Monday, March 14, 2011

weekend and more!

Our weekend started off great and went bad from there.I cant get into detail on my blog about it all but i can say one of my children was taken to Er and another is sore.They are ok but was a bad weekend and my lawyer was called..It was not a car wreck either.Ok enough on the bad stuff!
Jax had an appointment today with the cp clinic.He got his second round of Botox today and they are now talking about putting a baclofen pump in.He takes baclofen now in his gtube.She says the pump will distribute it better and also decrease his drool some.Basically he will get better effects with the baclofen pump.She gave me an information packet about it and Michael and i will decide if this is a step we want to take.The doc also got onto me for having jax in his stroller and not his wheelchair.I told her well he would be in his wheelchair if we had it.She was not happy to find the wheel chair should of been here months ago and that we had such a problem getting it through insurance.I told her about the email stating it was deliverd to advacare?and they will be calling to deliver it this week or next.So our next appointment he will be setting in it.
So Michael and I have some decisions to make.This evening Jax is sore from his botox shots so he is setting in his activity chair happily.He dont want to be held which is rare as he is a cuddle bug.I just gave him some ibuprofen to help him out a bit my poor sweet boy!

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