Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Allot of people don't understand why we would want to adopt..why we work so hard on paperwork and funding to pay for an international adoption.There are so many orphans out there in the u.s and abroad!But when you see these kids that have no one to call mommy and daddy.No one to tuck them in at night.Nothing to call their own..They share all their toys and clothes with the other children!These are kids and have Nothing to claim as their own.Some cases their are children going hungry and getting not nearly enough to eat.Some countries that treat special needs orphans like no human being should be treated.Not the case with our soon to be daughter but it does happen.I read a couple blogs of some of these children who were mistreated and left in dirty diapers for days dirty clothes for days and lucky if they even get fed.This folks is why we have a passion to love one more child!I get told you cant save them all!I never said i want to save a child.I want to LOVE a child...I want to Mother a child.I cant adopt them all this is true but i can advocate and be their voice i can help them find families that would love them with all they have.

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