Friday, February 8, 2013


Jaxson had a rehab appointment this past week!His baclofen was increased and we are seeing results.Yesterday he discovered his hands and would watch them and was so amazed by them.While at the rehab appointment we asked if we can get a bath chair and a hoyer lift.He is almost 44 lbs and is getting hard for me and husband to lift.It takes months to get these items so we got them ordered now.He has a bath chair that we paid for but he is outgrowing it quickly!
   I have been mad at the school....Landen is autistic..change or break in a structured routine is bad on him the school has Broke all of it  resulting in melt downs and hitting from Landen.I have told them repeatedly when he throws himself down do not touch him..he is Autistic and touch is hard for him.I have told them to use a stern voice and tell him get up now or go to time out..It works and there would be no hitting from him if they would LISTEN.Another problem he is having...Para changing..he has had i don't know how many Paras...this confuses him he is better with the same para everyday all day all through school.I got a nasty note today saying they tried to call me repeatedly...I don't know what phone number they were calling as i was home allday and my cell rang once and it was my sister and my house phone rang alot and NONE of them was the school.Monday i will be calling an IEP!It is chaos at school to Landen and now i see why we are having a hard time getting him on the bus in the mornings!

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