Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Opthamology appointment

The appointment went very well!The patching is working..his eye sight has improved and his crossed eyes also has improved.She said she wants him to patch for one more month then re examine his eyes(dilate) and all to see how good his sight is.After this he will have a surgery to fix the crossed eyes.They are better but not like she wants them.We will see if he gets glasses soon or if he wont need them at all.We have no more appointments this week thank goodness.
While in KC i did some christmas shopping.I about have the 2 youngest christmas all done.Then time to work on the rest of the kids.The 2 youngest are my easiest ones.


Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

so glad patching is working :) WOW! almost done with 2 people's christmas WOW! go you

Denise said...

I am almost done because i shop clearance all through the year for all my kids.It happened to be i found more for the little ones LOL.I am happy i have 2 down and 5 to go.LOL