Friday, October 15, 2010


It has been crazy here...The other night Michael was putting Jax to bed and had left the extension on his mic_key.It got caught on his sweatshirt pocket and the whole Mic_key came out.I freaked a little but Michael handled it well.He was going to put a new one in but we did not have any lubricant.So we went to the Er and in less then 20 minutes we were done and on our way home.
Jaxson is still throwing up..Last night it was more like spit up.I don't understand as he had his reflux fixed .He will be seeing an ENT as something is going on just don't know what.The suction machine has been fixed which is a great thing.He got suctioned 3 times last night.He still has allot of secretions and snorting going on my poor baby.The snorting had gone away when adenoids were removed but something else is going on.I am looking forward to this appointment.
Landen has been so cute!The things Head toes and says keeps me in stitches.The newest is he lifts his foot and toes and wants you to tickle his toes.He is such a character and cracks me up.
Rebecca is all teenager and is going through a tough spot right now.She had an upcoming eye appointment as she needs new glasses.Her lenses are scratched up.I am sure her tough spot is something to do with a friend at school.It is the only time she gets this way.She will work it out soon.
Linda is a senior this year and keeping me plenty busy.She gets her senior pictures taken this month so she is excited about that.She does odd jobs to make some money and is doing well.
Jax has appointments next week..Monday and Tuesday i hope all goes well at both these appointments.I hope he gets the news he don't need to wear patches anymore that would be awesome.Hoping next week is more mellow cause this one has been crazy!

1 comment:

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

glad the mic key upset is all resolved. Sounds like a busy time aroudn there. Hope you get a less crazy week next week.
