Sunday, January 4, 2009


I have this thing with me...Everytime we do an adoption i dont sleep!My mind dont shut down all i think about is my child and how they are(even though i know Jax is in good hands).When we adopted Rebecca 6 yrs ago i hardly slept the WHOLE 9 Months we waited for her.Then there was Landen who was a much more stressful adoption then Rebeccas was(took almost 2 yrs to get him home).I shed many tears for him because of the wait and wondering if i would ever hold him in my arms.He was 2 1/2 when we began his adoption and he was 4 1/2 when he fianlly came home.
Now here i am again with sleep issues wondering when when when are we going to go get him.I pray everyday this adoption goes smoother then our last one.the worry and heartache with him was so overwhelming.The wait was excrutiating.I do like when we get pictures and updates because it makes me feel closer to him.I was really happy when i got a chance to send him a gift from us.But its still not the same as him actually being home forever. I have started working on embroidery again i spned and hour or 2 in the evenings on it.I am making a eyore quilt for Jaxsons crib.I am halfway done with it. I also have a couple bibs i need to work on.I have hand made things for each one of my children to pass the time with the wait. Also to give them something that means love from their momma. I have made a blanket for each of the children and now Jax will have one too!
I dream of when we go and seeing his sweet face for the first time.I have had so much fun shopping for clothes and toys and things to take for the week we are in liberia picking him up to be FOREVER ours. All i have left to buy for Jax is diapers everything else is bought.Formula ,Bottles,Rice cereal,babyfood, wipes ,clothes ,Pjs ,toys bath stuff and lotion,baby tylonol,blankets,diaper bag and a carrier to put him in so he is close to me and his daddy at all times.I am praying to hear good news this month that we get a travel date soon!I had my way i would be on my way NOW! I am also praying we get our I171H this week or next now that USCIS has the documents they have asked for.I think about him always about how his adjustment is going to be and his bonding with us how that will go. Will he be happy we are his mommy and daddy?How will he do with his brothers and sisters? How will they do with Jax( I know that will be great they are EXCITED about their baby brother).My mind just reels with so much.Michael always tells me...Babe you do this everytime we become parents again you know it will be ok and we will have a blessed child to love in the end.I know he is right bt STILL!
To those who read my blog any suggestions on what to do to SLEEP? This is starting to effect my everyday life.I live on COFFEE all the time through out the day to survive(sleep 2 to 3 hrs a night is all).I need sleep i need to function for the family and for my well being. But i cant get my mind to shut down.Anysuggestions would help.I have tried tylonol pm and hot showers i dont know what elase to do.Help!

1 comment:

The Johnson Family of Seven said...

Do some yoga, take bubble baths before bed, and put in a relaxation CD to listen to while you try to fall asleep! I was where you are, and this helped me :)