Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I held the most adorable 2 month old baby girl today.this precious baby is so sweet.She smiled and cooed and is just to sweet.This baby laid in Jaxson's bouncy seat and napped in his crib today.This Baby made me long for my Jaxson so much.It made me think about what it will be like to see our Jaxson setting in his bouncy seat and sleeping in his crib.
I long to hold my son so much.I want to love him and play with him and cuddle him when he is scared or sad.I want to be the one with him when he is sick or when he is happy.I want to parent my son.
Michael held her too and he said..MAN this makes me want our son home even more then ever.We both set and talked about Jax today.How Christmas is hard this year because one of our children will not be here .How much we both long for our sweet little boy.
I have had a hard time after holding loving and feeding that baby today.Tears trickled down as i held her thinking to myself..I should be holding our son.I should be on the floor playing with him right now.He should be doing all these fun things such and seeing Santa clause and looking at Christmas lights and celebrating this wonderful holiday with us.
I am praying very hard we can bring our sweet child home soon.It is time for him to come home.It is time he gets a family who loves him so much and wants him.A family who thinks he is the most cutest kid ever.Our teen girls are so excited about their baby brother.We go shopping and they say Mom you should buy that outfit or that toy for Little jaxson he would love it.
All i want is to parent my child.Watch him blossom and grow and learn his personality.Learn his quirks and his needs.watch him grow and thrive with all the love in our home waiting for him.This child is so loved and adored and we all are anxious to show it to him.
Holding that baby today brought so much emotion out.Made me want so badly to spend Christmas in Liberia with our precious angel.He will be with me on Christmas more then ever.He is always with me.Everyday that passes we love him more and more.I hope our days of longing end soon and we meet our son soon.

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