Thursday, June 25, 2009


I am really getting darned Frustrated!Why can they NOT let him come home?Their website says if they have special needs they can get a visa.Well then why are we NOT allowed to get one and bring him home and be drug through all this mess?
My patience are getting worse by each passing day and MONTH that goes by.I am trying hard to hold it together and let God .But i don't understand why a child who NEEDS care and has a family willing and able to give him what he needs and allot of extras cannot come home.This is stinky and i feel bad for all the babies caught up in such a mess.
It is not fair to the children...I know when he comes home this is all forgotten.But when?weeks?Months?YEARS? I love him so much and this is Killing us all.The kids are asking Mom why wont they let Jax comes home?I wanna love my baby brother.Its hard to make them understand the process and what is happening.
OK i will get off my pity pot please please Pray OUR Son home.

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