Monday, February 25, 2008

Getting closer!

We are so close now to beginning the process for our Adoption.We have saved and saved cut corners on things here at home and have done fundraisers.I am not a patient person and this seems to be my biggest downfall.I dream of our little one and hold our baby in our arms.Our children bless their hearts even help by throwing their spare change in a coffee can which is filling up rather nicely,I cant wait for the day we send agency appliction and start the dossier.It will seem more real to me.My husband thinks come May we will have all the financing we need for our adoption.
I did finally convince him to let us get the homestudy done.He is such a stubborn man But he also the practiacl one.I am the one who takes leaps of faith all the time.I keep telling myself be patient Denise in time it will happen.I will work a lil harder pray a littlt harder that it will happen sooner then later.Where there is a will there is a way.I know God will open this door when he feels its time.I just pray its very soon.

1 comment:

Selah said...

Denise --way to go and get started and I am just beginning too with this blog world. It will be great to watch your journey.