoy it.But watch out next year when he is home...It will be the best christmas EVER.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ok so maybe not to some but to us it is...I have been saving and saving so that i could go to Liberia with Michael when the time comes to get Jaxson.My husband has been waiting on a back pay check to come and we were told it could take up to a year.NO MORE WORRIES..the check came and we have the money needed for both of us to travel to get Jaxson.I am just so so happy that we will both begoing to get our sweet angel boy.Without this money i would probably not been able to go.Even with my paychecks and my extra babysetting money it would not have been enough.I am so so thrilled this worry is now over and i know i will be there to meet our son with my husband i cant be anymore happier about it.I will still put my checks and babysetting money into savings just because i want a nice nest egg for when we return home with Jaxson.Or until money gets tight and we cant afford my checks to go in savings.I am just HAPPY and wanna shout to the roof tops that a stress is gone and I WILL get to go to africa wooohooo.
Friday we go to get our travel shots...I am happy we are getting theses done.Hubby needs 1 and i need 2.We will be good to go.Now to get I171H and hear we had court in Liberia I am so ready to go NOW.
Friday we go to get our travel shots...I am happy we are getting theses done.Hubby needs 1 and i need 2.We will be good to go.Now to get I171H and hear we had court in Liberia I am so ready to go NOW.
Monday, November 17, 2008
We had a crazy weekend here...Saturday i shampooed carpets and was doing much needed deep cleaning all was quiet until Saturday night.Michael and I got certificates to go eat at Petes steakhouse and Linda threw a fit a bad one beause we wanted to go out without the kids.So all in all we ended up not going.But there were consicinces for this behavior.Michael and i NEED our Once a month date night and i wont give it up.But Linda wants to go to her friends on the weekend and we have reigned to it to almost a hault.Why should she be allowed to go all the time when mom and dad cant even have a few hours a month alone.
Then came Sunday...Michael was doing honey do jobs and i was washing curtains and hanging them back up when my 16 yr old came downstairs in a horrible bad mood when asked to do his chores.So drama began again he got so mad he called his dad and his dad called me and was not nice ugghhh.We did get it resolved.ANYONE have a manual for parenting teens?Cause God didnt supply me with one when they were born haha.The little ones are like what in the world are they throwing fits for?Its sad the 15 and 16 yr old are outta line and the 13 and 8 yr old are shaking their heads like look at those babies.I am hoping for a better week and that the talks we gave them has much improved some behaviors outta the oldest 2.Oh and also for bad behaviors,,,They got extra chores.Maybe this will curve the problem.
Then came Sunday...Michael was doing honey do jobs and i was washing curtains and hanging them back up when my 16 yr old came downstairs in a horrible bad mood when asked to do his chores.So drama began again he got so mad he called his dad and his dad called me and was not nice ugghhh.We did get it resolved.ANYONE have a manual for parenting teens?Cause God didnt supply me with one when they were born haha.The little ones are like what in the world are they throwing fits for?Its sad the 15 and 16 yr old are outta line and the 13 and 8 yr old are shaking their heads like look at those babies.I am hoping for a better week and that the talks we gave them has much improved some behaviors outta the oldest 2.Oh and also for bad behaviors,,,They got extra chores.Maybe this will curve the problem.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Landens IEP was yesterday!It went well and he has masterd his Benchmarks so we upped one from 70% to 80% and changed another because it was unrealistic.He gets speech twice a week which has done wonders for him.His adaptive PE is going very well.
The blind school will be changing his daily task board in December as he has masterd those task and needs to move to something new. OT is going well and PT is not needed anymore YAY LANDEN. I am impressed with how Landen is doing.Oh and they have increased his time in the regular class so he is in more now YAYYY!
He still has a nasty cold his poor nose has ran so much he now has a sore under his nose.I been giving him cold medicine.He will see the doctor on Monday because its getting yucky now poor child is miserable. He was so lovable tonight and crawled on my lap i got kisses hugs and i wuv yous.He is such a mommas boy and I LOVE IT.Tonight he wanted coffee(hot chocolate) i am sure his throat is sore.I made him his coffee and he drank it all. then he said...I eat tapioca?His favorite pudding we put his seizure meds in it and thats how he take it.Then he said I GO UPSATIRS he went right up and crawled in bed.I went to read to him like 3 minutes later and he was already fast asleep the little stinker.I loove this little boy so much and i love that he has amazed all the doctors and therapist that work with him.He has gone far beyond what they thought he would.I knew he could hes my kid what more can i say lol.
The blind school will be changing his daily task board in December as he has masterd those task and needs to move to something new. OT is going well and PT is not needed anymore YAY LANDEN. I am impressed with how Landen is doing.Oh and they have increased his time in the regular class so he is in more now YAYYY!
He still has a nasty cold his poor nose has ran so much he now has a sore under his nose.I been giving him cold medicine.He will see the doctor on Monday because its getting yucky now poor child is miserable. He was so lovable tonight and crawled on my lap i got kisses hugs and i wuv yous.He is such a mommas boy and I LOVE IT.Tonight he wanted coffee(hot chocolate) i am sure his throat is sore.I made him his coffee and he drank it all. then he said...I eat tapioca?His favorite pudding we put his seizure meds in it and thats how he take it.Then he said I GO UPSATIRS he went right up and crawled in bed.I went to read to him like 3 minutes later and he was already fast asleep the little stinker.I loove this little boy so much and i love that he has amazed all the doctors and therapist that work with him.He has gone far beyond what they thought he would.I knew he could hes my kid what more can i say lol.
First experience
Michael has to go to texas to process out of the gaurds he is retiring from the army gaurds Temprorarily.He informed me that i also have to go.So we are flying to Texas for a week.I was not HAPPY about it.For 1...i am scared of flying..Its best i get used to it now beore we leave to Liberia.I have never flown before.2.Landen does not do well without his mommy and daddy...so Michael had it apporved to take him with us.The date were going is around December 7 through the 12th.Decmeber is such a busy month for us ughhh!So i am going to try to do a little xmas shopping while there.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
We have not recieved no news on our adoption yet.We are in week number 5 waiting for our I171H approval.I am hoping it comes soon.We are also waiting on a hefty check to come for the rest of our travel money should be anyday now.I am praying everything comes together soon.As Thanksgiving gets closer i think about our angel and wish he was here with us when we say what we are thankful for and have all the kids together at once.
Adoption is always stressful but so so worth it when i hold my child in my arms forever. I can hardly wait to meet him and hold him and tell him How much he is loved.We have been trying to teach Landen to say Jaxson or even Jax...We tell him he will have a little brother to play with and he doesnt respond.Part i think is jealousy he Is the baby and knows he is the baby.He goes in and touches and stares at the crib he has not figured out why it is there or what it is for yet.I keep talling him thats your brothers bed he ignores me of course.
All i can do is pray nightly that it all comes together soon.I dream of the day we travel and i enter the home he is in and pick him up and tell him im his momma.That momma and daddy love him very much and brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting to meet him. My Linda is sooo excited about Jaxson she talks about him everyday.She loves Landen and is so good with him.She told me mom...I cant wait for Jaxson to come home i will have 2 little brothers to love.She wants to be a special ed teacher when she grows up...She said having a brother with special needs and now another brother that she wants to teach children like them.She has taught Landen so much including stuff she should not have like how to say shut up...Or when i want him to do something she taught him to say NICE TRY FRENCH FRIE.I know it sounds funny but not so funny when i tell him to pick his toys up and thats his reply to me.
Adoption is always stressful but so so worth it when i hold my child in my arms forever. I can hardly wait to meet him and hold him and tell him How much he is loved.We have been trying to teach Landen to say Jaxson or even Jax...We tell him he will have a little brother to play with and he doesnt respond.Part i think is jealousy he Is the baby and knows he is the baby.He goes in and touches and stares at the crib he has not figured out why it is there or what it is for yet.I keep talling him thats your brothers bed he ignores me of course.
All i can do is pray nightly that it all comes together soon.I dream of the day we travel and i enter the home he is in and pick him up and tell him im his momma.That momma and daddy love him very much and brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting to meet him. My Linda is sooo excited about Jaxson she talks about him everyday.She loves Landen and is so good with him.She told me mom...I cant wait for Jaxson to come home i will have 2 little brothers to love.She wants to be a special ed teacher when she grows up...She said having a brother with special needs and now another brother that she wants to teach children like them.She has taught Landen so much including stuff she should not have like how to say shut up...Or when i want him to do something she taught him to say NICE TRY FRENCH FRIE.I know it sounds funny but not so funny when i tell him to pick his toys up and thats his reply to me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Some people think im crazy as we start buying some christmas presents in the summer.With having 6 children to buy for i always start early.Landen of course is my easiest one and i have bought several things on clearance racks for him.The kicker is his birthday is 4 days after christmas so he is getting a brand new red wagon(his got broke) and he LOVED HIS WAGON.I bought a blow up diego house with the balls that go inside of it.He will LOVE this and i got it for a cheap price.My Brian i tease him that he is all farmer john.He loves anything to do with farming..(his dad is a farmer) i bought him some johndeer t shirts his are already pretty worn out.I bought him 2 when school started.I still have quite a bit of shopping to do but if i can pick up some here and there then i should have it done fairly quickly.
My 2 girls can be hard as they are picky but i am sure i will figure it all out.Hannah and william my 2 adult kids are not to bad to buy for.A couple presents and some cash and they are happy happy.I plan on doing a little bit of shopping this weekend Michael and I are going out to dinner Saturday night and we will do a little shopping then.
so dont think im crazy... we are like anybig family with so many to buy for ya START early.
My 2 girls can be hard as they are picky but i am sure i will figure it all out.Hannah and william my 2 adult kids are not to bad to buy for.A couple presents and some cash and they are happy happy.I plan on doing a little bit of shopping this weekend Michael and I are going out to dinner Saturday night and we will do a little shopping then.
so dont think im crazy... we are like anybig family with so many to buy for ya START early.
Rebecca was at my friend Dee's house .Dee has a deaf dog i dont know if Rebecca scared her or what but the dog BIT Rebecca on her side and her ankle.Its not a bad bite just small puncture but it did bruise pretty good.Luckily the dog has all her shots.Rebecca is pretty shook up Dee called me right away and brought her home.Rebecca has been crying but some hugs and kisses and pampering she is fine.I did give her some Ibuprofen for pain.
I am just glad it is not worse then it was.Thankgoodness my little girl is ok.
I am just glad it is not worse then it was.Thankgoodness my little girl is ok.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I had 2 children home from school today...Landen with a awful runny nose and who just sint being his normal happy little guy self.Linda who has been dealing with a sore throat.She said its less sore today so thats a good thing.Brian also has a head cold but he was able to go to school today.
So i stayed home from work to tend to my sick kiddos...My husband Michael is also home today he gets vetrans day off.Both hands on board with the 2 kiddos is better then one.I forgot maile isnt running today and went to check it.Of course i check it everyday HOPING our I171H will show up.
Maybe it will come tomorrow.I just keep praying it here soon.I also pray everyday thats things move quickly in Liberia.I so want our little boy to come home.I am ready to meet him.I dream of the day i get to hold him in our arms forever.I CANT WAIT.This waiting is so so hard to me its the hardest part of adoption.We love you JAXSON so so much cant wait to meet you little man.
So i stayed home from work to tend to my sick kiddos...My husband Michael is also home today he gets vetrans day off.Both hands on board with the 2 kiddos is better then one.I forgot maile isnt running today and went to check it.Of course i check it everyday HOPING our I171H will show up.
Maybe it will come tomorrow.I just keep praying it here soon.I also pray everyday thats things move quickly in Liberia.I so want our little boy to come home.I am ready to meet him.I dream of the day i get to hold him in our arms forever.I CANT WAIT.This waiting is so so hard to me its the hardest part of adoption.We love you JAXSON so so much cant wait to meet you little man.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The School called this morning and canceled IEP.Landens teacher is sick.So it will be rescheduled.To take up that time i decided why not bake and baked chocolate chip cookies for the kids when they come home from school they will have some fresh baked cookies.And for the husband i have a Bannana nut bread in oven right now.
Hmm maybe i should make some oatmeal raisen cookies too.I am in a baking mood today.
Hmm maybe i should make some oatmeal raisen cookies too.I am in a baking mood today.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
This is crazy i am not sleeping well at all .My mind dont shut down i think of Jaxson constantly and pray things start comming together. I spent today working on a bib i am making him .I also washed his comforter set and got it all in his crib now.Its looks so cute.Linda my 15 yr old is so excited about having a baby brother she helped me with his crib and lined all his stuffed animals he has at the bottom.I told her that was fine but when he comes home they have to come out because its not safe to have them in the crib with him.
These sleeping issues seem to be getting worse i guess i better get some tylonol pm and try it.I pray we get our I171H soon.And praying harder we get court soon.I am so ready to hold him he is the most Beautiful little man.I am going to craft his things and run out of things to make him HAHA.
Linda has had a sore throat all weekend and just feeling yucky.Landen has had an awful nasty snotty nose but it has not slowed him down none.He wiped it all over his sweat shirt and I changed his shirt like 4 times today.I can tell the weather is changing too.Landens skin is getting ashy again so he has been getting lotioned alot during diaper changes and clothing changes.He is always wanting me to scratch his back and his legs.
Tomorrow or should say later today Landen has his IEP meeting.I have some concerns i will address at the IEP meeting.One of them being speech...He is suppose to be recieving it and last year we struggled with the speech therapist not wanting to work with him.I want to make sure he is getting what he is entitled too.His OT AND PT are awsome and work very hard with Landen.I also have not heard noting of his vision therapy.The blind school is suppose to be working with him twice a week and i want to see if they are and what they are doing to help him.They did so much for Landen last year a BIG improvemnet.He stands up more straight now when he is walking he has become more indenpendent at school.They also was building him a special walker as he does not have the gross motor skills for the cane.
Since i cant sleep i have dusted the living room and folded 2 baskets of laundry Might as well get somework done while i am having a sleepless night.My husband will be a sweety and Take Landens medication to the school he got a note sent home that they needed more seizure meds.I also need to call in for a refill he is low at home too.I am gonna try to get a few hours of sleep.
These sleeping issues seem to be getting worse i guess i better get some tylonol pm and try it.I pray we get our I171H soon.And praying harder we get court soon.I am so ready to hold him he is the most Beautiful little man.I am going to craft his things and run out of things to make him HAHA.
Linda has had a sore throat all weekend and just feeling yucky.Landen has had an awful nasty snotty nose but it has not slowed him down none.He wiped it all over his sweat shirt and I changed his shirt like 4 times today.I can tell the weather is changing too.Landens skin is getting ashy again so he has been getting lotioned alot during diaper changes and clothing changes.He is always wanting me to scratch his back and his legs.
Tomorrow or should say later today Landen has his IEP meeting.I have some concerns i will address at the IEP meeting.One of them being speech...He is suppose to be recieving it and last year we struggled with the speech therapist not wanting to work with him.I want to make sure he is getting what he is entitled too.His OT AND PT are awsome and work very hard with Landen.I also have not heard noting of his vision therapy.The blind school is suppose to be working with him twice a week and i want to see if they are and what they are doing to help him.They did so much for Landen last year a BIG improvemnet.He stands up more straight now when he is walking he has become more indenpendent at school.They also was building him a special walker as he does not have the gross motor skills for the cane.
Since i cant sleep i have dusted the living room and folded 2 baskets of laundry Might as well get somework done while i am having a sleepless night.My husband will be a sweety and Take Landens medication to the school he got a note sent home that they needed more seizure meds.I also need to call in for a refill he is low at home too.I am gonna try to get a few hours of sleep.
Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Memorial hall here had a day for veterans.My wonderful amazing Husband got the honor to give a speech on behalf of the veterans.His speech touched everyone and made us all reflect on how lucky we are to Live in the United states.Please take today to thank all those vets who fight for our freedom and served our country.And to those families who lost their loved ones in the past and today.I was so Proud of my husband today.He is all soldier and i am so happy to be his wife.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I have been wanting to try these space bags,,,They really work...I had some extra tshirts i wanted to store away and thought i would try them they are so cool and actually do suck down.So i stored them under my bed.I want to get some more to store the kids summer things and extra blankets and such.
I ended up with today off...My boss had an appointment and decided i owuld not be needed today.It kinda stinks because it cuts my already part time hours.So i am using today to go through clothing and Boxing up things to take to the second hand store.The kids brought a pile of clothes they outgrew to me as well as some items they really dont wear.
I am having thanksgiving dinner at my home this year and this is the perfect time to clean and get these clothes and things sorted out.My children all 6 of them are comming and Hannahs boyfriend and williams girlfriend as well as my mother inlaw.I did invite my parents but they are not sure what they are doing for TG dinner yet.
The weather has been crazy...70S all week and today its right down cold.No wonder everyone is starting to get sick.I am doing my best trying not to catch a cold .
No news on our adoption the wait is so hard.I want Jaxson home so bad.I am so ready for him.I held my cousins baby last night and it made me long for Jaxson even more.
Momma loves you Jaxson I cannot wait to hold you in my arms forever kisses and hugs little man soon you will be with Your family.
I ended up with today off...My boss had an appointment and decided i owuld not be needed today.It kinda stinks because it cuts my already part time hours.So i am using today to go through clothing and Boxing up things to take to the second hand store.The kids brought a pile of clothes they outgrew to me as well as some items they really dont wear.
I am having thanksgiving dinner at my home this year and this is the perfect time to clean and get these clothes and things sorted out.My children all 6 of them are comming and Hannahs boyfriend and williams girlfriend as well as my mother inlaw.I did invite my parents but they are not sure what they are doing for TG dinner yet.
The weather has been crazy...70S all week and today its right down cold.No wonder everyone is starting to get sick.I am doing my best trying not to catch a cold .
No news on our adoption the wait is so hard.I want Jaxson home so bad.I am so ready for him.I held my cousins baby last night and it made me long for Jaxson even more.
Momma loves you Jaxson I cannot wait to hold you in my arms forever kisses and hugs little man soon you will be with Your family.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My aunt wanted to go to the second hand store so i took her and i am glad i did.I found Jaxson a complete whinnie the pooh bedding set.It looks BRAND NEW.I got the bumper pad(we wont need that) the crib blanket and sheet, dust ruffle ,and diaper stacker all for 5.00.
Jaxsons crib is whinnie the pooh and i was thrlled i found a bedding set. I am making him an eyore blanket but i know it wont be done before he comes home.So i was looking for a crib set and if i didnt find one was going to buy one brandnew.Well i did find one and it looks BRANDNEW.
I also found Landen a pair of pajamas and cute red sweater with a mouse on it and a thomas train sweat suit.He loves thomas the train. That store can get me in trouble haha.
Jaxsons crib is whinnie the pooh and i was thrlled i found a bedding set. I am making him an eyore blanket but i know it wont be done before he comes home.So i was looking for a crib set and if i didnt find one was going to buy one brandnew.Well i did find one and it looks BRANDNEW.
I also found Landen a pair of pajamas and cute red sweater with a mouse on it and a thomas train sweat suit.He loves thomas the train. That store can get me in trouble haha.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes its long but we wanted to keep his name he had and give him a new first name.I wanted Jaxson and at the time he wanted Elijah,Well out of the blue he decided he didnt want Elijah.So i said JAXSON?He said ok as long as i can call him Jax.My moms Mother my grandmas maiden name is Jackson so my mom will be thrilled.
I am thrilled because this is the first child i have GOTTEN to pick a name for and its a Beutiful name i love it.
I went to the second hand store and was so pleased.I got 2 pair of jeans, 4 new winter tops ,a dress ,a pair of boots ,and a pair of dress shoes ,all for 10 dollars,That was a great deal and all the things i bought look BRAND NEW.I went in looking for clothes for myself and was very happy with my new wardrobe.I dont buy myself new things often but was in Need and am very happy with my purchases.
Linda is home today she had a doctors appointment and is not feeling to great she has caught a cold.I will return to town to pick up my husband Michael and take him to the dentist.We are down to 1 car as his truck is in the shop.Brian ran over a possom and did something to the front end of the truck.
I hurried to the mail box this morning and was so bummed when our I171H was not there.This is week 4 so i hope soon.I got asked again today when is your baby comming home?Ughh adoption is not a snap of fingers and your child is in your arms.I wish it was that easy but its not.Its a waiting game an believe me it tries my patience too.But the END result when you are holding your child and loving that child that it is all forgotten.People dont understand this though so when thwy ask its hard to explain.I just tell them..Takes 9 months to have a baby its not 9 months yet haha.
Linda is home today she had a doctors appointment and is not feeling to great she has caught a cold.I will return to town to pick up my husband Michael and take him to the dentist.We are down to 1 car as his truck is in the shop.Brian ran over a possom and did something to the front end of the truck.
I hurried to the mail box this morning and was so bummed when our I171H was not there.This is week 4 so i hope soon.I got asked again today when is your baby comming home?Ughh adoption is not a snap of fingers and your child is in your arms.I wish it was that easy but its not.Its a waiting game an believe me it tries my patience too.But the END result when you are holding your child and loving that child that it is all forgotten.People dont understand this though so when thwy ask its hard to explain.I just tell them..Takes 9 months to have a baby its not 9 months yet haha.
Monday, November 3, 2008
This and That
Well no I171H today so i am a bit bummed.I just want this all done and my baby in my arms.Today was my day off so i ran errands and went grocery shopping.I put them away and had to go pick Brian up at school for his orthodontist appointment.I made supper toight of course its the Girls and I,s favorite but the boys are not to wild about cabbage potaoes carrots and polish sausage but the girls and i love it.
The weather he has been just wonderful being in the 70,s all weekend and today.I washed bedding and hung it on line i love the outdoor smell on my linens.Oh while out running errands this morning my cousin called me to meet her at a resturaunt for coffee,Actually she offerd to buy me breakfast but i had already had breakfast.I got to play with this sweet baby named Josiah he will be 1 yr old this week and is he ever sweet. my cousin was babysitting him He is the same size as our E so i now know what it will feel like to hold E as Josiah is the same weight and height as E.
I am hoping this is the week and our I171H comes soon.Would be even better if we get the call that E is legally ours.I am ready to get my little angel home.
The weather he has been just wonderful being in the 70,s all weekend and today.I washed bedding and hung it on line i love the outdoor smell on my linens.Oh while out running errands this morning my cousin called me to meet her at a resturaunt for coffee,Actually she offerd to buy me breakfast but i had already had breakfast.I got to play with this sweet baby named Josiah he will be 1 yr old this week and is he ever sweet. my cousin was babysitting him He is the same size as our E so i now know what it will feel like to hold E as Josiah is the same weight and height as E.
I am hoping this is the week and our I171H comes soon.Would be even better if we get the call that E is legally ours.I am ready to get my little angel home.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
TODAY we were all outside Michael was winterizing the house and Landen was playing and we were doing some much needed stuff in the yard.The weather was AWSOME. Brian raked a huge pile of leaves and put Landen in the middle of them.We have tried this before and he has shown no Interest.This time he did...HE HAD A BALL.Brian would cover him up and all you could see was leaves flying everywhere and Landen laughing so hard.When he set up all you can see is his head.It was so cute.I so miss my digital camera i could of gotten some amazing pics .I asked hubby for a new one for christamas.My daughter broke mine.
Now we need our Emmanuel home to enjoy the weather outside.He has a swing waiting for him at the swing set.The joy on emmanuels face will be something i will never forget when he gets to do so many first.I am praying this is the week we recieve our I 171 H.I am also praying things move quickly in Liberia.Emmanuel needs to come home we are so anxious to get him here.Landen is such a joy and E will be too.I cant wait to takje my 2 little boys for a walk or to the park or just outside to play.I am so ready for E...
We love you Emmanuel big kisses and hugs from Mommy and Daddy brothers and sisters.
Now we need our Emmanuel home to enjoy the weather outside.He has a swing waiting for him at the swing set.The joy on emmanuels face will be something i will never forget when he gets to do so many first.I am praying this is the week we recieve our I 171 H.I am also praying things move quickly in Liberia.Emmanuel needs to come home we are so anxious to get him here.Landen is such a joy and E will be too.I cant wait to takje my 2 little boys for a walk or to the park or just outside to play.I am so ready for E...
We love you Emmanuel big kisses and hugs from Mommy and Daddy brothers and sisters.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Landen does not like holloween but he surprised me this year.The weather was AWSOME upper 60's so we walked around town.Landen LOVED it maybe every year its cold is why he dont usually like it? I did make a mistake and not take his stroller and he wore out and had to be carried.He would not say Trick or treat he would say....LANDEN GO TO PARTY lol.I think because he had school pary today.
The girls..My teenagers..they are 13 and 15 asked to carve pumpkins.When they came home from school they did carved their pumpkins.Landen really dont care for this partly because of his eye sight.So mommy didnt wanna leave him out so i bought him a MR,Potatoe head that you can dress up in a ghost costume.HE LOVED IT! He played with Mr. Potatoe head for quite a long while before it was time for supper and time to go trick or treat.
Landen was sooo tried from Trick or treating we got home about 8:15 and i dressed him in Jammies and he went right to bed. Now all the kids are tucked into bed and i am doing Laundry.Tomorrow is suppose to be in the 70's like today so we are going to do some much needed yard work tomorrow.
The girls..My teenagers..they are 13 and 15 asked to carve pumpkins.When they came home from school they did carved their pumpkins.Landen really dont care for this partly because of his eye sight.So mommy didnt wanna leave him out so i bought him a MR,Potatoe head that you can dress up in a ghost costume.HE LOVED IT! He played with Mr. Potatoe head for quite a long while before it was time for supper and time to go trick or treat.
Landen was sooo tried from Trick or treating we got home about 8:15 and i dressed him in Jammies and he went right to bed. Now all the kids are tucked into bed and i am doing Laundry.Tomorrow is suppose to be in the 70's like today so we are going to do some much needed yard work tomorrow.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I was happy to recieve an email stating E's height and weight..He weighs..18 lbs and is 29 inches in Length,He is so tiny for 31/2 yrs old.I so cant wait to get to him.I love seeing his pics and how sweet he is.Its not the same as holding him and cuddling him.
I am praying this is not to long a wait.I am going bonkers to get this child home.Hoping to recieve I 171 H soon.Hoping to hear we have case study and court soon.I am ready to go NOW.I do love getting anytype of updates.It makes my day to see them.Now if Michael and i can AGREE on a name for our angel i would be even Happier.
I am praying this is not to long a wait.I am going bonkers to get this child home.Hoping to recieve I 171 H soon.Hoping to hear we have case study and court soon.I am ready to go NOW.I do love getting anytype of updates.It makes my day to see them.Now if Michael and i can AGREE on a name for our angel i would be even Happier.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
No News
No News yet on the adoption end.I am praying for I171H to come soon.Its been almost 4 weeks so i am praying soon.Still waiting to hear on Liberias end.I am aching to hold my baby i am going nuts here.I really need to gain more patience with this.
Knowing Es special needs he really needs to come home and get his therapy going.I am so in love with this child.Not a day goes by that we dont talk about him and how much we want him to be in our family and all the love the kids and mommy and daddy have for him.We look at his pics and say how cute he is and how wonderful he looks.
I get tired of people asking when is he comming home?When do you get to leave to go get him?I tell them when i know i will let you know. Its so hard for people to understand International adoptions do NOT have a set time. The wait can be excrutiating(which it is).But in the end so so worth it to finally hold that child you come to love through pics and videos.To watch them grow and smile.It all worth the agony of the wait.I just pray its not to long of a wait.I WANT MY LITTLE MAN.
Knowing Es special needs he really needs to come home and get his therapy going.I am so in love with this child.Not a day goes by that we dont talk about him and how much we want him to be in our family and all the love the kids and mommy and daddy have for him.We look at his pics and say how cute he is and how wonderful he looks.
I get tired of people asking when is he comming home?When do you get to leave to go get him?I tell them when i know i will let you know. Its so hard for people to understand International adoptions do NOT have a set time. The wait can be excrutiating(which it is).But in the end so so worth it to finally hold that child you come to love through pics and videos.To watch them grow and smile.It all worth the agony of the wait.I just pray its not to long of a wait.I WANT MY LITTLE MAN.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Our weekend was relaxed a bit.Saturday we stayed home and made dinner and a birthday cake for my oldest son who turned 20 yrs old.I cant believe how fast my kids are growing up.William my 20 yr old lives on his own.He is struggling right now and i feel so bad for him.He went to school to be a security Gaurd and now he is done he cant find work.All the places here want them to be 21 yrs old.So my son is desperate to find work and even trying to get a job at mcdonalds.I hope he finds something soon his rent is comming due.
Rebecca was invited to a birthday party yesterday evening and had a great times.She stayed for like 4 hrs.She had so much fun last night.Today was the VFW Holloween party for children 10 and under.Michael and I took Landen.Landen kept saying I go to a party.He was tickled and had a nice time.They all got a spider that is handcrafted with Pipe cleaners and pompoms he LOVED IT.I would pull the string and make the spider move and Landen just laughed and Laughed it was so much fun watching him have such a good time.
When we got back i decided to get some much needed things done around the house.I started with shampooing the living room carpet it looks so much better now.Then decided its time to tackle Landens dresser and tote that still has some winter clothes from Last year.He took a major GROWTH spurt since last winter he wore 4 T and now is a size 6 boys.So almost all of what is in the tote wont fit.I am glad i went to the second hand store and found him some nice shirts and Pants.We really didnt do much this weekend actually most weekend we are home now.When its cold we dont like getting out and it was that today.Yesterday was Nice and Landen played outside quite a bit of the day.
Rebecca was invited to a birthday party yesterday evening and had a great times.She stayed for like 4 hrs.She had so much fun last night.Today was the VFW Holloween party for children 10 and under.Michael and I took Landen.Landen kept saying I go to a party.He was tickled and had a nice time.They all got a spider that is handcrafted with Pipe cleaners and pompoms he LOVED IT.I would pull the string and make the spider move and Landen just laughed and Laughed it was so much fun watching him have such a good time.
When we got back i decided to get some much needed things done around the house.I started with shampooing the living room carpet it looks so much better now.Then decided its time to tackle Landens dresser and tote that still has some winter clothes from Last year.He took a major GROWTH spurt since last winter he wore 4 T and now is a size 6 boys.So almost all of what is in the tote wont fit.I am glad i went to the second hand store and found him some nice shirts and Pants.We really didnt do much this weekend actually most weekend we are home now.When its cold we dont like getting out and it was that today.Yesterday was Nice and Landen played outside quite a bit of the day.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
WOW taking a pet to the vet is sure getting Pricey now days...Bella our sweet princess pug has itched her bottom bye her tail raw...Find out she has allergies to give her liquid benedryl twice a day.Then had her nails clipped and got more adavantex for her fo fleas and ticks..87.00 later.
Then we had a new gas meter placed over the summer...The only thing in our home that is ran on gas is our furnace.It cold enough that we NEEDED heat.So because of meter change we could not light it ourselves and had to call heating a cooling company to come out and 10 minuted Later our furnace is lit and there was 75.00.
Brian is getting braces and had appointment today...Had to pay copay of 1,000 before braces can be put on.So cha ching another check wrote today as we watch our bank account dwindlelol.What a day this has been.
Oh well its all good REASONS. We can now stay warm..Bella isnt miserable and My sons teeth will finally be fixed.
Then we had a new gas meter placed over the summer...The only thing in our home that is ran on gas is our furnace.It cold enough that we NEEDED heat.So because of meter change we could not light it ourselves and had to call heating a cooling company to come out and 10 minuted Later our furnace is lit and there was 75.00.
Brian is getting braces and had appointment today...Had to pay copay of 1,000 before braces can be put on.So cha ching another check wrote today as we watch our bank account dwindlelol.What a day this has been.
Oh well its all good REASONS. We can now stay warm..Bella isnt miserable and My sons teeth will finally be fixed.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
15 yrs ago today i married my best friend,soul mate, confidant .I am more in love with him each year that goes by.We had a conversation this morning that went like this....
Michael: Happy anniversy Honey
Denise:Happy anniversery to you to Babe
Denise:15 yrs and im still not ready to trade ya in
Michael:Im a classic
Denise: you still have lots of tread of those tires for being classic
Michael: Yeah but my engine is not working right
Even though he has his days (was injured in iraq) and still recooping from it.Thats what he means by engine.I still love him and always will love him.He is the father of our children and he is my lover my best friend.We share everything.I am so blessed this amazing man is my husband.
Michael: Happy anniversy Honey
Denise:Happy anniversery to you to Babe
Denise:15 yrs and im still not ready to trade ya in
Michael:Im a classic
Denise: you still have lots of tread of those tires for being classic
Michael: Yeah but my engine is not working right
Even though he has his days (was injured in iraq) and still recooping from it.Thats what he means by engine.I still love him and always will love him.He is the father of our children and he is my lover my best friend.We share everything.I am so blessed this amazing man is my husband.

Today is Landens Gotcha day he has been home for 4 yrs as of today.This tiny little boy came home to us was very with drawn and would huddle in a ball and cry.4 yrs later he is SOO different.He is happy little man with a lot of life.He loves to explore and learn.He gives kisses and hugs and Loves to be cuddled.I can hardly believe 4 yrs have gone by.I am so blessed he is my son.I love waking up in the mornings and seeing his sweet little face.I love you landen past the moon and stars and back i love you.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Today is one of those days that i just think about my Angel all day and dream of the day i will hold him in my arms.This little boy does not know he has a mommy and daddy and 6 siblings that are witing for him to come home.
I walk by his crib in my room and dream of seeing him laying in their and playing with him.I wonder if he gets enough to eat or he cries or he is happy or sad.So many things run through my head.I pray for his health and he stays healthy.Linda and I was at walmart... and she seen this toy in the baby section.Its an alligator you pusg his foot and he giggle.Linda just had to get it.She said please mom buy this for baby E.Of course i just had to buy it because its so cute and because a very special little boy will be recieving it.
I say a prayer for him everynight.I am already so in love with this child who is all the way across the other side of the world.People ask me all the time when is he comming home?Its so hard to explain that International adoption is not easy ya cant snap ya fingers and your baby is home.My parents is one.Knowing we went through 2 international adoptions you would think they understand the wait times. I love you my Angel...Mommy cant wait to meet you until then hugs and kisses my sweet boy.
I walk by his crib in my room and dream of seeing him laying in their and playing with him.I wonder if he gets enough to eat or he cries or he is happy or sad.So many things run through my head.I pray for his health and he stays healthy.Linda and I was at walmart... and she seen this toy in the baby section.Its an alligator you pusg his foot and he giggle.Linda just had to get it.She said please mom buy this for baby E.Of course i just had to buy it because its so cute and because a very special little boy will be recieving it.
I say a prayer for him everynight.I am already so in love with this child who is all the way across the other side of the world.People ask me all the time when is he comming home?Its so hard to explain that International adoption is not easy ya cant snap ya fingers and your baby is home.My parents is one.Knowing we went through 2 international adoptions you would think they understand the wait times. I love you my Angel...Mommy cant wait to meet you until then hugs and kisses my sweet boy.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
This and That!
I am havinng camera withdraws...My daughter broke my digital camera and i cant take any pics of the cut Things Landen does .I hope to replace it very soon.
It is chilly here today so Hubby is servicing our furnace to get it ready to turn on.Our plumbing is fixed..My hubby has become quite the plumber and am i grateful.I was the first one in the shower last night lol.So now i have bedding washing and spending the day organizing.I even organized Es clothes.His dresser looked like something Exploded in it.So i took all the clothes we got for him out and organized them right.pjs in one drawer..Onsies ,socks in another shirts in another and pants in another and last outfits in another one.
How in the world does a person get everything they need for a baby in a siutcase?I was telling Michael that almost one suitcase is going to be full of Es clothes diapers toys and bottles and things.I am only taking about 3 small toys but have several outits for a week stay.He told me to let him pack it when time comes.He is quite the packer learning it from Military he ROLLS everything and he can get it to fit haha.
It is windy here today so Landen is not happy we made him play indoors today.Not because of wind because it is right down chilly and he freezes even with a jacket.I am sure E will be the same way to the cold.
Please pray for a dear friend of mine today her hubby is due to board the plane out of Liberia with their son.She needs hugs and reasurance everything will be fine and they will be home safe and sound.I am so so HAPPY for her and her family.This has been a long time comming for them bless their hearts.
It is chilly here today so Hubby is servicing our furnace to get it ready to turn on.Our plumbing is fixed..My hubby has become quite the plumber and am i grateful.I was the first one in the shower last night lol.So now i have bedding washing and spending the day organizing.I even organized Es clothes.His dresser looked like something Exploded in it.So i took all the clothes we got for him out and organized them right.pjs in one drawer..Onsies ,socks in another shirts in another and pants in another and last outfits in another one.
How in the world does a person get everything they need for a baby in a siutcase?I was telling Michael that almost one suitcase is going to be full of Es clothes diapers toys and bottles and things.I am only taking about 3 small toys but have several outits for a week stay.He told me to let him pack it when time comes.He is quite the packer learning it from Military he ROLLS everything and he can get it to fit haha.
It is windy here today so Landen is not happy we made him play indoors today.Not because of wind because it is right down chilly and he freezes even with a jacket.I am sure E will be the same way to the cold.
Please pray for a dear friend of mine today her hubby is due to board the plane out of Liberia with their son.She needs hugs and reasurance everything will be fine and they will be home safe and sound.I am so so HAPPY for her and her family.This has been a long time comming for them bless their hearts.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tonight i was doing a load of wash and heard a noise went to the luandry room to find...The floor FLOODED! IT also backed up into our shower..Michael is trying to figure it out he says he thinks there is hair is the shower drain that has caused this.The shower and washer share the Line going out.Sooo we will see what happens hpe this is resolved soon we will get cranky aroud here without a shower and clean clothes.
No news on the adoption end I pray i hear something soon.I have met some wonderful Mothers through adoption who have been so good to us...We recieved a box of babyclothes for E this week in the mail...I thought this was just wonderful considering this Mom just got home with her adorable daughter from India.She took the time with her busy schedule and all her little ones to send this box.She has been amazing to lean on and talk to .Ellen you are an amazing friend...I am so thrilled our lives have crossed paths as we share our joys and sorrows of adoption ups and downs.
I have made many friends and i love sharing the stories of the children and everday life of being parents.I am blessed with wonderful friends and family and being blessed to me a mothers which I LOVE THE MOST.
No news on the adoption end I pray i hear something soon.I have met some wonderful Mothers through adoption who have been so good to us...We recieved a box of babyclothes for E this week in the mail...I thought this was just wonderful considering this Mom just got home with her adorable daughter from India.She took the time with her busy schedule and all her little ones to send this box.She has been amazing to lean on and talk to .Ellen you are an amazing friend...I am so thrilled our lives have crossed paths as we share our joys and sorrows of adoption ups and downs.
I have made many friends and i love sharing the stories of the children and everday life of being parents.I am blessed with wonderful friends and family and being blessed to me a mothers which I LOVE THE MOST.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Michael and i want to give our little guy a new first name.We had agreed on Elijah and now he doesnt want Elijah.So we been tossing around a few names and still have not come to an agreement.I get frustrated because he picks wierd names for instance THOR.EWWW no way is he nameing our son Thor,Ford or Ace.The kids and i really like Jaxson Michael said he would name him JAXS but not Jaxson.Okkkk so we have a start but we want Jaxson and call him Jaxs for short .
Anyhoo i hope we can come to an agreement on a name for our little boy.We know his middle name will be his name now i will not change that at all.Names have always been a problem in our home and we never agree.It ends yp him nameing the babies.I want a say in this ones name.At least i was able to keep the weird names out of the picture.
I am praying we get out i171H soon and praying even more for a casestudy and court for our sweet little E.This angel needs to come home.
Anyhoo i hope we can come to an agreement on a name for our little boy.We know his middle name will be his name now i will not change that at all.Names have always been a problem in our home and we never agree.It ends yp him nameing the babies.I want a say in this ones name.At least i was able to keep the weird names out of the picture.
I am praying we get out i171H soon and praying even more for a casestudy and court for our sweet little E.This angel needs to come home.
Monday, October 13, 2008
HE SAID IT TONIGHT...first time Landen has ever looked right at me and said those words every momma loves to hear....WUV U. I said I love you too little man. Landen has really decided to talk more tonight we was reciting ABCS he cracked me up...he would say A,,,i would sayB and so on until we got to F it must of messed him up because i said F he said nana(no no).Thats as far as we got but heknows them all and says them when he wants too.
Today has been an Incredibly long day...I dont work Mondays so i got things done around home and watched some tv and worked on Es quilt a bit.
Rebecca started Basketball practice and she is so tired when she comes home .She does her homework eats her supper and heads to bed Early.Linda is almost done with Volleyball i dont think she is going to do basketball. The kids are so excited about E they talk about him allthe time and tell me they cant wait to get him home and love on him.Brian also has been getting excited and has even helped pick things out when we go shopping for items for E.I love these kids of mine...I am so blessed for each of my beautiful Miracles that we have in our lives.I love being a mom and i love being a wife.Life is good.
Today has been an Incredibly long day...I dont work Mondays so i got things done around home and watched some tv and worked on Es quilt a bit.
Rebecca started Basketball practice and she is so tired when she comes home .She does her homework eats her supper and heads to bed Early.Linda is almost done with Volleyball i dont think she is going to do basketball. The kids are so excited about E they talk about him allthe time and tell me they cant wait to get him home and love on him.Brian also has been getting excited and has even helped pick things out when we go shopping for items for E.I love these kids of mine...I am so blessed for each of my beautiful Miracles that we have in our lives.I love being a mom and i love being a wife.Life is good.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What a beautiful weekend it was so quiet at the lake and not to cold it was Perfect. my Brother and sister inlaw was there and had a karoeke wachine.Michael had a blast and sang up a storm.I had more fun setting bye the camp fire cuddling Landen and watching them all be silly.I didnt sleep to well i am having a hard time with my shoulder and neck.Physical therapy ended it is back to the doc to see if i can continue therapy or try something else.I am working on the camping Laundry although its never ending with all our children.
We will be leaving soon to our church.They are haviong their fall block party Landen loved it he wears his costume and they play games and paint pumpkins and have cake walks and eat a small lunch.It is fun and he likes to go.He dont like trick or treating but he like the block party.
I hope to hear goodnews on E s adoption in the upcomming weeks.I am sooo ready to get this boy home.
We will be leaving soon to our church.They are haviong their fall block party Landen loved it he wears his costume and they play games and paint pumpkins and have cake walks and eat a small lunch.It is fun and he likes to go.He dont like trick or treating but he like the block party.
I hope to hear goodnews on E s adoption in the upcomming weeks.I am sooo ready to get this boy home.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What a crazy week this has been....my on off button broke on my computer so i have not been able to blog or anything.I have had computer withdraws...My darling husband rigged it until we can get it in the shop on Monday...The computer repair shop is closed until then.
We got our fingerprints done at USCIS yesterday yeahhh! We were also told that emmanuels birth certificate and passport are done.We are waiting for his casestudy to be done now.I pray everything is speedy for his sake.I am so so ready for him to come home.
My pT for my shoulder has ended so now its back to my doc to see what he recomends next.We had an incident with our neighbor was not pretty and the sherrif was called .Now ya can say we are the worst people on earth.I really dont care what they think but they are making it hard on our children.
Other then that all is well here and i keep praying for more good news on the adoption front.
We got our fingerprints done at USCIS yesterday yeahhh! We were also told that emmanuels birth certificate and passport are done.We are waiting for his casestudy to be done now.I pray everything is speedy for his sake.I am so so ready for him to come home.
My pT for my shoulder has ended so now its back to my doc to see what he recomends next.We had an incident with our neighbor was not pretty and the sherrif was called .Now ya can say we are the worst people on earth.I really dont care what they think but they are making it hard on our children.
Other then that all is well here and i keep praying for more good news on the adoption front.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Our dossier is being authenticated and should be in Liberia in a couple weeks.Then USCIS sent us the fingerprint appointment letter yeahhh! Two steps closer to our angel boy Emmanuel .I am so so happy its all feeling more real every passing day that goes by.
Linda my 15 yr old and I had a mom daughter day and went shopping for a dress for her homecomming dance.We found one and it fir her perfect and is BEAUTIFUL.It is speghetti strap baby blue with silver embelishment and has the hankercheif hem.We found the cutest silver shoes to go with.I also bought her a beautiful Neckalce and earings to go with.The best news is it was all under 100.00 so good for the pocket as well.
We are probably going to go camping this weekend and im so ready.Its suppose to be warm so its the prefect weekend to go.My brother and sisterinlaw will also be camping so it should be a great weekend.Ok time to get moving have physical therapy and then off to work.
Linda my 15 yr old and I had a mom daughter day and went shopping for a dress for her homecomming dance.We found one and it fir her perfect and is BEAUTIFUL.It is speghetti strap baby blue with silver embelishment and has the hankercheif hem.We found the cutest silver shoes to go with.I also bought her a beautiful Neckalce and earings to go with.The best news is it was all under 100.00 so good for the pocket as well.
We are probably going to go camping this weekend and im so ready.Its suppose to be warm so its the prefect weekend to go.My brother and sisterinlaw will also be camping so it should be a great weekend.Ok time to get moving have physical therapy and then off to work.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I have taken a break from my blog as well as my favorite groups for a few days.I am OBSESSED so decided i needed to break from it all.We are still waiting for our fingerprint appointment i hope to hear somthing soon.The kids have been keeping me plenty busy and the housework is never ending.
We had a layed back weekend and it was nice.The weather has been awsome and im loving the fresh air with the windows open.The house needed aired out.Today kids were at school and husband at work i had the day to myself and got alot of deep cleaning accomplished.Tomorrow i have physical therapy and then i have work.This wekk will be same ole same ole.We do hope to go camping this comming weekend.It will be our last camping trip for the season so i am looking forward to it.Well thats it for now i lead a boring life lol.
We had a layed back weekend and it was nice.The weather has been awsome and im loving the fresh air with the windows open.The house needed aired out.Today kids were at school and husband at work i had the day to myself and got alot of deep cleaning accomplished.Tomorrow i have physical therapy and then i have work.This wekk will be same ole same ole.We do hope to go camping this comming weekend.It will be our last camping trip for the season so i am looking forward to it.Well thats it for now i lead a boring life lol.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I am doing the happy dance.The M of H is doing 10 case studies and our little is AMONG them.this is great news for us.Another step closer to our baby.I am waiting on Immigration to get our fingerprint appointment scheduled.I am praying it comes very soon.
Please Pray things are speedy so we can get our little boy home soon.He needs medical care.We are really trying to save now for our travel to get him.Its comming together but not as fast as i would like.I know God will provide he always does.
Please Pray things are speedy so we can get our little boy home soon.He needs medical care.We are really trying to save now for our travel to get him.Its comming together but not as fast as i would like.I know God will provide he always does.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
This was a great weekend.We didnt do much we did go out to eat for dinner on staurday to chinese resturaunt then went to walmalrt to get groceries and laundry soap.We got some snacks and rented some movies.By the way the golden compass was a great movie. The weather here was good this weekend Landen played hard all weekend and came in really dirty and in need of a bath both nights.It was not to hot or to cold it was a perfect weekend.I had my coffee outside on thedeck and watched Rebecca push Landen on the swing set.
Landen will return to school in the morning.He is feeling good ebough to go back and he is ready.I am off on Mondays but i have a dental appointment at 10 am.So i will drive Michael to work and go to the dentist.when done with my cleaning i plan on comming home and doing some things in the yard.I am getting it ready for the holloween decorations to be put out soon.
I am praying this is the week we get a letter with a fingerprint appointment from USCIS. That would make my whole week.Even be better to find out our dossier has been sent to be authenticated.I am so ready to get our little boy home.
Landen will return to school in the morning.He is feeling good ebough to go back and he is ready.I am off on Mondays but i have a dental appointment at 10 am.So i will drive Michael to work and go to the dentist.when done with my cleaning i plan on comming home and doing some things in the yard.I am getting it ready for the holloween decorations to be put out soon.
I am praying this is the week we get a letter with a fingerprint appointment from USCIS. That would make my whole week.Even be better to find out our dossier has been sent to be authenticated.I am so ready to get our little boy home.
Friday, September 19, 2008
How in the world does a person accumulate so much CLUTTER?My Husband is a horrible clutter bug.I am constantly on him to go through the stack of papers he keeps next to his chair in the living room.It looks bad and im on him all the time about it UGHH.He also has stacks on our lawyer cabinet.I took care of those most were filed right in the trash.Now i am going through clothing and pulling our what fits and what dont fit or what we dont wear.We have too MUCH stuff.So i have a huge pile going have considered a yard sale and put monies towards Elijahs adoption or not messing with it and take it straight to the goodwill store.
I just know by Monday we will have a clutter free home.I am spending all weekend straightening and CLEANING.Winter is comming and so is the holidays which will bring new stuff time to get rid of the old or unused things.My kids dont like this idea but sometimes ya gotta getrid of stuff.Now to get Michael to go through his STUFF.
I just know by Monday we will have a clutter free home.I am spending all weekend straightening and CLEANING.Winter is comming and so is the holidays which will bring new stuff time to get rid of the old or unused things.My kids dont like this idea but sometimes ya gotta getrid of stuff.Now to get Michael to go through his STUFF.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
He had a wet diaper i worried for nothing.I cant belive how well he is doing although i know he has a high pain tolerance anyway.He dont like the diaper changes and i cant say i dont blame him but he dont put up to big of a fight. By Sunday he should be almost 100% yay! Landen will not go back to school until Monday.His daddy will have him again tomorrow while i am at work. He wore his daddy out today i am sure he will do the same tomorrow haha.
The last of our dossier documents are now in the agencies hands WOOOHOOO!Now to wait and hear when they will get authenticated and on to Liberia.Hoping also to hear we have a fingerprint appointment VERY soon.I am ready to get my little Boy.
Landen has done so well but i do have one concern.He has not wet wet a diaper... He is drinking so this tells me he is holding it.I am sure it hurts to pee but he needs to.If he is holding it then that mean he CAN more then likely potty train.He did a good one today!His liquid lortab is nasty and he gags when he takes it.The bottle was on the table as we had just givien it to him.He picked it up and we watched him try to HIDE it haha!
His dad watched him today while i went to work and he wore daddy out.Michael called me when i was at work and asked when i was comming home.I said why Landen giving you a run for your money?He said YES haha Landen is back to his old self.I came home early from work to help out.Landen is now happily playing outside with his ball.I am not sending him back to school until Monday.Even though he is feeling ok i still think he needs these days off to heal.Ok time to go Need to get Landens snack ready and get some things done around the house.
His dad watched him today while i went to work and he wore daddy out.Michael called me when i was at work and asked when i was comming home.I said why Landen giving you a run for your money?He said YES haha Landen is back to his old self.I came home early from work to help out.Landen is now happily playing outside with his ball.I am not sending him back to school until Monday.Even though he is feeling ok i still think he needs these days off to heal.Ok time to go Need to get Landens snack ready and get some things done around the house.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
We got good news to start with...They did not have to scope his belly because his Testicales are where they are suppose to be.This was the best NEWS OF ALL.He did well getting put under and waking up.He had the nurses wrapped around his cute little fingers.The surgery took 45 minutes compared to the 3 hrs he was starting with.He was very happy to see Momma when he woke up and i could not get him to leave the comfort of my lap to get dressed to go Home.I finally told him I got him a present and thats all it took he got right up and got dressed.While he was in Surgery my mom and i went to the gift shop.He got a diego Balloon he LOVES LOVES diego and a teddy bear dressed as an engineer and sings i been working on the railroad.
Landen didnt care much for the Bear but he LOVES his Diego Balloon.Tonight he would hit it watch it float around and yell...GO DIEGO GO he is doing incredibly well.I gave him Lortab at 6 pm the nurse told me to get it to him as soon as we got it at the pharmacy at the hospital.He will get another dose at Midnight.I dont want my baby in any pain.He is now in Our bed sleeping soundly.Easier to have him there then upsatirs in his room with giving him meds.He does not seem to be in any pain just very sleepy.I am so relived he did so well with anesthesia i was so worried.My parents went with Micahel and i to the hospital today which was nice my mom and dad ADORE Landen and would have worried sick all day if they hadnt have went.I am happy he is home and sleeping comfortably GOD is GOOD.
Landen didnt care much for the Bear but he LOVES his Diego Balloon.Tonight he would hit it watch it float around and yell...GO DIEGO GO he is doing incredibly well.I gave him Lortab at 6 pm the nurse told me to get it to him as soon as we got it at the pharmacy at the hospital.He will get another dose at Midnight.I dont want my baby in any pain.He is now in Our bed sleeping soundly.Easier to have him there then upsatirs in his room with giving him meds.He does not seem to be in any pain just very sleepy.I am so relived he did so well with anesthesia i was so worried.My parents went with Micahel and i to the hospital today which was nice my mom and dad ADORE Landen and would have worried sick all day if they hadnt have went.I am happy he is home and sleeping comfortably GOD is GOOD.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I dont like when i am like this...I am worried over my Landen and I am up worrying about our Elijah.I have done Laundry and folded.Dusted my dining room Packed Landens diaper bag for tomorrow.I just cant sleep i lay down and i toss and turn so i get back up thinking ok if i do something i will get sleepy but its not working.In just a few short hours i will be up to give Landen his medication scheduled to get it at 5 am.
Landen was so cute this evening.My mom and dad come by for coffee and of course to see the kids.Landen was out in the yard when they pulled up and my mom was laughing.He was out their moving his arms and saying...HYAH like he was kerati kicking someone My mom really got a kick out of this.When they were here he decided he needed a snack and to drink coffee with Grandma too.His coffee is (hotchocolate).So he had him 2 oatmeal cookies and cup of hot chocolate aka coffee.
After mom and dad left i made supper and Landen cleaned his plate.He played a bit after supper and Sissy read him his library books while i was cleaning the kitchen.Later he decided he wanted another snack before bed so he had goldfish crackers and chocolate milk.Then it was time to get a bath and brush his teeth and get ready to hop into bed.I let him eat what he wanted since he is cut off from food allday long tomorrow.I dont like this at all how do you explain to a little boy that Mommy cant give him nothing to eat?
I also think about Elijah and worry so much about him.He lays in his crib alot and i so badly wanna go there and just hold him .I know this is not possible so i pray he stays healthy until we get there.I pray this adoption goes quickly so he can get the care he so desperately needs.I need to quit worrying myself silly about my 2 baby boys.But Mommas have a right to worry dont they?
Landen was so cute this evening.My mom and dad come by for coffee and of course to see the kids.Landen was out in the yard when they pulled up and my mom was laughing.He was out their moving his arms and saying...HYAH like he was kerati kicking someone My mom really got a kick out of this.When they were here he decided he needed a snack and to drink coffee with Grandma too.His coffee is (hotchocolate).So he had him 2 oatmeal cookies and cup of hot chocolate aka coffee.
After mom and dad left i made supper and Landen cleaned his plate.He played a bit after supper and Sissy read him his library books while i was cleaning the kitchen.Later he decided he wanted another snack before bed so he had goldfish crackers and chocolate milk.Then it was time to get a bath and brush his teeth and get ready to hop into bed.I let him eat what he wanted since he is cut off from food allday long tomorrow.I dont like this at all how do you explain to a little boy that Mommy cant give him nothing to eat?
I also think about Elijah and worry so much about him.He lays in his crib alot and i so badly wanna go there and just hold him .I know this is not possible so i pray he stays healthy until we get there.I pray this adoption goes quickly so he can get the care he so desperately needs.I need to quit worrying myself silly about my 2 baby boys.But Mommas have a right to worry dont they?

I am nervous Landen is having surgery tomorrow and i am worried about him being put to sleep.The topper is...He can have nothing to eat ALL DAY.Surgery isnt until 3 pm it is scheduled as outpatient.Then there was a problem with his medication.He usuaually gets his morning med around 8 am.The med has to be taken with food.We usually put it in Pudding.Now we have to give it to him at 5 am in order for him to go ahead with surgery he has to have this med to prevent a seizure. How do i withhold food from a little boy who dont understand?This is going to be a rough day for him please pray everything goes ok with my sweet little boy.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I cant sleep and i decided to do some shopping. I been buying things for our sweet babe.He was in need of Pajamas and gymboree had a few in his size so i am sure he is set now.I love shopping there they have the cutest clothes. I think about him every second of every day! I am worried about him laying in that crib .I worry if he gets enough to eat or is he happy.All kinds of things run through my head.
I did this same thing with Rebecca and Landen before they came home.I fretted all the time.Here i am doing it again.I so cant wait to get him in my arms and kiss those sweet chubby cheeks of his.He is soooo ADORABLE the most gorgouse boy ever. I am so ready to get him home.All i have left to buy mainly is diapers and meds to take in case we need them and of course formula and cereal.
We have his pics throughout our Home.Linda is so excited they have to do a report on a country and she chose Liberia.She told her teacher her brother is waiting in Liberia to come home and she picked Liberia to learn more about his country and to honor him.She talks about him all the time to her teachers she is so excited and done Informed me that Emmanuel is HER BABY lol.
She says i now have 2 babies as Landen is HER BABY also.Sometimes we go rounds because she wants to act like she is momma and gets Bossy with me.Especially when i correct Landen she thinks im horrible for putting him in time out or taking a favorite toy away.I have to remind her i am mom and when he does something he isnt suppose to in order to learn he goes to time out.
I am sure when our little guy gets home she will be the same way with him.Wanting to help in everyway including telling me how to feed and Bathe him lol.She is only 15 and such a momma she will make sure both boys are taken care of i am sure.Tomorrow i send the rest of the dosier things to the agency and pray it goes from there.Then we start saving the rest of our Travel monies. I have never flown before so i am a bit nervous but my excitement at going somewhere outside the U.S. and even better to go pick up OUR LITTLE MAN out weighs my fear for flying.
I missed so much by not going to India with my husband to get our daughter and 2 yrs later our son.Its something i will never get back.I wont do it again.I want to hold him and care for him while there.I dont want to Miss anytime at all with him. Ok im rambling guess i should try to catch some ZZZ i have physical therapy in the morning then have to report to work.
I did this same thing with Rebecca and Landen before they came home.I fretted all the time.Here i am doing it again.I so cant wait to get him in my arms and kiss those sweet chubby cheeks of his.He is soooo ADORABLE the most gorgouse boy ever. I am so ready to get him home.All i have left to buy mainly is diapers and meds to take in case we need them and of course formula and cereal.
We have his pics throughout our Home.Linda is so excited they have to do a report on a country and she chose Liberia.She told her teacher her brother is waiting in Liberia to come home and she picked Liberia to learn more about his country and to honor him.She talks about him all the time to her teachers she is so excited and done Informed me that Emmanuel is HER BABY lol.
She says i now have 2 babies as Landen is HER BABY also.Sometimes we go rounds because she wants to act like she is momma and gets Bossy with me.Especially when i correct Landen she thinks im horrible for putting him in time out or taking a favorite toy away.I have to remind her i am mom and when he does something he isnt suppose to in order to learn he goes to time out.
I am sure when our little guy gets home she will be the same way with him.Wanting to help in everyway including telling me how to feed and Bathe him lol.She is only 15 and such a momma she will make sure both boys are taken care of i am sure.Tomorrow i send the rest of the dosier things to the agency and pray it goes from there.Then we start saving the rest of our Travel monies. I have never flown before so i am a bit nervous but my excitement at going somewhere outside the U.S. and even better to go pick up OUR LITTLE MAN out weighs my fear for flying.
I missed so much by not going to India with my husband to get our daughter and 2 yrs later our son.Its something i will never get back.I wont do it again.I want to hold him and care for him while there.I dont want to Miss anytime at all with him. Ok im rambling guess i should try to catch some ZZZ i have physical therapy in the morning then have to report to work.
I am so so happy!the doctors office called today my husband medical letter is DONE WOOOHOO!This was it last document needed for our DOSSIER.I will pick it up in the morning and get it sent right away to the agency.Now to get our fingerprint appointment and our dossier in country.
We are finally seeing the light.I have his crib up all his clothes put away and toys in a tote for him when he comes home.If i dont hide them in a tote Landen will have them out everywhere.I am so so Excited.I know we have a ways to go yet but every step is a step closer to our sweet Emmanuel.The sooner he is home the better.I have everything lined up medical and parenting with children where they come to your home and work with them.I cannot wait to get to Liberia and LOVE HIM UP.
Its hard because he doesnt even know he has a family bless his heart.I cant wait.WE LOVE YOU EMMANUEL. We hope soon Mommy and Daddy will be there to get you.
We are finally seeing the light.I have his crib up all his clothes put away and toys in a tote for him when he comes home.If i dont hide them in a tote Landen will have them out everywhere.I am so so Excited.I know we have a ways to go yet but every step is a step closer to our sweet Emmanuel.The sooner he is home the better.I have everything lined up medical and parenting with children where they come to your home and work with them.I cannot wait to get to Liberia and LOVE HIM UP.
Its hard because he doesnt even know he has a family bless his heart.I cant wait.WE LOVE YOU EMMANUEL. We hope soon Mommy and Daddy will be there to get you.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
That we get the doctor letter.Michael took this week off work for Landens surgery this Wensday.He will be calling him tomorrow morning to see if its done.This is all i need and having a time getting it.My doctor was cool about it and got it to me right away.What is the problem?
He told us he woul have it ready by friday and here we are still waiting.Michael called his office friday and it still was not done so who knows.I am praying hard its ready tomorrow.I want this all done its another step closer to our babe.I have tomorrow off and with Michael on vacation we can get a couple things needing done around here done.
Prayers needed we really really need this letter!
He told us he woul have it ready by friday and here we are still waiting.Michael called his office friday and it still was not done so who knows.I am praying hard its ready tomorrow.I want this all done its another step closer to our babe.I have tomorrow off and with Michael on vacation we can get a couple things needing done around here done.
Prayers needed we really really need this letter!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Does it ever end? My dryer went on the blink last week...I do about 3 to 4 loads a day and this created a problem.My darling husband fixed it after 3 days of not working.So now i am backed up and working hard to get it all done.I dont want to spend my sunday washing all day.So i am trying to get it done now.Linda is staying with my neice and my great neice tonight.Brian went with the neighbor kid to a town near by to help him work on a car.Rebecca is in her room but comes down to help me fold and put away.Landen is playing with his Morroca in the kitchen.He will be going to bed very soon.His seizure meds make him sleepy.
My Husband has his nose in a movie lol so all is quiet.Except for the street dance up the way.We can hear the band playing inside the house. Its Lancaster 150 yr anniversery of being a town so they have had things going on all day in our little farming community town.We had talked about taking the kids up to listen to the music but decided against it.People are drinking and we just dont want the kids around it.
I should be working on Emmanuels crib quilt but I just dont feel like it so i am on here instead.I lead a very boring life.My teenagers(i have 3 of them) think they dont need mom no more and spend less time with mom and dad.I am glad Landen needs his momma and so will Emmanuel when he gets home.This is the week Landen has surgery i am anxious about it.It is outpatient if all goes well.We still dont know what time we are to be there.Surgery day is Wensday september 15.They are suppose to call a day ahead and let us know what time we are to be there.If its too early we will go stay in a hotel tuesday night or maybe the ronold mcdonold house.
I get worried when they put him under but know he has to have this surgery it is not an option.Please pray everything goes well for my little boy.I am a worry wart anyway.I need to pack his favorite book and a couple of his favorite toys to take with us.Ok enough Rambling for tonight.
My Husband has his nose in a movie lol so all is quiet.Except for the street dance up the way.We can hear the band playing inside the house. Its Lancaster 150 yr anniversery of being a town so they have had things going on all day in our little farming community town.We had talked about taking the kids up to listen to the music but decided against it.People are drinking and we just dont want the kids around it.
I should be working on Emmanuels crib quilt but I just dont feel like it so i am on here instead.I lead a very boring life.My teenagers(i have 3 of them) think they dont need mom no more and spend less time with mom and dad.I am glad Landen needs his momma and so will Emmanuel when he gets home.This is the week Landen has surgery i am anxious about it.It is outpatient if all goes well.We still dont know what time we are to be there.Surgery day is Wensday september 15.They are suppose to call a day ahead and let us know what time we are to be there.If its too early we will go stay in a hotel tuesday night or maybe the ronold mcdonold house.
I get worried when they put him under but know he has to have this surgery it is not an option.Please pray everything goes well for my little boy.I am a worry wart anyway.I need to pack his favorite book and a couple of his favorite toys to take with us.Ok enough Rambling for tonight.
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