Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Both my girls went to the eye doctor and both came out with a prescription.Linda needs them for reading and Rebecca cannot see at a distance.So we will be going to pick out glasses next week.I was at y cousins having coffee today and told her both Linda and Rebecca had eye appoinmtnts.She aid they both need glasses?I said yeah....She said wow i was joking are you serious?
Landen has had diahrea 2 days straight now poor kid.If he has it again in the morining we will be off to see the doctor.I made sure to pack and extra outfit in his diaper bag just in case we have another mess like yesterday.I hope his bout of this is over.I now need to buy diapers as he has went through so many.
I bought a pool pass for the kids and they went swimming today.Of course i cant take Landen until his problem stops.I hope tomorrow cause i promised him we would go to the pool when mommy got off work so we will see how he is feeling.He is not running a fever or anything just has diahrea.
Next week both girls have dental appoinmtents to get their teeth cleaned.Then Brian will get his appoinment after them.He will also be seeing the orthodontist to get his braces.He needs them BADLY.Boy with all the kids eyes and teeth appontmnets they gonna keep me busy.Landen also has an appointment in July with a eurologist.

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