Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Woke up this morning to a flooded Kitchen.Our water pipe came unthawed..Yeah great mop up water and yesssssssss i can do laundry and mop floors and... and.. and..It was not to be!Michael heard this gushing sound yup a gushing sound.BROKEN pipe ughh.We did everything to keep any pipes from freezing but when it is in the ground there is not much that could be done.It broke at the end of where it comes out of the ground under the house.Thankfully we do not have to try and dig the yard up with the ground being so hard that would be Impossible.
Plumber comes tomorrow to repair busted pie.I am not happy as its a big expense.My husband is just not able to get under the house right now...He has something wrong with his shoulder and is seeing a surgeon soon.
This spring we will have the pipe dug up and put deeper in the ground under the frost line.I don't want to go through this next winter.We did not get our car tagged like i wanted to today.Michael is sick and didn't feel like going so we wait until Friday that's the next time we can have care Inspected then we can walk over and have the car tagged.
I have emailed the embassy twice now and no replies back.I am sure he is not going to answer me till next week.Its a question that is important and i really need an answer too.I also was not able to get passport pics done because Michael was NOT with me this morning.So this will wait too.I just want everything done in case we get the call to go get our babe.This has not been a very productive day.There is always tomorrow!

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