Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I am pretty Positive we will be holding our son in January.I am excited but also scared as things have not went a bit smooth at all and i worry about more bumps in the road.But right now we are treading forward and hope to hear we may travel in January(Pretty positive of this).I am going to get through Christmas and New years and then begin the preparing for Jaxson.I will repack our bags and make sure we have everything we need.rewash his crib bedding so it is fresh and ready for him to come home.Make sure all bills are paid early for the Month of January have car seat installed at the sheriffs office and anything else i can think of.I am getting excited to know our long wait is close to an end in sight and our son will be with his forever family soon.
I have allot going on in the New year so it should make the time pass quickly until we get that email saying we can go to Liberia.I am so so ready to hold my sweet boy in my arms and never let him go.wow to think we are so close.The excitement is starting to mound..The kids are scared that it wont happen and are staying guarded..I cant say i don't blame them One bit.
My husband and i... is a different story we talk about what needs to be done when we go and what it will be like when we first meet our son.

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