Sunday, March 14, 2010


Our sweet little boy is amazing me.Today he has been kicking his legs all over.He hardly stiffened at all when picked up.This is great for him...I massage him 2 times a day and am noticing it is paying off he is not just laying and not moving he was kicking and smiley all day.He tries so hard to talk its absolutely wonderful.From Monday when we picked him up to today a week later he has changed so much.
We went to dinner tonight and had ice cream for dessert.I had a couple baby spoons i packed so we took one to the restaurant with us and thought why not see if he would eat a little ice cream.I put a tiny bit on the spoon and put it to his mouth.He didn't mind the spoon but the cold of ice cream freaked him out at first.The second bite he went crazy.His little mouth was opening like a bird waiting for a worm. He now has a new found love for ice cream.I did not give him very much as its new and don't want him getting a tummy ache.I definitely think he has been spoon fed or can be.I will ask Oretha if he ever been fed with a spoon because he was doing really good.
The clothes situation i just gave up.Oretha called us to see how we were doing and i asked her if she knew where we could buy some baby clothes for him.Tomorrow is a holiday so nothing will be open.She said after embassy appointment we would go shopping so this child has some things to wear that FIT.Tonight he ate 2 bottles of formula and baby cereal.I changed his diaper massaged him and put his Jammie's on.It wasn't a half our later and he was sleeping like the angel he is.I gave him a bottle today with cereal and a mixed fruit type juice.He did not care for the juice.He likes Prune apple juice though.
We have been trying to do tummy time to help strengthen his back and neck muscles.He is not having it he don't like it and will roll himself over.We have a boppy at home which will be great for this very reason.I am so very proud of his progress and we hope to see lots more of it. I still feel like i am in a dream and i am not really here.I am so so blessed to be his Mother.Our bond is growing deeper everyday.Pray everything goes great at the embassy and pray our flights can be worked out so we can go home Friday.Pray we get the visa and travel letter before or on Friday.

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