This morning Jaxson was laying next to his daddy on the bed.Michael said honey he is having a seizure.This is the first one he has had with us.He will be seeing the Neurologist when we get home.It was a gran maul and wore him out .I have a vent.The hotel here has complimentary laundry.Michael and I been sending our clothes and the little ones.Our clothes have come back but not Jaxsons i ask about them and they treat me like i am DUMB.He did not have many that fit him to begin with and now he is very low on clothing.I am hand washing in the room i refuse to send anymore of his things if we don't get them back.I am mostly mad because i bought these for him .He only had like 3 outfits that fit and now they are gone.Along with his baby blue blanket with silk on back side. Several pairs of socks and several bibs.He has 2 pair Jamie's out of 5 now and 3 pairs of socks out of 7.all his bibs are gone but 4 of them...I brought 10.
My husband said its OK we can buy him clothes when we get home but it is beside the point.I mean why would someone want my child's clothes?They are not expensive not name brand or anything.I Now have to put him in pants and onesies.It is too hot for Pants but am running out of options.Frustrated right now.The laundry people are to write each article of clothing down.Oh they did all but the babies.OK off my soap box now.
Oh poor baby! What a survivor! The picture shows a beautiful little boy!
Hang in there, I am so happy you are with him and bringing him home. I am continuing in prayer for you all!
My 10 year old daughter has epilepsy. But she has absence seizures, not grand mal! Scary stuff to witness... but hopefully medical help will do wonders for him!
Sounds like he is doing great from your above posts!!!! I am thrilled to hear that! :)
Denise, he is soooo beautiful..we are so psyched for him.
So glad he will get the help he needs.
Thanks for meeting Alexander for us and taking his picture, means so much to the kids.
Hi sue..I have tried to email the pic..Internet connection is so weak i cant get any pics to upload.Maybe tomorrow will be better.
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