Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I have been suffering a really bad sinus headache today!We got more snow last night.It was not allot but the temps are now in the minuses and will be the next few days.I have slept allot today and just taken it easy nursing this headache i have.Landen has played all day with all his new birthday and Christmas toys.He is so into cars this year.He usually don't like cars and trucks but if they make noise and light up or play music he loves them.So all day he has been running up and down the hallway happily playing with his cars.
I let him lounge in his Jammie's all day.Why get dressed we were not leaving the house anyway .He has loved it too and has been happy boy all day.Rebecca is bored and can not wait until Monday to return to school.
I am praying for some type of news next week on our sweet little Boy far away in Liberia.I am ready to bring him home and love him.Those cheeks he has are so cute and kissable.This waiting is hard.I know we are so close to going but it can not come soon enough.We have waited so long and Jax has waited far Longer.I hope he bonds well to us His Little life has been the same existence for a long time and now soon his whole world will change.

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