Monday, December 21, 2009


The embassy has replied to my email.It was not as bad as i thought.He needed a couple documents from our agency and they are being gathered now.Then there is the orphan investigation?I don't know much about this at all.I did ask him how long that will take and am waiting to hear back.I hope it is not to long.Over all this sounds much better then what i anticipated.I am praying we leave in January sometime.
I did cringe when i seen it in my email..closed my eyes and clicked.It was not as bad as i thought and all the sleep i lost over the weekend stressing about it all.I do have to say i feel bad for the other parents going through this.The files are a mess and there was another child's mixed in with ours.I have let agency know so they can make this aware to other families who may have some unexpected twist with the Embassy.documents are missing too hence having to call and get the 2 the Embassy needed.
Lots of prayer we travel in January! I am excited no matter what we are a step closer to our son.

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