Friday, August 14, 2009


I took the girls shopping today to get new shoes and school supplies for them.I will take the boys next week.This was the WORST shopping trip ever.For starters both girls were mad at me because i would not take them to the mall shopping.Then the shoe store was big ordeal when my 14 yr old got mad because i refused to buy her a pair of 103.00 shoes.
They did not need many clothing items as they just went shopping in colorado but thought they were going to benefit twofold on clothing.I was so upset with my girls.They Know mom has to budget every dollar that comes in this house.They know we dont BUY Expensive shoes...If you look around at stores you can get Nikes alot cheaper which is what we did.I was so mad and frustrated at them for their actions we left and came home.I told My husband he can take them shopping next time because they were being little pain in the butts lol.
I cant believe they acted like this..I have taught them what a value of a dollar is and how to make it stretch.I have taught them you can get Nice clothes that are like the expensive ones and just as good quility for cheaper elsewhere.I taught them to shop in thriftstores and yardsales to fine super nice stuff.I was appauled at their behavior today.I told them both if they want expensive things they need to get busy doing little jobs..Babysetting,mow lawns whatever to buy those things they really dont need.For now on i will take the boys shopping and Michael can take the girls.Bad behavior today costed them much at home!

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