Thursday, April 7, 2011

Casting is working!

Tuesday Jax got a new cast his ankle and foot look so good that next tuesday they are casting to build his brace.I am so excited this worked and has saved him from having tendon surgery for now.They will cast one more time just to keep it from reverting back until he gets his new braces.I am excited as this means he can finally wear a pair of SHOES!All i can get on him is slippers.He has a couple pairs of shoes that fit but his ankle had worsend and it was impossible to get shoes on his feet. Today he has a endocrine appointment and i hope to get a good report on him today.He will be having a physical and medical history soon as he is scheduled for an MRI on april 22nd.I am anxious to get this done to see whats going on in his little brain.The nuero has some concerns as his cat scan shows the outside of his brain is smooth .This should give me answers i have been waiting for. Lately Jax has been trying hard to grab his toys.his muscles wont cooperate but he tries and knocks them over.Its so cute seeing him trying to interact with toys more then he has ever done.He is such a sweety and so fun to parent.

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