I am so thrilled!This evening we went to restaurant to eat supper !I had little one setting up on my lap and he held his head on his own and was looking around.I was so excited he did this for about 30 minutes.He has a hard time turning his head to the left that seems to be the side he is effected by most from his cerebral palsy.When we get home i will have to find something he is interested in and put to his left side so he can strengthen the muscles in his neck.He is the most sweetest child.He don't nap which shocks me because he slept all the time at the home.I think he is used to a crib.He does sleep all night and would sleep all morning if we didn't wake him so we can go eat breakfast.
We went to the market today to get some more cereal for him.I was looking at formula because the can i brought is almost gone.I don't know what is what and i was afraid to buy.So he got Nido which is canned powdered milk.I don't like switching formulas and milks but not much choice until we get home.I also bought some baby food and am adding that to his bottles.He don't like apple bananas flavor .He has cerelac which he loves.. its infant cereal with the milk in it you just add water.Its pricey though and it goes fast i am saving that for the plane as it will be easier to mix that then it would be milk and cereal.
I was also happy to find cans of Pepsi !Michael also bought me some Reece's cookies i was craving chocolate lol.Tomorrow morning we will go have breakfast and then head to the foster home to spend the day.I need to get out of this hotel.My husband is feeling better if he can get rid of his headache.I am praying the travel letter is correct and we have no problems at the airport here.That is my biggest fear.I really need to get home to Landen.Michael said should something go wrong i would return home and he would stay.I am not comfortable with that.I have never traveled alone and this is the biggest trip i have ever taken.Please pray all goes well for us Monday when its time to leave.We have been gone way longer then we had planned and my little one at home is not doing so well.
1 comment:
Great Job Jaxson! :) Te love of a mama and daddy is already making a difference! :) Sorry little guy at ome is not doing so well :( Praying it all works out for you to be ome SOON! I can't remember te time differece so I am at a loss as to wen it is tere!
Big ugs
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