Friday, December 21, 2012


Jaxson had his appointments today..First was nuerosurgery to get his staples out.I was proud of my big guy he did not cry at all.His incisions look Great and he is so happy to get rid of those staples.Second appointment was rehab!He had his balcofen incresed 20%today in his pump and is down to 30 mg oral baclofen.I hope to see results tomorrow with the increase.We go back in 2 weeks to get it increased again and oral backed down again.Jaxson is doing wonderful.I am so happy that he will be able to set up and play again.He has not been able to as his staples pulled so bad.
    We are still waiting for his wheelchair parts to come in.Its been over 3 months ago that they were ordered.I am so ready for it.He is very uncomfortable when setting in it so we have not been using it at all.Jaxson is my hero for all he has been through and how he is so strong to handle all of this every step of the way.

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