Wednesday, April 28, 2010

surgery/double booked

The ENTS nurse called and scheduled Jaxson's surgery today.I was not here when she called and hubby took the phone call.It is scheduled on a day that we have 2 children mercy appointments.I am calling tomorrow to see if we can get the surgery date moved to another day.It takes forever to get appointments at childrens and if i switch them it could be many many months away.
I took Jax to the doctor in hopes to get all his shots caught up.The doctor wants to wait until July when all his appointments are done.I am not happy because Jax is so acceptable to so much right now without being current on his shots.I would like to get this adenoid surgery as soon as possible.He has mucus draining off which makes him cough and sometimes choke.It scares me to death.His current weight is 19 lbs and 7 oz.He is growing my sweet baby boy.The doctor wanted to refer Jax to a orthopedic surgeon for his ankle.I had a fit and told him No way we are doing therapy on it and are seeing progress.Let us try this and the Brace (we have appointment in June for a brace) before someone takes a Unecessary surgery on my son.I want to try all outlets before anything like that is done.Jax is building so much strength.. he does not need his back supported when holing him on your shoulder anymore.He does Not stiffen when picked up or scissor at all.He is able to hold his head up for longer periods of time now.I am amazed at how well little one is doing.He has this Rattle ball he loves and when you roll it in front of him he giggles.I love to hear him laugh and i love his smile.He likes to be held and talked to and he tries so hard to talk back.Tonight he petted the cat with my help and he just smiled so big.
Jax will hear my voice or my husbands and go in search of us with his eyes he knows who his mama and daddy are.The seizure medicine is working well we have not seen any seizures at all.He is using the nebulizer treatment less and less i am thrilled about this.Tomorrow he has PT and OT.They will be so amazed when they see what all this little one can do and has done in Just 2 weeks sense his last visit.
I am so happy we got to bring him home.I have worried over him for a long time..Gods timing is perfect he knew Jaxson needed to come home now.I am sad for all of those who are stuck waiting to bring their babies home.I would not know life without Jax in it.As i tell everyone... God made Jaxson just for me.I am so honored to be his mommy.

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