I know this pic is a bit fuzzy but wow he has the most Beautiful smile and this one displays it best.Last night i lay ed him on a pillow and played with him for the longest time.He tries so hard to talk its so sweet.He kept raising his arm up wanting us to kiss it and he would smile.I am mad at myself for not making a video of it.I am going to try and make one tonight.He loves to be talked to and played with.Sometimes he moves his arm in the direction of your mouth and sometimes it don't get there.We say I gonna kiss kiss your hand and he smiles when we kiss it.He woke up crying this morning his hip was cramping something bad.I massaged it and it got better.His hip needs to be looked at once home its bigger on left side then the right.
I am so in love with our son.I still feel like i am in a dream!I have dreamed for this day to come.I have a true angel and i am so blessed he is our son.We went to breakfast they have the most awesome Pancakes here.I also got my coffee fix.Its instant but its good..and Yes its safe to drink at hotel restaurant.We walked to the store across the street to get a couple wash cloths.You don't get them in Hotel and wow i need them to wash our face and the crusties from Jaxsons eyes.His eyes get yucky crust not bad but noticeable.On our way back there was a vendor selling beautiful hand carved artifacts.I bought the most beautiful candle stick holder and two hand carved huts.I could not buy allot as its heavy but wow it is beautiful.
At the store my husband found the most beautiful tea set..I collect them and was so thrilled.I now have one from India,Iraq and now Liberia.Its is So beautiful i LOVE IT.Jaxson fell asleep holding his daddies hands.I took a pic and will post another day.He is napping and Michael is watching t.v.Rocky 2 i believe lol.Not much to do today just hanging out in Hotel.When Jaxson wakes up he will be ready for his bottles he eats 2 lol.We call him Emmanuel and sometimes Jaxson Emmanuel.He likes both.He is such a dream child.Hardly ever cries and when he does you know he is hurting or hungry.I am learning what cry is what.He is an amazing angel..I am so blessed to be his mother.I could not ask for a more PERFECT child.God is so Good.
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