Sorry i have not posted sooner!Its been busy with having our little guy with us.He is much tinier then we thought.He smiles all the time.He is so sweet.He has some feeding issues we need to address.He also is constipated and is miserable my poor baby.He loves a certain toy and smiles at it and tries to grab it.
We went to the Embassy today and was told to come back at 2pm.We came back and was told to come back Thursday tomorrow is a holiday.So we wait.I am missing my kids like crazy right now but am enjoying our little guy allot.We will go to the foster home tomorrow and so end some time there.Its hot here but not as bad as i had anticipated...Manageable we just drink lots of bottled water.It is a learning lesseo here lots of poverty but happy people who are so grateful for what they do have.Pray we get great news at embassy and have no problems getting a visa.Then we need to get a travel letter.
This makes me SO happy knowing FINALLY he is in your arms! He is with his mom and dad, where he belongs. I am so happy for ALL of you! XOXOXOXOX
thanks Carie,
I hope we have no problems and can leave with him on the 17th.I wont leave without him.
He fits right in your arms..he loves you already. Such a lucky boy now..Take care there, hope all works out for you.
He fits right in your arms..he loves you already. Such a lucky boy now..Take care there, hope all works out for you.
TAT was te picture I ave been waiting for!!!!!
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