Monday, September 8, 2008


I orderd a couple books about cerebral palsey from i am so impressed with a book called Teaching Motor skills to children with cerebral palsey by Sieglinde Martin.I got it this morning and have read alot of it today.Some of the things that help cp kids are so easy...Just laying them on the tummy or even their side strengthens muscles.This book is really great and will help us bunches with our little guy.I will be taking it to Liberia with me so i can do some of the stretches and messages on him while we are there.The sooner the better for him.
I have learned so much about cp and am still learning you can never learn enough..When we were adopting our son from India i Studied Everything i could about his special needs .I do feel that what i learned did help in many ways he has come SO FAR.His progress amazes me and what all he has learned.I know Emmanuel will do the same.
I am hoping our homestudies come tomorrow. We are waiting on them so we can apply for our I600A.Tomorrow hubby should see the doc and hopefully have his doctor letter by Friday.It is the last thing needed for the dossier because dummie me sent dossier to agency and forgot to get these letters.
Maybe when all my end is done i can get a full nights sleep.I lay in bed at night and go over what is needed and what needs to be done.And of course things like deviding my time for the 5 kids in the home and especially deviding my time with Landen and Emmanuel once he is home.Landen is a serious Mommas boy.My brain dont shut down as i lay there and think of so many things.How is he? How will he react when we meet him? how will our adjustment be? will he bond easily with us?and of course will i be able to give all my kids what they need.I know i can just be an adjustment at first.I also think of my shopping list of theings i still need to purchase for our trip when we go.I am driving myself crazy.I sleep about 3 hrs a night ughh.I think i will get some tylonol pm so i can get one good night sleep.Well im out to curl up on the sofa and read some more of my new book.Supper is done and Landen is happily playing and the kids are doing homework.What better time to get some reading in.

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