Sunday, June 14, 2009


wow can i say i admit i have the Lazy's! We did not got to church we slept in longer then usual and just lounging around today.My niece came by and dropped off my Avon and i got to see my most adorable little great nephew he is so sweet(2months old).After they left i took a shower and now am on computer having me a cup of this wonderful coffee and checking emails and such.
I am however going to pot some flowers today.I have put it off to long and it has to get done today.I am also cleaning my front porch and sweeping it down.I plan on working with Landen today on how to peddle his trike.Landen has a summer cold and i have wiped more snot this morning then i have in a year.My son Brian is also sick with an awful cold and Rebecca has been suffering with a sore throat and nasty cough.I dot like these summer colds these kids get.
I am now getting it and have already taken some Robitussin this morning in hopes to keep it at bay.My sweet husband woke me up this morning with a hot cup of coffee in hand.These little things he does for me make my day and they are things i remember best.
My Birthday is June 29Th !My husband bought me a present something i have wanted and asked for for a very long time.I wont get it for 4 weeks but i know its coming.I got a MOTHERS ring.I was SO happy as i have been asking for one for a long time.It will be so beautiful with all 7 of my kids birthstones shining pretty.When we went and i was picking it out and then putting the stones in order by birth it was so neat that Jax is on there.
Yes reality hit i am his MOMMA! I can now say my family is complete.How blessed i am for the what God has given me.For my life and family and children.I am one happy lady and would not change anything about my life.

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