Sunday, May 18, 2008

love this weather

Today was awsome weather 85 plus degrees.Landen played outside all morning .I brought him in changed his diaper and hubby and I and Landen and Rebecca headed to walmart,Hubby needed some supplies for the camper on a couple things that needed to be fixed.He also picked up some more water proof caulking for my shower.. Dont know why but it keeps comming apart so when we shower we flood the floor.I also needed some more soil for my flower bed and my flower pots.We took the kids to their favorite restuaraunt..Mcdonolds.No hubby and mine but the kids love their nuggets.
We got home and Landen of course stayed out and played.He loves his swing set and kept going down the sliding board.My parents and Brother are at thelake camping so we decided it was to nice to stay home and loaded up all the kids and went to the lake.It was so beutiful today and the water on the lake was so calm.I so having camping fever.We are planning on camping memorial weekend.Thats why hubby been working so hard on our camper.
All said and done i didnt get NOTHING done today...I did 2 loads of laundry and a sink of dishes thats all.So for our Lovely Sunday i promised husband i would help him paint the dog house and trash house.They both are in need of a coat of paint.I also have got to finish my work on my flower bed tomorrow.Landen is such an outside boy,he will be happy that mom will be out alot doing chores tomorrow so he can be outside.He got a new ball today and will be happy to take it out and play with it tomorrow.He loves to bounce balls and play with his hoola hoop.
The kids have 4 days of school left and they are out for the summer.I have got to find activities for the older ones to do.Rebecca has plenty to keep her busy...she has softball practice and softball games..she also has church camp comming up.Its my 14 yr old i need to find things for her to do.Brian got a summer jobso he will keep busy.he wants to buy a car so he is working to save money for one.
All in All today was wonderful...But i have to get my butt in gear and get things done in my yard.i can think of a millioan things i need to do.One step at a time i will get there.

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