Monday, August 18, 2008


I am so happy our homestudy is almost completed.Our child abuse checks Finally arrivedAnother step closer to our sweet little babe.I have some thing to mail to social worker tomorrow and once sge recieves we will be almost complete.
I didnt get as much done at home as i had planned to get done today.Today was my day off and i wanted to shampoo carpets and put Elijahs crib up.Nope it didnt get done.I got side tracked with a ton of other stuff going on.So Maybe this saturday i can get more done.I work the rest of the week so it will have to wait until a day off like Saturday.
It was weird the house being quiet with the kids in school and husband at work.I enjoyed my morning coffee in peace and quiet on the back deck this morning.That was nice.I love setting on my deck.Its so quiet and i have shade.Its my favorite spot outside to be.
Boy i can feel my true age..All that walking at worlds of fun My calfs are so sore and my feet are a bit swolen.But it was so worth it.To see all our kids togteher and having a great time.Ok i am rambling now.
I pray to send I600A off pretty soon and wait for our fingerprint appointment.Another step closer to our sweet angel we are so anxious to get home.

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