Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I goofed up on appointments.With Jax being not feeling well and just being busy with other things i goofed up the appointments yesterday!Michael had a follow up with surgeon,Jax had sleep consult and speech/oral therapy.For some reason i thought they were today and had to scramble to reschedule them.So today at 3:30 Jax had therapy,Michael has follow up at 9 a.m. tomorrow and the sleep consult is for December 7Th.I don't like messing these up because they can be so hard to get.I know everyone makes mistakes but i try hard to stay on top of the appointments.
The weather is cold here and has been raining.Some areas around us are getting snow.I so hope it passes us i am not ready for the white stuff just yet.All in All things are going pretty good here at home.I am excited about cooking and having Thanksgiving dinner here.I need to get in gear and make my grocery list.All my kids but one will be here.Brian is having Thanksgiving dinner with his Dad.William chose to have it with us instead of his Dad's(lots of reasons for this).I am hoping Brian will show up later in the day.Not much happening in the Miller household.

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