Thursday, August 19, 2010

What a day!

Jax had four appointments today at children's.First was eye doc..Jax will have to keep his eye patched for another month and be evaluated again then.They did say glasses are in his future.Next appointment was wheel chair fitting.This appointment was long about 2 plus hours.The wheel chair they ordered will be adjusted for a perfect fit for him.It will have his name JAXSON on it and its cranberry red and black.I am praying insurance will help pay for it.The wheelchair is very expensive.We wont get it for about 3 months.He was weighed today too and is up to 28 lbs 4 oz.He is growing so fast!Next appointment i was so excited about.He received his zebra hearing aids.I was prepared for him to cry..Nope he had a look on his face like what the heck?LOL.He was making all kinds of adorable facial expressions.Last appointment was OT he got his braces that he will wear at night for his wrist.They were fit and he did not seem to mind them.We will do on an hour tonight.Increase every night by and hour until he can handle 8 hrs of them on during sleeping time.The doc also increased his baclofen as well.
She also sent a referral to Pulmonary clinic.They think he may have some sleep apnea.I hope they get this appointment quickly as that stuff is scary.Our babe is doing WONDERFUL.He is such a happy guy and coos all the time.
Please say some prayers for us as our family is going through some things.I cant discuss it yet but we can really use some prayers.

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