Tuesday, August 28, 2012


  Jaxson is such a blessing and i am so so lucky to be his mommy!The past 2 yrs he has been with us i have seen big changes in my little bug!His smile oh so melts my heart!His kisses..Oh my lovey can give me those wonderful drooly kisses all day!I think back to when we were in Liberia and first met him.I was afraid ...He was so sick i was afraid he would not make the flight home.He was so tiny for his 5 yrs of age.After coming home and getting him good nutrition and smothering him in Love i see a complete different little boy!Jaxson may not be able to talk but he is learning his own form of communication.He points at his crib when he is tired!He points at his infinity machine when he is hungry.Now he lifts his arms when he wants his Daddy or I to hold him!He has learned how to turn his toys on by using his mouth!Jaxson Emmanuel is SIMPLY AMAZING!This child whom no one wanted and was afraid of his medical issues.I was never scared of his medical issues..from the first time i saw his picture i was in LOVE..He was our son!I am not saying that everyday is easy.We have days where its nonstop care or nonstop appointments!Jaxson is worth all the hard work and running around.I think about it now...I know in my heart that if Jaxson was still in Liberia we would not be alive!This thought sends chills down my spine..I have been blessed beyond explanation.The  things we take for granted that my child has to work so hard to do.Simple task to us as picking something up.My son works so hard at it.Does it get him down?Not at all he does everything with a smile on his face and he gets lots of praises and kisses for all his hard work and effort.I am so proud of each and every accomplishment Jaxson makes..I love you so much Little bug!I could not imagine my life without you.I am so Happy that you are my son.

1 comment:

The Johnson Family of Seven said...

This is such a beautiful post! That little guy is so precious and strong. You are amazing, Jax is amazing. Your story is amazing.