Saturday, August 9, 2008

under the weather

I dont know what hit me but i woke up sick this morning.I am not running a fever just feel blahh.So most of the day i have layed around and slept on and off.My kids and husband have been great caring for Landen.I dont want him getting sick.Today we were goig to take the kiddos fishing and have a picnic at the lake.
We will have to do this another time.Maybe during the week for a couple hours.The kids start school on thursday which i think is so odd.They have school Thursday are out friday not worth going i thought it wierd how they did this this year.
Now that i have slept most of my day away and i feel somewhat better i am working on the laundry and picking up the house a bit.Landen is still up but he is slowly winding down.He has learned to flush the toilet and goes in the bathroom to flush it and say....THE BIG SPLASH lol.Now if i can just get him to not be so stubborn and potty train.Tomorrow we are having lunch with my mother inlaw so i hope i am all the way back to my normal self.

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