Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today we spent at the foster home.Jaxson Emmanuel got very upset and today i heard him cry for the first time.We could not figure out why he was crying...Then it clicked...I think he thought we were leaving him there.One of the caregivers fed him and he cried.Then she put him in stroller and he cried.i got him out and walked around with him talking to him and he stopped.I took him into his old crib to lay him down to change his diaper and he cried.Thats when the light went off that he thought we were leaving him.So we decided we spent enough time at the home it was time to go.
The kids are all so wonderful and loving!They all want to go to their families desperatly.I loved spending time with all of them.They are so sweet and wonderful.Now i am off to walk to store and find something to help Jaxson go potty his tummy hurts.

1 comment:

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

awww e knows you are mommy! I am prayin for te babies waiting!
