Thursday, November 6, 2008


I have been wanting to try these space bags,,,They really work...I had some extra tshirts i wanted to store away and thought i would try them they are so cool and actually do suck down.So i stored them under my bed.I want to get some more to store the kids summer things and extra blankets and such.
I ended up with today off...My boss had an appointment and decided i owuld not be needed today.It kinda stinks because it cuts my already part time hours.So i am using today to go through clothing and Boxing up things to take to the second hand store.The kids brought a pile of clothes they outgrew to me as well as some items they really dont wear.
I am having thanksgiving dinner at my home this year and this is the perfect time to clean and get these clothes and things sorted out.My children all 6 of them are comming and Hannahs boyfriend and williams girlfriend as well as my mother inlaw.I did invite my parents but they are not sure what they are doing for TG dinner yet.
The weather has been crazy...70S all week and today its right down cold.No wonder everyone is starting to get sick.I am doing my best trying not to catch a cold .
No news on our adoption the wait is so hard.I want Jaxson home so bad.I am so ready for him.I held my cousins baby last night and it made me long for Jaxson even more.
Momma loves you Jaxson I cannot wait to hold you in my arms forever kisses and hugs little man soon you will be with Your family.

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