Sunday, November 22, 2009


Linda has been sick sense last Thursday! She got worse this weekend was crying tonight her ear was hurting.It had ewwwy fluid coming out of it.So i took her to the Emergency room tonight.Her throat is really swollen you can tell when she talks.
The doc thought maybe it was strep throat so he took a swab sample and nope not strep.Its MONO!She is out of school for 2 weeks now.They gave her anti for her ear which is infected and a pain medication for her aching ear.Mono there is no medicine for and it has to work itself out on its own.I am worried because she shared some bites of her ice cream with Landen.I am praying he does not get it.
I am praying hard to get some news on why we cannot get a visa for our son.I also hope to hear from our state rep this week.I left him a message and am sure he will call back.I have to be up bright and early in the morning to take Michael to the VA.He has 3 appointments but we want to go early so he can get this cath out.He is miserable at this point.I feel the cath has been in to long and worry about infection.Although they did put him on an anti.
On a good note..This evening Landen was playing and i said what is your name?He has never answered me before but he did tonight he said my name is Landen Le Roy.I was doing dishes when i heard a little voice counting..ONE..TWO...THREE!I was so happy i stopped doing dishes and hugged him.I told him good job and was trying to get him to count to 5.Maybe next time i will hear 1 through 5.

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