Thursday, November 20, 2008


To start with...Landen came downstairs this morning and was COVERED in puke and POO!I mean it was everywhere he had it all over the floor down the legs up the back !So he got a shower first off this morning and got to stay home from school.We just completed another shower he had another explosion out the diaper as it happened least he will start the night off clean and a clean bed.We have been putting pullups on him at night and pullups for school.When he comes home from school we switched to training pants.But now we are full time diapers until the diarhea subsides.
I have also been under the weather and seen the doctor today.He thinks i have Rhumatoid arthritis i go for blood work and xrays in the morning.I am praying its NOT rhumatoid that is a vry mean arthritis,He perscribed me pain meds as needed and a antiinflamatory med.I hope it helps.I have not been able to walk the stairs for a week so My husband has been seeing to Landen being tucked in and read too.
I hope noone else in the house gets sick.... we need to stay healthy sheesh.

1 comment:

The Johnson Family of Seven said...

I'm sorry, I hope you all are well soon!!!