Sunday, December 18, 2011


As you all know Jaxson has a g tube and gets all his nutrition from it.He aspirates when he eats.I have been working with feeding with him forawhile now he lost all desire to eat after getting the gtube.I kinda gave up a bit to let him gain weight.Now he is 43 lbs and doing wonderful.So we are going back to bolus and not continuose and trying the spoon again.He has lost all taste for babyfood and will have food blended.One of his favorite things to eat in tapioca pudding.He likes it but struggles because he has lost capabilities to eat.Wish us luck on this.I have been doing lots of oral therapy with him and we are seeing it take effect.He can now pucker and can chomp down pretty good.I would love to see Jax one day eat all kinds of foods by mouth!I know he can because he was eating well before the gtube.

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