Tuesday, April 8, 2008

health issues

Tommorrow my dearest husband is having a heart cath done.He is so so scared .We dont understand he eats well i mean not fatty he eats right.And he is an active man.He walks alot and always pride himself with goos health so we dont understand how in the world he has a blockage in his artery.Tomorrow at 6 am they will prep him for the surgery and i will be right their with him.
Landen also has been having some issues.He has not been eating very much and I got worried.So we wnt to the doctor and he agreed.Landen has been the same weight for a year.At first the doc wasnt concerned but did say a year he should of gained an ounce or so.So Landen will be seeing a gastro eurologist at childrens mercy hospital he will also see a dietician i hope thats spelled right .
I had to argue a bit but we finally got a nuro appointment.He goes yearly for a check up and he needs his blood darw and have his levels checked for his siezure medication.I am sure he needs an increase as he has had some break through seizures.Please pray for my Husband ,Pray he gets through the anxiety he is having.

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