Friday, September 4, 2009


These are the 3 things i battle with most.The dust is awful due to the remodeling all my pictures are covered and curtains too!I have designated today to be the day to de clutter the piles that have formed in places it shouldn't and to dust and scrub everything.My dad is here painting my living room wall.There was a window there that is now a wall as my bedroom is on the other side.Once it is done and dried i can hang my pictures back up.
I will be happy when the remodels are finished.The dust and piles of cans of paint, ceramic tile and so on is starting to dwindle now .Soon we will have a resemblance of normalcy back in our chaotic house hold.
Our big thing right now is trying to get a heat unit in our home.We had an old Gas furnace last winter and it has seen its day.The old timer decided he was too tired and done with it all.So we have been getting estimates for heating and cooling and all duck work to be done before it turns to cold. The estimates have varied Greatly and the one we got today was the best by far.I am positive this is the one we will go with.
I guess this is long enough of a break my wash machine sang it me telling me its time to get my butt in gear.Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend.

1 comment:

All My Beans said...

I am so jealous! Our contractor is driving us crazy with delays and excuses and i need our new bedroom ASAP! I am so envious. i went to pick out paint samples today just to keep my MOJO going!