Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
I am home alone today with Jaxson!It has been a crazy few days here and the kids are back at school today.I am loving all the time i get with Jaxson.He is a sweet little man.So cute and smiles all the time.The bonding is going wonderful.He knows i am mommy and will seek me out when he hears my voice.He is just an angel that i am very blessed to parent.My husband is at his work..he is going back to work now that the Military has released him.He also went to get Jaxson on insurnace.Tomorrow i set appointment with the doctor so we can get referrels for Jaxson at childrens mercy.I love our little guy so much.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sorry no Pics!
It has been a whirlwind here...I am suffering Major jet lag.I slept a few hours but today am feeling like roadkill.Yesterday Morning Jaxson was choking on mucus he was miserable.I took him to the E.R.They changed his medicines from the ones we got in Liberia.He is still on the antibiotic but now gets a steroid to help with the Mucus problem and to help adenoids and tonsils get back to Normal size.He also gets breathing treatments we have a nebulizer.We do it every 6 hr as needed.This morning he needed it and wow he sounds sooo much better.
I have done 3 loads of baby wash lol.That means both my little ones..Landen and Jaxson's.Jaxson is so tiny and all the clothes i have drown him.I have some 18 months and 24 months.They are all to big.He wears a 12 month perfectly.When i went to walmart yesterday to get his medicine i bought him 3 long sleeve 12 month pant outfits.They fit him PERFECT.I was happy to see he has gained 2 lbs.We have been calling him Jaxson Emmanuel he smiles when we say his name.He is so super sweet.I am so so In love with him.
Landen is so mad at me....I leave for almost 3 weeks and come back with a tiny little boy.He is not liking it at all.I tried to love Landen yesterday and he pushed me away and said NO.It broke my heart but i also understand.I know he will come around soon.Once he gets used to Jaxson being here.I planned on staying home and just chilling out yesterday but spent day with Jax at E.R.Its cold here today and we are staying home and resting.I have a bad cold and my body aches from jet Lag.I feel like i could sleep for a month.One of my ears has not popped back sense the plane so i am deaf in one ear.Mostly due to my cold and having major stuffy head.I got up early..Jaxson was so miserable yesterday he did not eat much and slept from 5 pm until 7a.m.He woke and was one hungry little man.2bottles later a breathing treatment his 2 medicines diaper change and nice warm outfit he is contently laying in his crib listening to his light up sea horse.
I am so happy he is finally home.I have worried about him so much.We see his doctor this week and he will do a bunch of test on him.He will also get us referrals to children's Mercy to see..ENT,Opthamologist,Neurologist and whoever the specialist is for his hernia in his little belly.We are going to have a busy few months.Now to get myself in a routine with a baby and toddler and teenagers i will have it down.I still have luggage to unpack and lots of other stuff that Has to get done today.I will post more pics soon.
I have done 3 loads of baby wash lol.That means both my little ones..Landen and Jaxson's.Jaxson is so tiny and all the clothes i have drown him.I have some 18 months and 24 months.They are all to big.He wears a 12 month perfectly.When i went to walmart yesterday to get his medicine i bought him 3 long sleeve 12 month pant outfits.They fit him PERFECT.I was happy to see he has gained 2 lbs.We have been calling him Jaxson Emmanuel he smiles when we say his name.He is so super sweet.I am so so In love with him.
Landen is so mad at me....I leave for almost 3 weeks and come back with a tiny little boy.He is not liking it at all.I tried to love Landen yesterday and he pushed me away and said NO.It broke my heart but i also understand.I know he will come around soon.Once he gets used to Jaxson being here.I planned on staying home and just chilling out yesterday but spent day with Jax at E.R.Its cold here today and we are staying home and resting.I have a bad cold and my body aches from jet Lag.I feel like i could sleep for a month.One of my ears has not popped back sense the plane so i am deaf in one ear.Mostly due to my cold and having major stuffy head.I got up early..Jaxson was so miserable yesterday he did not eat much and slept from 5 pm until 7a.m.He woke and was one hungry little man.2bottles later a breathing treatment his 2 medicines diaper change and nice warm outfit he is contently laying in his crib listening to his light up sea horse.
I am so happy he is finally home.I have worried about him so much.We see his doctor this week and he will do a bunch of test on him.He will also get us referrals to children's Mercy to see..ENT,Opthamologist,Neurologist and whoever the specialist is for his hernia in his little belly.We are going to have a busy few months.Now to get myself in a routine with a baby and toddler and teenagers i will have it down.I still have luggage to unpack and lots of other stuff that Has to get done today.I will post more pics soon.
Friday, March 26, 2010

Here is my sweet baby asleep in his crib.We did not make it home Monday..Long story..Our son has angels watching over him.we left Wensday and arrived home at10 50 pm .Had a couple flight delays in Bruseels and Chicago.But we made it home.My children are in love with him.Tomorrow we are hanging home and i am setting up doctor appointments.I still feel like i am dreaming.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
We have been in Liberia 2 weeks now.I am so ready to go Home.Jaxson is still sick but getting a little better each day.Those nose sucking bulb things have came in handy i am glad i packed it.I think part of what he has is viral.I should be in bed its after 10 p.m. and we have to be up early in the morning .We are headed first thing to get travel letter.Please pray we can get this in morning.Then its off to get approval once that is done we will be able to leave.I really need to go home.I had scheduled appointments for the end of month one is the day after we arrive home.This appointment took me a MONTH to get.
I need to get back in the swing of things at home.2 weeks here is enough for me...Pray we can leave with no complications.
I need to get back in the swing of things at home.2 weeks here is enough for me...Pray we can leave with no complications.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Our son is sick..He has had a head cold for a couple days.He is in dire need of tonsil and adnoid surgery.He needs them out now...Last night he has an asthma attack it was pretty scary.I took him out in the heat and he got bettter.This morning he was still not doing well so Oretha took us to the doctor.The doctor put him on antibiotic an antihistimine and an inhaler.He still sounds bad but antibiotics must be working he has begun the lovley diarea.We may have to buy another bag of diapers before we leave here.Please pray he starts feeling better.We are sweating in the room.Opened the window and kicked the air almost to off to try and help him.He snorts something awful because of his adnoids..he struggles to breath because they are swolen and so are his tonsils.I am praying tomorrow we see a difference..He has had 3 doses of antibiotics and antihistimine please pray for a speedy recovery for him.He also is not eating well..Kinda hard to eat when you can breath.
Friday, March 19, 2010

Now to get that darn travel letter!We went there to get it and the woman who does them was in court.I am praying she gets it done and we get signatures we need on Monday before we leave.I am stressing some.Jaxson has a nasty head cold and when i try to give him Dimatap ya think he was dieing lol.So i put it in his bottles.His nose is stuffy and he is sneezing.My husband just getting over the crud.I was hoping my little guy would not catch it.Here is an awesome pictures i took of him.Is he not just the sweetest thing?The Internet connection has been terrible last few days.I am shocked it loaded.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
As i set here and read blogs of parents waiting to get their special needs babies home from Liberia and are stuck in this moratorium.One such child has hydrocephalus and needs surgery his mother is desperate to get him home.Another child Just like Jaxson with cp Passed away a few months ago waiting for a forever family to call his own.Another child who is called a demon by her community because she is special needs.After i read these post i went right over to my son picked him up and snuggled with him.
It makes me ache for all the kids in Liberia.The moratorium and the effects it has on the special needs children that wait.How can these children wait?Some of them don't have the time to wait?I am blessed we have our son with me yes. Until i am on that plane i wont feel secure that he is truly leaving with us.My heart aches for the many stuck in this and who wait to receive the Love and attention and medical care they so deserve.Our angel has blessed us and i am grateful to be here loving him.I have watched our son Blossom so much in less then 2 weeks.
I makes my heart hurt of the many children who deserve the love of a family and who have families that wait and parents wondering if their time is running out.Please pray for these kids and Pry that the moratorium is lifted and children can come home to the loving arms they have waiting for them.We get stared upon with our boy when we are out and about.I know they are thinking things like what would they want with a child like that?I don't care i know this is Liberia and how they feel about special needs children.Its like that in every country.Then we get people asking us if we are adopting him and when we say yes their reply is BLESS YOU.What would i not want with a child like this he is an angel and an inspiration to many.He is here to teach the world it is OK to be different.He is an angel that God has put upon this earth for these very reasons.I am blessed to be a mother of an Liberian angel and a very special one at that.
It makes me ache for all the kids in Liberia.The moratorium and the effects it has on the special needs children that wait.How can these children wait?Some of them don't have the time to wait?I am blessed we have our son with me yes. Until i am on that plane i wont feel secure that he is truly leaving with us.My heart aches for the many stuck in this and who wait to receive the Love and attention and medical care they so deserve.Our angel has blessed us and i am grateful to be here loving him.I have watched our son Blossom so much in less then 2 weeks.
I makes my heart hurt of the many children who deserve the love of a family and who have families that wait and parents wondering if their time is running out.Please pray for these kids and Pry that the moratorium is lifted and children can come home to the loving arms they have waiting for them.We get stared upon with our boy when we are out and about.I know they are thinking things like what would they want with a child like that?I don't care i know this is Liberia and how they feel about special needs children.Its like that in every country.Then we get people asking us if we are adopting him and when we say yes their reply is BLESS YOU.What would i not want with a child like this he is an angel and an inspiration to many.He is here to teach the world it is OK to be different.He is an angel that God has put upon this earth for these very reasons.I am blessed to be a mother of an Liberian angel and a very special one at that.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I am so thrilled!This evening we went to restaurant to eat supper !I had little one setting up on my lap and he held his head on his own and was looking around.I was so excited he did this for about 30 minutes.He has a hard time turning his head to the left that seems to be the side he is effected by most from his cerebral palsy.When we get home i will have to find something he is interested in and put to his left side so he can strengthen the muscles in his neck.He is the most sweetest child.He don't nap which shocks me because he slept all the time at the home.I think he is used to a crib.He does sleep all night and would sleep all morning if we didn't wake him so we can go eat breakfast.
We went to the market today to get some more cereal for him.I was looking at formula because the can i brought is almost gone.I don't know what is what and i was afraid to buy.So he got Nido which is canned powdered milk.I don't like switching formulas and milks but not much choice until we get home.I also bought some baby food and am adding that to his bottles.He don't like apple bananas flavor .He has cerelac which he loves.. its infant cereal with the milk in it you just add water.Its pricey though and it goes fast i am saving that for the plane as it will be easier to mix that then it would be milk and cereal.
I was also happy to find cans of Pepsi !Michael also bought me some Reece's cookies i was craving chocolate lol.Tomorrow morning we will go have breakfast and then head to the foster home to spend the day.I need to get out of this hotel.My husband is feeling better if he can get rid of his headache.I am praying the travel letter is correct and we have no problems at the airport here.That is my biggest fear.I really need to get home to Landen.Michael said should something go wrong i would return home and he would stay.I am not comfortable with that.I have never traveled alone and this is the biggest trip i have ever taken.Please pray all goes well for us Monday when its time to leave.We have been gone way longer then we had planned and my little one at home is not doing so well.
I am so bored !My husband is cranky and suffering from a headache.I am tired of hotel room and want to get out and about so we are at odds today.My husband has a head cold and i know he is not feeling well.Tomorrow we are going to AFAA house for the last time.Oretha loaned us a couple outfits for Jaxson to wear.I really wanted to buy some and take home with us Kinda like buying from his country thing i don't know.I am a bit cranky myself today.
Looking forward to getting OUT of this Hotel room tomorrow.I have some really cute pics Of Little man but my comp connection is so bad i cant upload them.I hope its better in the next day or too.Ok its noon and little one is ready to eat.
Looking forward to getting OUT of this Hotel room tomorrow.I have some really cute pics Of Little man but my comp connection is so bad i cant upload them.I hope its better in the next day or too.Ok its noon and little one is ready to eat.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We had visa interview this morning and it went well. We go back to Embassy Friday and pick up Visa for our little guy.Then we go straight to working on the travel letter.Everything should be done on Friday.We cant leave until Monday because we had problems getting a flight out of Brussels.I was wanting to leave Friday i miss my kids...especially my Landen he is having a hard time with us being gone.I am counting the days till Monday when i can leave and get home and LOVE on my sweet Little Landen.We still need to shop for some clothes for Jax.All his has disapeared in hotel laundry.My husbands and some of mine have too.We are skimping on clothes.Michael and i will survive but the baby needs them.So tomorrow morning after breakfast we are headed out shooping for a few outfits for him.We have to manage our money tightly at this point as we are staying extra unexpected days. I have new pics i need to upload i got a great one last night of him smiling.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Our sweet little boy is amazing me.Today he has been kicking his legs all over.He hardly stiffened at all when picked up.This is great for him...I massage him 2 times a day and am noticing it is paying off he is not just laying and not moving he was kicking and smiley all day.He tries so hard to talk its absolutely wonderful.From Monday when we picked him up to today a week later he has changed so much.
We went to dinner tonight and had ice cream for dessert.I had a couple baby spoons i packed so we took one to the restaurant with us and thought why not see if he would eat a little ice cream.I put a tiny bit on the spoon and put it to his mouth.He didn't mind the spoon but the cold of ice cream freaked him out at first.The second bite he went crazy.His little mouth was opening like a bird waiting for a worm. He now has a new found love for ice cream.I did not give him very much as its new and don't want him getting a tummy ache.I definitely think he has been spoon fed or can be.I will ask Oretha if he ever been fed with a spoon because he was doing really good.
The clothes situation i just gave up.Oretha called us to see how we were doing and i asked her if she knew where we could buy some baby clothes for him.Tomorrow is a holiday so nothing will be open.She said after embassy appointment we would go shopping so this child has some things to wear that FIT.Tonight he ate 2 bottles of formula and baby cereal.I changed his diaper massaged him and put his Jammie's on.It wasn't a half our later and he was sleeping like the angel he is.I gave him a bottle today with cereal and a mixed fruit type juice.He did not care for the juice.He likes Prune apple juice though.
We have been trying to do tummy time to help strengthen his back and neck muscles.He is not having it he don't like it and will roll himself over.We have a boppy at home which will be great for this very reason.I am so very proud of his progress and we hope to see lots more of it. I still feel like i am in a dream and i am not really here.I am so so blessed to be his Mother.Our bond is growing deeper everyday.Pray everything goes great at the embassy and pray our flights can be worked out so we can go home Friday.Pray we get the visa and travel letter before or on Friday.
We went to dinner tonight and had ice cream for dessert.I had a couple baby spoons i packed so we took one to the restaurant with us and thought why not see if he would eat a little ice cream.I put a tiny bit on the spoon and put it to his mouth.He didn't mind the spoon but the cold of ice cream freaked him out at first.The second bite he went crazy.His little mouth was opening like a bird waiting for a worm. He now has a new found love for ice cream.I did not give him very much as its new and don't want him getting a tummy ache.I definitely think he has been spoon fed or can be.I will ask Oretha if he ever been fed with a spoon because he was doing really good.
The clothes situation i just gave up.Oretha called us to see how we were doing and i asked her if she knew where we could buy some baby clothes for him.Tomorrow is a holiday so nothing will be open.She said after embassy appointment we would go shopping so this child has some things to wear that FIT.Tonight he ate 2 bottles of formula and baby cereal.I changed his diaper massaged him and put his Jammie's on.It wasn't a half our later and he was sleeping like the angel he is.I gave him a bottle today with cereal and a mixed fruit type juice.He did not care for the juice.He likes Prune apple juice though.
We have been trying to do tummy time to help strengthen his back and neck muscles.He is not having it he don't like it and will roll himself over.We have a boppy at home which will be great for this very reason.I am so very proud of his progress and we hope to see lots more of it. I still feel like i am in a dream and i am not really here.I am so so blessed to be his Mother.Our bond is growing deeper everyday.Pray everything goes great at the embassy and pray our flights can be worked out so we can go home Friday.Pray we get the visa and travel letter before or on Friday.

This morning Jaxson was laying next to his daddy on the bed.Michael said honey he is having a seizure.This is the first one he has had with us.He will be seeing the Neurologist when we get home.It was a gran maul and wore him out .I have a vent.The hotel here has complimentary laundry.Michael and I been sending our clothes and the little ones.Our clothes have come back but not Jaxsons i ask about them and they treat me like i am DUMB.He did not have many that fit him to begin with and now he is very low on clothing.I am hand washing in the room i refuse to send anymore of his things if we don't get them back.I am mostly mad because i bought these for him .He only had like 3 outfits that fit and now they are gone.Along with his baby blue blanket with silk on back side. Several pairs of socks and several bibs.He has 2 pair Jamie's out of 5 now and 3 pairs of socks out of 7.all his bibs are gone but 4 of them...I brought 10.
My husband said its OK we can buy him clothes when we get home but it is beside the point.I mean why would someone want my child's clothes?They are not expensive not name brand or anything.I Now have to put him in pants and onesies.It is too hot for Pants but am running out of options.Frustrated right now.The laundry people are to write each article of clothing down.Oh they did all but the babies.OK off my soap box now.
delicate little fingers grasping your finger, eyes looking up and thanking you for Loving Me.A smile,a sigh ,a childs love is ever so precious......where does it all go when they turn 16?
Saturday, March 13, 2010

I know this pic is a bit fuzzy but wow he has the most Beautiful smile and this one displays it best.Last night i lay ed him on a pillow and played with him for the longest time.He tries so hard to talk its so sweet.He kept raising his arm up wanting us to kiss it and he would smile.I am mad at myself for not making a video of it.I am going to try and make one tonight.He loves to be talked to and played with.Sometimes he moves his arm in the direction of your mouth and sometimes it don't get there.We say I gonna kiss kiss your hand and he smiles when we kiss it.He woke up crying this morning his hip was cramping something bad.I massaged it and it got better.His hip needs to be looked at once home its bigger on left side then the right.
I am so in love with our son.I still feel like i am in a dream!I have dreamed for this day to come.I have a true angel and i am so blessed he is our son.We went to breakfast they have the most awesome Pancakes here.I also got my coffee fix.Its instant but its good..and Yes its safe to drink at hotel restaurant.We walked to the store across the street to get a couple wash cloths.You don't get them in Hotel and wow i need them to wash our face and the crusties from Jaxsons eyes.His eyes get yucky crust not bad but noticeable.On our way back there was a vendor selling beautiful hand carved artifacts.I bought the most beautiful candle stick holder and two hand carved huts.I could not buy allot as its heavy but wow it is beautiful.
At the store my husband found the most beautiful tea set..I collect them and was so thrilled.I now have one from India,Iraq and now Liberia.Its is So beautiful i LOVE IT.Jaxson fell asleep holding his daddies hands.I took a pic and will post another day.He is napping and Michael is watching t.v.Rocky 2 i believe lol.Not much to do today just hanging out in Hotel.When Jaxson wakes up he will be ready for his bottles he eats 2 lol.We call him Emmanuel and sometimes Jaxson Emmanuel.He likes both.He is such a dream child.Hardly ever cries and when he does you know he is hurting or hungry.I am learning what cry is what.He is an amazing angel..I am so blessed to be his mother.I could not ask for a more PERFECT child.God is so Good.
Friday, March 12, 2010

We definitely have an Visa interview on Tuesday.We should be able to get everything completed and leave on Friday.We are having problems getting flights changed.Please say a prayer that this all works out.We went to the foster home again today so Michael could look at the car that is falling apart.The battery is shot.So we bought a new battery and Michael will ride with oretha to find out what is up with the car.I am sure Jaxson has asthma.In the heat he started wheezing something bad.Once back at hotel it stopped when he got in the ac.The massages i been giving him seem to be making progress he is not stiffening near as much when touched.I feel blessed he is our son.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Little one had a rough nite trying to have a you know what.We went to breakfast and he would not eat his bottle..Not like him to turn food away lol.Its because he was sleepy.We came back to room i layed him down massaged his legs and hips .I sang twinkle twinkle little star and he smiled and that was it he is asleep.Hubby is sleeping too.I have to wake them in a while little one still in jammies.I am really starting to miss my kids at home.I had got pingo minutes...I had a time getting them to work,I sent them a not so nice email.They emailed for confirmation i gave that to them and still no activation.We now have minutes after i complained to them.
So this evening ..Or i should say our time at night around 9 or 10 here we will get to talkto our kids.I miss them so much.I Want everything done with no delays so we can go home.
So this evening ..Or i should say our time at night around 9 or 10 here we will get to talkto our kids.I miss them so much.I Want everything done with no delays so we can go home.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Today we go to the embassy for interview in hopes of getting a visa granted.We really need to get this all done on time.Say prayers everything comes together for us.Little man was up at 7 am crying.He has bowel problems...(this is common with cp).There Little bodies are not able to move enough to keep everything working right.He had a very small pooh this morning.Sorry if the details grossing you out.I just want to see him comfortable.Today i am going in search of stool softeners for him..The store was closed yesterday was a holiday here.He is such a sweet boy.Michael and i are in love with this little man.
I have already seen some changes in him he is the most sweetest little man ever.I cannot wait to get all the details done here and get him home where he will truly blossom.Ok time to go dress Little one and myself so we can go to resturaunt for breakfast.
I have already seen some changes in him he is the most sweetest little man ever.I cannot wait to get all the details done here and get him home where he will truly blossom.Ok time to go dress Little one and myself so we can go to resturaunt for breakfast.
Today we spent at the foster home.Jaxson Emmanuel got very upset and today i heard him cry for the first time.We could not figure out why he was crying...Then it clicked...I think he thought we were leaving him there.One of the caregivers fed him and he cried.Then she put him in stroller and he cried.i got him out and walked around with him talking to him and he stopped.I took him into his old crib to lay him down to change his diaper and he cried.Thats when the light went off that he thought we were leaving him.So we decided we spent enough time at the home it was time to go.
The kids are all so wonderful and loving!They all want to go to their families desperatly.I loved spending time with all of them.They are so sweet and wonderful.Now i am off to walk to store and find something to help Jaxson go potty his tummy hurts.
The kids are all so wonderful and loving!They all want to go to their families desperatly.I loved spending time with all of them.They are so sweet and wonderful.Now i am off to walk to store and find something to help Jaxson go potty his tummy hurts.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sorry i have not posted sooner!Its been busy with having our little guy with us.He is much tinier then we thought.He smiles all the time.He is so sweet.He has some feeding issues we need to address.He also is constipated and is miserable my poor baby.He loves a certain toy and smiles at it and tries to grab it.
We went to the Embassy today and was told to come back at 2pm.We came back and was told to come back Thursday tomorrow is a holiday.So we wait.I am missing my kids like crazy right now but am enjoying our little guy allot.We will go to the foster home tomorrow and so end some time there.Its hot here but not as bad as i had anticipated...Manageable we just drink lots of bottled water.It is a learning lesseo here lots of poverty but happy people who are so grateful for what they do have.Pray we get great news at embassy and have no problems getting a visa.Then we need to get a travel letter.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
We arrived last night the airport here was so overwhelming.Of course everything is overwhelming to me.Michael and I did get some sleep.I am excited about meeting our son today.Before the day is over we need to go to grocery store and get bottled water and find more items for little one to eat.I can tell you we were not impressed with brussels airport.The flights here were all on time so that was a little better.not much to say at the moment i am excited about meeting our little boy here.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Today is our last day home.We leave tomorrow morning for the airport.I am so excited but yet a bit overwhelmed.I have been doing last minute things on the computer and typing up letters giving my cousin full reign of our children while we are gone.
My husband cant set still its kind of cute lol.I have to go to the bank to get the letters i typed Notarized.Its so nice here today and the bank is like a block and half from our home i think we will walk.I will be spending some quality time with my babies tonight and saying our goodbyes to them.Oh this is so hard i have never left my kids more then 2 days.
I am so ready though to hold my sweet little boy Forever.He is so loved His sisters are so excited to meet him.They are bouncing off the walls lol.They both told me..Mom we will miss you but we know you and Dad are bringing OUR baby home so that makes it OK in the eyes of the kids ha ha.My kids amaze me in so many ways.
I will post when i get the chance from Liberia Africa.Hopefully my next post i will have our boy with me.
My husband cant set still its kind of cute lol.I have to go to the bank to get the letters i typed Notarized.Its so nice here today and the bank is like a block and half from our home i think we will walk.I will be spending some quality time with my babies tonight and saying our goodbyes to them.Oh this is so hard i have never left my kids more then 2 days.
I am so ready though to hold my sweet little boy Forever.He is so loved His sisters are so excited to meet him.They are bouncing off the walls lol.They both told me..Mom we will miss you but we know you and Dad are bringing OUR baby home so that makes it OK in the eyes of the kids ha ha.My kids amaze me in so many ways.
I will post when i get the chance from Liberia Africa.Hopefully my next post i will have our boy with me.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Michael and I went to walmart today to get medicine,groceries and a few other items.The girls did not have school and Landen was not feeling well so he stayed home.We get to walmart and are walking through the baby isle.I needed to get a head neck thing for Jaxson's car seat.I also wanted to get a boppy pillow.I picked them up and put them in the cart.I heard this little voice say...PLEASE rubber ducky Please.Landen loves rubber duckies There was a green one he has a yellow one.It was so cute he plucked it off the shelf holding this rubber ducky like it was a real treasure to him.I could not resist and bought him that rubber ducky.
Tonight during bath time he had his new green duck and his yellow duck in the tub with him.He was singing sesame street Ernie's rubber ducky song...It goes like this..Rubber ducky your the one you make bath time so much fun.Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you quack quack quack quack.Landen cracked me up.I am so going to miss him while we are gone.I am going to miss all my kids so much.
Our luggage is all packed now...I have our file of paperwork almost ready!I need to make a stop at bank to get some copies and draw our monies and get some things notarized and we are set to go.I am spending Friday cleaning house and spending our last evening at home with my kiddos.
Tonight during bath time he had his new green duck and his yellow duck in the tub with him.He was singing sesame street Ernie's rubber ducky song...It goes like this..Rubber ducky your the one you make bath time so much fun.Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you quack quack quack quack.Landen cracked me up.I am so going to miss him while we are gone.I am going to miss all my kids so much.
Our luggage is all packed now...I have our file of paperwork almost ready!I need to make a stop at bank to get some copies and draw our monies and get some things notarized and we are set to go.I am spending Friday cleaning house and spending our last evening at home with my kiddos.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Things have been a bit crazy around here.Today we paid for our tickets !This week is going to be very busy!Making sure my house is spotless and groceries are stocked up.Packing to finish..Letters to type and notarize.I paid all our bills up i am good to go until the first of April.
My cousin Ruby is coming Friday night and staying the night.My aunt Sandy is driving my car to the airport to drop us off.We have Internet access at the hotel and its now available in the rooms.We are taking our laptop so i am hoping to update this blog while we are there.I am so excited in ONE week from today we will be holding our son in our arms.I am so happy that my husband and I are both able to make this journey to our son.
Ruby will be staying with my children here in our home until we return.This will be much easier on Landen not having to leave his surroundings.I am going to miss my kids so so much.Pray my Landen does OK while we are gone.He is a serious Mama,s boy.
My cousin Ruby is coming Friday night and staying the night.My aunt Sandy is driving my car to the airport to drop us off.We have Internet access at the hotel and its now available in the rooms.We are taking our laptop so i am hoping to update this blog while we are there.I am so excited in ONE week from today we will be holding our son in our arms.I am so happy that my husband and I are both able to make this journey to our son.
Ruby will be staying with my children here in our home until we return.This will be much easier on Landen not having to leave his surroundings.I am going to miss my kids so so much.Pray my Landen does OK while we are gone.He is a serious Mama,s boy.
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