Monday, February 22, 2010


We have seen some issues with Landen lately... He has spent allot of time in time out this past weekend.He tells us no more and more each day.The big one is he runs from us.I have put a call into the children's hospital behavioral clinic and should hear from them in the morning.
Landens behaviors used to be able to be controlled with time outs and taking a favorite toy away but i am seeing more and more of them.Last Thursday he smacked his para twice and pulled her hair.On Friday he smacked his teacher twice.He has never hit us at home.I am concerned with the hitting and pulling hair.I knew one day we would have to address his issues i was just hoping not so soon.
The good news is he has had NO break through seizures at all!We increased his dose on his medication and that has seemed to do the trick.He also is not sleeping with the third dose like he did before.He slept the first couple days but now it does not seem to phase him.We are working with some signs he has learned at school.He refuses to do them with us but we keep trying.He knows Please really well and thank you.He says please and does the sign.Thank you is a word he just cant seem to get.
He still gets stubborn on the dressing and undressing .Its a challenge but i am not giving up.He is one smart cookie.When he wants a certain shirt he can take the one he has on off and put the one he wants on.I know he can dress himself he just don't want too.
I was really shocked this weekend when he went in his room dumped his box of Lego's and played for a solid 30 minutes with them.Then when he was done picked them all up without being told.I took Landen shoe shopping on Saturday he outgrew his tennis shoes and needed a new pair.2 pair were brought over and i said which ones do you like and he picked them out himself.Of course they are gray and orange Nike' is his all time favorite color.The other pair was black white and Burgundy.He wore them for the first time this evening and was walking funny in them.He always walks funny until he gets used to them silly boy.
We all went to town this evening as a family to buy groceries this evening.It was late to late to come home and make dinner so we went to Chinese buffet for supper.Landen loves the hot and spicy soup and the chicken wings they have.He ate really well and then had his favorite pudding for dessert TAPIOCA.I gave him a bath and boy was he funny.He would hand me his duck and say rubber ducky wanting me to squirt water out of it on him.
Overall Landen is doing really well but i am seeing some issues that concern me and will be having these addressed.I will be scheduling his yearly neurologist and Opthamologist appointment tomorrow as well.I set them now because it takes a month or more to get the appointment.
Landen is an amazing little boy who i have watched blossom over the 5 yrs he has been home with us.I am so blessed to be his mommy!

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